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Optimal gearing for PvP as Fury (discussion/thought sharing)


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Hello there! i've been experimenting with pvp builts in my marafor quite some time now and i while i've reached a conclusion about where i want to be in terms of spec( fury) and utilities, i cannot make up my mind in regards to the otpimal stats


so far we've had some pretty comprehensive itemisation guides about PvE and max DPS but they definately do not suit competitive PvP, too much accuracy, kinda heavy in alacrity, favor sustained over burst etc


empirically i'm leaning towards


0 accuracy (i only care about obliterate/despatch and the last tick of ravage missing so...), as anni and carnage i went up to 5% but as Fury the appeal is kinda limited as much of the total DPS is force based, do you agree?


0 alacrity, i do not see the benefit of having something like 8-12% alacrity in pvp settings in which you are constantly stunned,rooted,chasing moving targets etc, also pretending to play in a 1 MS and 100 FPS setting is not really representative of my situation at least, there is some reasonable lag which can limit the effectiveness of alacrity imo, as if you do not manage to get in extra hits it's almost worthless


crit up to 40%, and the rest in power, i cannot really decide between those 2 but i'm leaning more and more towards crit, the point is that every stat has a sort of 'diminishing returns' and i don't know how high is too high, also i cannot tell whether 35% or 40% or even 45% is best, i only know my built works but not whether it's optimal


so assuming all i care about is how hard my Raging Burst and Furious Strike hit what's the right mixture?


also when you actually crit, will a max crit rating built hit harder than a max power built (i assume yes?) or is there some sweet spot in the middle


imo the question essentially is a simple as this, how to make your Raging Burst/Furious Strike hit the hardest, sustained DPS hardly matters, so any insight?

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As Fury, you get the furious rage buff after using furious strike, which boosts your next raging burst. Having a lot of power will make that raging burst autocrit hit harder. End of story. You want really big single raging bursts, go full power.


The catch is that if the fight lasts for more than 1 or 2 minutes, full power is actually going to become a dps loss. What I mean by that is the other stats you've left out like accuracy, alacrity and crit....those stats really start to shine in battles that will take a bit of time.


The flip side to that fact, is that as a Fury marauder or Rage jug, we're not worried about the overall damage numbers at the final scorecard. We're only worried about the number of kills. Additionally we're concerned with the size of our hits, because a series of 15k+ hits are acting like assists in hockey, even if we don't get the final blow.


There are a number of ways to compound your burst. Check out the beauty of rage thread on the juggernaut forums to see a list of burst combos. When you line up these combos, you'll find yourself in command of damage that tries to stack and deliver all at once. This same principle is what separates good AP power techs from beginners. They too must stack their burst to explode all at once.


Try it out. Go 35% crit. 5% accuracy. Rest Full power. Come back and let us know if we should all drop down from 40% crit and join you.

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I go with 0 accuracy (101%), 0 alacrity, around 1400 crit, rest power (about 3300). I've experimented with 104.99% accuracy vs 101% accuracy, and I am pretty sure that I prefer 101% - I notice bigger hits and I do not notice more misses.


Finding the ideal Crit / Power ratio is a bit trickier. I agree with UncleOst - don't care so much about the damage numbers on the scorecard. We want to kill our targets with burst.

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