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The Hunger Games: STAR WARS Edition – Spectator’s Lounge


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Did Canderous prove his mettle for the mask or was it just handed to him on a silver platter?
I think there are differing stories on how he got his mask, but I also recall Mandalorians challenging him when he claimed to be Mandalore. I imagine if there was someone better than him, they would have come out and beaten him.


Anymore thoughts on this then?

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I think there are differing stories on how he got his mask, but I also recall Mandalorians challenging him when he claimed to be Mandalore. I imagine if there was someone better than him, they would have come out and beaten him.


Anymore thoughts on this then?


Revan just gave him the helmet, after he helped out against the Sith Empire.

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Maybe tomorrow, atm I'm wasted as usual.


PS: Are you ever gona post in the Most Powerful?



I've been busy getting some RL stuff for the past week or so, so I haven't had time. I've managed to get that out of the way though, so I'm putting that time back into the Most Powerful, should definitely get something up this week.

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Eh, the only thing I'd like to add that Canderous survived the fight with Nihilus, who even when weakened ***** on anyone here power-wise.


Problem with this though....show me a source that actually states Canderous was actually in the fight. Because as far as Sources go, it's only noted that the Exile and Visas were in the fight, no mention of Mandalore at all. The game forces you to bring him along, because the Mandalorians have the proton charges...ok so whose to say while Mandalore and his Mandos were busy dealing with the Sith Troops aboard, that the Exile and Visas didn't confront him?


In fact, that what the source says, that only the Exile and Visas confronted him together.


Although Darth Nihilus managed to stun the Exile, he was unprepared for the devotion of his former pupil Marr to the young woman. Marr tried to exchange her life for that of the Exile, giving the former Jedi time to recover. Together, they confronted Darth Nihilus. The Sith Lord was no match for their combined might, and he fell in battle.


--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Hm? Because realistically, it makes no sense for Mandalore to be involved in that fight at all...period. There's also the note, that Kanos could replicate the same thing anyway since he is superior across the board.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I agree with Zoltan, no way can Kanos withstand the powers of Darth Nihilus. :)


Zoltan never said that, just that Canderous survived which is game only, source says different and in Sources, nowhere it says Mandalore actually encountered Nihilus.


So therefore, no...no Mandalore didn't survive anything.


Now Beni, how long are you gonna drag this out?


Because even you should know that this is really one sided with the terrible lack of....well anything in Mandalore's favor.

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Zoltan never said that, just that Canderous survived which is game only, source says different and in Sources, nowhere it says Mandalore actually encountered Nihilus.


So therefore, no...no Mandalore didn't survive anything.

You'd like to think that wouldn't you. :)
Now Beni, how long are you gonna drag this out?


Because even you should know that this is really one sided with the terrible lack of....well anything in Mandalore's favor.

Expect a verdict later today. :jawa_wink: Edited by Beniboybling
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Didnt Nihilus like kill an entire planet by holding a speech and wouldnt that mean that even being on the same ship as him is an impressive endurance feat?


The Mandalorians and other Sith forces aboard didn't seem to have any trouble, so I'm not sure it's really anything great. Plus Mandalore opted for he and his Mandos to go aboard the Ravager, instead of TSF and Onderon forces, implying there wasn't any real danger with being aboard the ship.


The only thing we have as far as anything bad is Tobin, but he was in Nihilus' presence and driven man rather than just being on the ship

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Didnt Nihilus like kill an entire planet by holding a speech and wouldnt that mean that even being on the same ship as him is an impressive endurance feat?

Exactly, what kind of tremendous power must Canderous wield to defend against a planet killer?


Nothing Kanos can overcome that's for sure. :)

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The arena has been updated!




Moving onward, Quinlan Vos is facing off against Aurra Sing and Cad Bane, during which Atton is able to make his escape. Vos is armed with a vibroblade (as well as having an energy bow across his back) as is Sing, along with a DH-17 and an E-11 sniper rifle. Finally we have Bane armed with two LL-30 blaster pistols. Who wins? Who dies. :)


Aurra Sing

[PT-era Aurra Sing]


A feared bounty hunter of unknown species, Aurra Sing is an expert sniper and deadly assassin willing to work for whomever pays. Viciousness and ruthlessness makes her an expert in her trade, she bears a special hatred for Jedi.


Skills: Skilled lightsaber duellist: Jar’Kai, Force-sensitive: battlemind/Force sight, expert markswoman and sniper, skilled Jedi killer, augmented with bio computer that improves reactions and awareness.

Cad Bane

A brutal and ruthless bounty hunter from Duro, Cad Bane was a preeminent blaster-for-hire during the Clone Wars. Crafty, resourceful and completely without scruples, Bane takes on the best jobs for the best pay. He is an effective and capable leader, who lets nothing get in his way and is never phased.


Skills: Expert in multiple forms of weaponry and tech, expert in blaster pistol handling, hand-to-hand combat trained, accomplished Jedi killer, mind trick resistant, speaks Huttese, Jawaese and likely other languages, capable actor, tactical ingenuity.

Quinlan Vos

[Early Dark Disciple Vos]


A former maverick member of the Jedi Order with a sarcastic sense of humour and expert tracking skills, Vos straddles the light and dark after becoming both a disciple and lover of the former Sith assassin Asajj Ventress. And with former allegiances muddied no one can be sure how Vos will act bar to protect his love.


Skills: Expert lightsaber duellist: Ataru/Vaapad/Jar’Kai, hand-to-hand combat trained, trained Force-sensitive: Psychometry/beast control/Force stealth/Dark rage, trained in espionage, expert tracker, underworld expert.


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I'm not very familiar with Sing, but her and Bane would probably give Vos a run for his money, though I doubt they could finish him off. When fighting Jedi, both seem to rely a lot on surprise, without that, they'll have to work for a living.


If Vos starts getting overwhelmed, he could probably just run without much trouble.


Ventress is already gone, so we can't expect help from her, but Atton might seize the moment to take more pot shots at Sing. I imagine he doesn't like being shot at.

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I'm not very familiar with Sing, but her and Bane would probably give Vos a run for his money, though I doubt they could finish him off. When fighting Jedi, both seem to rely a lot on surprise, without that, they'll have to work for a living.


If Vos starts getting overwhelmed, he could probably just run without much trouble.


Ventress is already gone, so we can't expect help from her, but Atton might seize the moment to take more pot shots at Sing. I imagine he doesn't like being shot at.


I know the circumstances are vastly different, but....


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I'm going to give props for Vos here. He's not getting killed here. He did survive Order 66, which saw worse odds for him than this.


I'd say that if someone has to die here then I'd say it would be Sing. Bane has more respectable showings than her, and Aayla Secura (who was Vos's apprentice) could have killed her in one part of the Clone Wars, but didn't, so I'd say Vos could more than replicate that especially since Sing doesn't have the element of surprise.

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