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Spoiler Emo is strong with the Skywalkers!


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In a New Hope, and ESB, Luke was a little whiner. Whether it was to his uncle, or to Yoda, it was pretty bad.


In Phantom Menace, Anakin didn't whine, but in the 2nd and 3rd, he whined a lot. My master just doesn't understand. Or any of the other tirades he went on.


In the Force Awakens of course, we have Ren's 3 year old temper tantrums. It caused me to laugh, but really not like the guy, even less than I did his grandfather. Seriously, after working in a nursery, he puts every child to shame on their emo abilities!


Is this a sign of generations growing up? In the 70's, people wanted change, but lived with what they had. In 2000, younger generation felt misunderstood. Now, kids are just whiny little !@#$!@$#! that needed to be spanked more growing up? Maybe that is Ren's problem. Han seems like a father who would be a distant father emotionally. Leia, with the whole rebellion and stuff was probably pretty busy. C3PO raised their kids in the books, no reason to doubt he didn't do it here too. So maybe if Leia had spanked him more often, it would have been better for the galaxy?

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I actually prefer Ren's tantrums over the Anakin whining, simply because it emphasizes his volatility.


Anakin, and to a lesser degree Luke, had "it's not fair!" sob fests. Boring. Annoying. Stupid.


Now Ren, he has "It's not fair! the world is going to suffer for it!" which is more interesting personally. Still stupid, maybe annoying (depending on how you want to see the character), but certainly not boring.

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Wow. I didn't get that feeling from Luke at all. Sure, a bit here and there, but not a lot to make it seem like a big character trait (him being 18 at that).


Anakin was 18-20? Then a bit older in Ep3. He likely needed to be emo just to seperate himself from the other Jedi's. Also, he was going to be passed over on everything no matter how unemo he was. Which just makes one more emo :p


Ren. Yes, he sounds like a lot of young people today. Whine whine whine I have parent issues, going to throw a temper tamtrum :p

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Wow. I didn't get that feeling from Luke at all. Sure, a bit here and there, but not a lot to make it seem like a big character trait (him being 18 at that).


Anakin was 18-20? Then a bit older in Ep3. He likely needed to be emo just to seperate himself from the other Jedi's. Also, he was going to be passed over on everything no matter how unemo he was. Which just makes one more emo :p


Ren. Yes, he sounds like a lot of young people today. Whine whine whine I have parent issues, going to throw a temper tamtrum :p


Some of Luke's first lines were whining, and it didn't stop until he left Degobah.


Anakin's whining was even worse in the novelization of the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. If I could have used force strange, I probably would have.


And Darth Emo really did provide one of my favorite moments in the movie with his tantrum. I loved the troopers walking in the hallway, then turning the other way because he was having an episode. I laughed. But still, he destroyed stuff with his lightsaber because he didn't get ice cream after dinner. He did it a couple times. Come on, who was more intimidating? Darth Vader strangled you because he screwed up and you told him the bad news. Darth emo just cries like a baby. I really hate this guy as the villain.

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Some of Luke's first lines were whining, and it didn't stop until he left Degobah.


To be fair, he was whiney in ANH but not as bad as Anakin's two movie straight of whineyness.

Luke's bouts of whining were more understandable than Anakin's, which came off more like a selfish dick than anything else.


Arriving on and during his time on Dagobah, he wasn't really whiney at all.

He was understandably frustrated and angry since he'd been lead here by Obi-Wan's words to find Yoda, which changed to eagerness and determination when Yoda told him he was too old to be trained, after deliberately leading Luke to believe that he was nothing more than an interfering crazy old hermit on a less than hospitable swamp planet, and again deliberately pushing the obviously frustrated Luke into an outburst. In short, all things considered, Yoda was being a dick to Luke at this point.


When all is said and done though, Luke and Anakin were very different as Jedi. Particularly down to Anakin's arrogance and selfishness, which wasn't helped by the Jedi Council and Obi-Wan apparently being idiots throughout all three of the prequels.

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nts in the movie with his tantrum. I loved the troopers walking in the hallway, then turning the other way because he was having an episode. I laughed. But still, he destroyed stuff with his lightsaber because he didn't get ice cream after dinner. He did it a couple times. Come on, who was more intimidating? Darth Vader strangled you because he screwed up and you told him the bad news. Darth emo just cries like a baby. I really hate this guy as the villain.


ohh for crying out loud, did they have to have JJ Abrams come on screen and explain the obvious subtext of Kylo Ren to you? yeah Vader when he was ticked off, he let the dark side flow and shot the messanger, Kylo Ren however, did not. because he hasn't fully embraced the dark side, his temper tantrums are basicly ones he chooses to have. "I wanna be a Sith, I need to embrace my anger!" Kylo Ren isn't the bad *** Sith Lord like Vader was, the trick to understanding him is to realize that he's a POSER a fake, a fraud, he's a little boy, running around in granddad's shoes saying "I wanna be a sith lord when I grow up!"


thing is, he's still early in his career, the star wars movies prior to now have focused on a single heros Journey, with the villans being fleshed and formed. The new trilogy isn't doing that, Kylo Ren will grow as well as Rey. expect the next movie to feature both him and Rey taking a level of bad ***.

