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any healing sorcerers up for a challenge?


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With the myriad of posts calling for sorcerers to be nerfed, I thought it might be a good idea to do some testing, to see what it would be like if we were reduced in power, as a lot of people are requesting.


It should be simple enough to nerf ourselves I would think.


I would think if we take it the expertise crystals from our main hand and off hand, maybe use a pve earpiece, only use phase walk within 30m, and only in los, and do not take the innervate mobility skill. Would this be a sufficient reduction?


Possibly don't use force barrier as well.


Then, if you have the ability, record it and put it up on you tube, or at least take screen shots and post them, and an honest, straightforward account of you're experience.


I'd say if we an this experiment through the weekend, it should give us enough data to see how it would be.


What do you think?

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With the myriad of posts calling for sorcerers to be nerfed, I thought it might be a good idea to do some testing, to see what it would be like if we were reduced in power, as a lot of people are requesting.


It should be simple enough to nerf ourselves I would think.


I would think if we take it the expertise crystals from our main hand and off hand, maybe use a pve earpiece, only use phase walk within 30m, and only in los, and do not take the innervate mobility skill. Would this be a sufficient reduction?


Possibly don't use force barrier as well.


Then, if you have the ability, record it and put it up on you tube, or at least take screen shots and post them, and an honest, straightforward account of you're experience.


I'd say if we an this experiment through the weekend, it should give us enough data to see how it would be.


What do you think?


Nerfing survivability of already squishy sorcs is not a good idea. Only roaming mend should be nerfed, because it's way too bursty and instant.

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With the myriad of posts calling for sorcerers to be nerfed, I thought it might be a good idea to do some testing, to see what it would be like if we were reduced in power, as a lot of people are requesting.


It should be simple enough to nerf ourselves I would think.


I would think if we take it the expertise crystals from our main hand and off hand, maybe use a pve earpiece, only use phase walk within 30m, and only in los, and do not take the innervate mobility skill. Would this be a sufficient reduction?


Possibly don't use force barrier as well.


Then, if you have the ability, record it and put it up on you tube, or at least take screen shots and post them, and an honest, straightforward account of you're experience.


I'd say if we an this experiment through the weekend, it should give us enough data to see how it would be.


What do you think?


These are all pretty terrible nerf suggestions. Really, what needs to be nerfed in the bonuses derived from Rejuvinate's procs, and swap the mobile casting from Healing Trance to Deliverance. Those two simple things would be far more effective while still giving the class a distinct play style and efficiency in PVP/PVE.

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Yeah nerfing a few of the procs is likely the way to go, making so wandering mend only jumps on targets and can only jump to a target once within a period, as well switching deliverance with trance for the mobility perk should make things interesitng without too ruining the class. Edited by Anishor
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Why not just remove phasewalk, roaming mend, and god bubble from the hotbars? Just take them off! Sorcs don't need them anyway! That should level the field, or make it close.


If that's not enough, then perhaps removing bubble. if that still isn't enough, just take off one of their heals. I think that would level the field for sure, right?

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Why not just remove phasewalk, roaming mend, and god bubble from the hotbars? Just take them off! Sorcs don't need them anyway! That should level the field, or make it close.


If that's not enough, then perhaps removing bubble. if that still isn't enough, just take off one of their heals. I think that would level the field for sure, right?


taking wandering mend off would flatten their hps in arenas down to op level... unacceptable

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Why are so many people all worked up over Barrier and Phase Walk? I usually don't die in Warzones, unless I have some decent opposition (no I don't normally queue with a tank), and yet I rarely ever use Phase Walk or Barrier. Removing those would not really change sorcs in WZs, it would only make them incredibly useless in arenas, because they would just be burst down.


Instead, how about just replacing the passive lvl 64 talent sorcs get in Corruption (which increases Roaming Mend heals by 5% and reduces the force cost by 10) with something like: whenever you succesfully use Expunge, you gain x amount of mastery or crit or power, whatever (inspired by the Resto Shaman set bonus in WoW). It would actually encourage people to use a skill that I feel is rarely used, and encourage more skillful play by dispelling CC and debuffs.

Another replacement could be: increases all outgoing healing during Polarity Shift by 10% (although I don't like that sort of talents).

Or Force Slow will now reduce the target's outgoing damage by 10%, in addition to slowing the target (although I guess that would be useless in pve).

Or hell, make Saber Strike or Thrash place a mark on a target that reflects 5% of all damage dealt as healing for 8 seconds... There are plenty of ideas to make the class harder to play.

Edited by Giliodor
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