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Returning Player Questions - Cartel Market and Companion/Quest Oddities


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I played at release and left after Ilum was around a month old. I had finished my Knight and Trooper class stories and all companion quests for both characters. The Knight romanced Kira and the Trooper romanced Elara. I haven't played the Knight as much so far, I'm pretty sure that Kira said something that made me think that still held. However, I was using Elara as a healer while playing the Trooper and got a courting gift. It says it would have no effect on Elara. I'm not maxed on her influence because there were only 10 levels when I quit. Is this an indicator that something isn't working? The only thing that has made me think the romance is still in place is that I had the option to tell Jaxo (who was still broken back when I left) that I was with someone.


Also, in the Cartel Market, are Strategy Alliance packs the only ones available? I was looking at all the items in Wild Explorer, etc. and can't find where to buy those other ones.


Any help is appreciated.

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Since 4.0, companions have been buggy. Specifically, most (all?) don't seem to recognize their romance gifts, especially courting. People have been complaining about their romanced partners not responding properly (well, guess that happens with age ;)). But yeah, buggy. Hopefully it is only the courting gifts for you. You can check the latest influence tables here:



Yup, apparently that's it for packs. They've been mucking with the system a lot lately, to much chagrin. Me, zero interest in rng packs. Lots of better things to spend CC on, IMO.

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Just checked. My romanced Elara ignores the courting gifts. Bug.

(Haven't started KotFE on this character, so it's not a terminal-rezzed Elara).


I can't recall a romanced companion yet that is responding properly to romance-triggered gifts.

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