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Why not a christmass event?!


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Also, if we consider the in game chronology it is too early for Life Day to be spread thorough the galaxy yet. Admittedly it can be fun to have in-game events that originate from Expanded Universe, but please let us not have Darth-Ween come at us with a pumpkin shaped helmet...


Small Fact : As far as I know, Life Day had its source from Star Wars: Holiday Special and it was aired right before Thanksgiving, not Christmas so it should be related closely to Thanksgiving.

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I hope they will never, ever bring in seasonal events tied to real-life holidays. I don't want to see a re-labeled "Santa Clause" (Darth Santa?) or "Easter Bunny" (Easter Gundark?) in game and search for painted eggs in some "This is the Spring Festival, not Easter" farce. Heh.


Actually, I would prefer not even having seasonal events that make sense in the game world.

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First, presumably "a long, long time ago" means that the SWTOR universe predates the birth of Christ. Second, since Christmas is a superstition unique to Earth and Earth is not part of the Star Wars Universe - that's where the "Far, far, away" comes in.


However, I guess those who feel the need to feel "Chrismassy" can visit Hoth and stand around in the snow for a while. I would beware of anything even vaguely resembling a reindeer tho, because it probably has big teeth and will bite your face off if you try to tie to to a sleigh.


Merry Hothmas!

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No to Christmas. No to Life Day.


Yes to Festivus, Galactic Style.


Festivus Poles. The Airing Of Grievances. These are things the entire universe can understand and get behind.



Sorry obvious leftist anti traditional player.... ( above poster )


Everyone else , below


Sorry to break it to you younger kids out there but Starwars DOES have Christmas in it.. and is a part of it.








Thats proof that there is Christmas in Starwars...




With that being said I understand why Bioware wants to stay neutral with the whole "Christmas" being put in the game, its a stupid reason and if more American created businesses actualy stoped ignoring Christmas / haunakuah than perhaps they would fare better ( not saying KOTOR would fare better either way )


Anyways , some sort of Winter acknowledgement would be nice however not needed due to the style / feel of the game besides I hate to see every planet blanketed with snow or something...

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Thanks gods there is no Christmas events. Have enough of this in real life and other MMO.




So very glad that horrible overwhelming merry jolly lol trololol christmasness left SWTOR untouched.


You want some christmas, new years eve, etc ? This way please : http://play.clubpenguin.com/


We'll be discussing the Force and kicking asses around here. :)

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I think its great that there isnt "event" such as the Christmas event. They had those in WoW aka. Brewfest, Harvest Festival and so forth. I hated those because it forced people to play in special periods on special times. And I dont want to be forced to play at special times and if i dont, i miss out on fun / items / titels and so forth. Im against limited time events.
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