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ohh for crying out loud, did they have to have JJ Abrams come on screen and explain the obvious subtext of Kylo Ren to you? yeah Vader when he was ticked off, he let the dark side flow and shot the messanger, Kylo Ren however, did not. because he hasn't fully embraced the dark side, his temper tantrums are basicly ones he chooses to have. "I wanna be a Sith, I need to embrace my anger!" Kylo Ren isn't the bad *** Sith Lord like Vader was, the trick to understanding him is to realize that he's a POSER a fake, a fraud, he's a little boy, running around in granddad's shoes saying "I wanna be a sith lord when I grow up!"


thing is, he's still early in his career, the star wars movies prior to now have focused on a single heros Journey, with the villans being fleshed and formed. The new trilogy isn't doing that, Kylo Ren will grow as well as Rey. expect the next movie to feature both him and Rey taking a level of bad ***.


This is what I got from it as well. Every time someone tells me how they think Ren is a pathetic excuse for a Sith, I agree and say "Yeah, because he isn't one. He's a wanna be Vader and they wrote him that way for a reason." The Sith are dead at this point and Ren is trying to emulate what he's heard or read of Darth Vader. I'm more curious about who Snoke is and what kind of training he plans on putting Ren through.

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This is what I got from it as well. Every time someone tells me how they think Ren is a pathetic excuse for a Sith, I agree and say "Yeah, because he isn't one. He's a wanna be Vader and they wrote him that way for a reason." The Sith are dead at this point and Ren is trying to emulate what he's heard or read of Darth Vader. I'm more curious about who Snoke is and what kind of training he plans on putting Ren through.


agreed. I think episode 8 has the potential to be intreasting as we'll likely see both Ren and Rey undergoing training

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What's interesting is that in the first two trilogies, the "young whiny Skywalker" character always ended up being the hero of his respective trilogy. So assuming that they continue the pattern with this new trilogy, could that mean that Ben will...


It's Disney. So there will be a big moment in the 3rd movie, where Rey will be in danger, probably from Snoke, and Ben will re-emerge as some great guy and save the day. It will put all his past blunders in the past. I doubt he will die from it like old Anny did, but just watch. He is struggling with the dark side already. He only does what is evil, not because it is how he feels, but because he wants to be evil. So a moment will come where he will follow the light side.


I just hope we have seen the last of his temper tantrums.

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It's Disney. So there will be a big moment in the 3rd movie, where Rey will be in danger, probably from Snoke, and Ben will re-emerge as some great guy and save the day. It will put all his past blunders in the past. I doubt he will die from it like old Anny did, but just watch. He is struggling with the dark side already. He only does what is evil, not because it is how he feels, but because he wants to be evil. So a moment will come where he will follow the light side.


I just hope we have seen the last of his temper tantrums.


That's not just Disney, that's Star Wars for any force user. :p "Oh hey! You use the force and killed many people! That was just the dark side! Now you're back on the light side!"


Non force user who does the same thing, is just a ***** :p

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In a New Hope, and ESB, Luke was a little whiner. Whether it was to his uncle, or to Yoda, it was pretty bad.


In Phantom Menace, Anakin didn't whine, but in the 2nd and 3rd, he whined a lot. My master just doesn't understand. Or any of the other tirades he went on.


In the Force Awakens of course, we have Ren's 3 year old temper tantrums. It caused me to laugh, but really not like the guy, even less than I did his grandfather. Seriously, after working in a nursery, he puts every child to shame on their emo abilities!


Is this a sign of generations growing up? In the 70's, people wanted change, but lived with what they had. In 2000, younger generation felt misunderstood. Now, kids are just whiny little !@#$!@$#! that needed to be spanked more growing up? Maybe that is Ren's problem. Han seems like a father who would be a distant father emotionally. Leia, with the whole rebellion and stuff was probably pretty busy. C3PO raised their kids in the books, no reason to doubt he didn't do it here too. So maybe if Leia had spanked him more often, it would have been better for the galaxy?

People are emo about people being emo in movies. That's the hipster thing to do now. And it's complete drama queen behavior. Showing emotion isn't being whiney. It's being a human and not a robot. People that bottle their emotions up are the ones that are usually the most emo. Because they're too insecure to express it. And then they explode in a totally inappropriate and cringe worthy manner.


You're whining. About whining. And talking about how now kids are whiners. While whining. Relax, it's entertainment. Not a psychology thesis.

Edited by Arsonn
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Some of Luke's first lines were whining, and it didn't stop until he left Degobah.


Anakin's whining was even worse in the novelization of the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. If I could have used force strange, I probably would have.


And Darth Emo really did provide one of my favorite moments in the movie with his tantrum. I loved the troopers walking in the hallway, then turning the other way because he was having an episode. I laughed. But still, he destroyed stuff with his lightsaber because he didn't get ice cream after dinner. He did it a couple times. Come on, who was more intimidating? Darth Vader strangled you because he screwed up and you told him the bad news. Darth emo just cries like a baby. I really hate this guy as the villain.

Dude you're drama.

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