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Stop forcing companions onto us!


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I do not want Kailyo to join my alliance. She is an annoying, traitorous, thief. Do not force us to accept her.Let us have the option of killing her. I have no interest in these "underworld" types. I hate them in real life and i hate them in SWTOR. Smart mouthed pigs who make a living stealing things better people have earnt. Let us build our alliance as we see fit. I want the jedi, i want the sith and i want the military personnel from both sides but please don't force the scumbags onto me. They make me feel physically ill every time i hear their ridiculous accents. Kaliyo, Mako, Andronikus, Skadge the vadge and any other outer rim rodent can go to hell for all i care, i do not want them apart of my alliance. They're as useful as t.i.t.s on a droid.
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I do not want Kailyo to join my alliance. She is an annoying, traitorous, thief. Do not force us to accept her.Let us have the option of killing her. I have no interest in these "underworld" types. I hate them in real life and i hate them in SWTOR. Smart mouthed pigs who make a living stealing things better people have earnt. Let us build our alliance as we see fit. I want the jedi, i want the sith and i want the military personnel from both sides but please don't force the scumbags onto me. They make me feel physically ill every time i hear their ridiculous accents. Kaliyo, Mako, Andronikus, Skadge the vadge and any other outer rim rodent can go to hell for all i care, i do not want them apart of my alliance. They're as useful as t.i.t.s on a droid.


The Sith do exactly what Kaliyo does, except with force powers. :p

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Kaliyo will have a part in the story -- we have no idea yet whether we will truly be able to recruit her, or not -- story content doesn't necessarily mean new companion ( and I feel it will work the same for the old love interests -- have a strange feeling we may NOT be able to recruit them, but time will tell .... )


Besides, I never trusted the babe anyway --- play a IA, you'll learn all about her ..... if I have any say so, she'll stay on Zakuul with her anarchist buddies

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And if you have a BH (like I do ) Skadge and Blizz are "unavailabe" on the terminal atm -- says they may be "obtainable" in the future -- Kaylio is not on that list, she's just on the terminal --- what does this mean if anything?

I have a theory, but that's all it is -- but it's strange how some are on the terminal now and others are "unavailable' till later ..... we'll have to wait and see how this plays out ......

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From a practical point of view, one needs any kind of people to win. Including those who one can give unethical missions to, and who may have connections to the surviving underworld. The Rebel Alliance in thirty-six centuries will not shun them; why should we now?


Kaliyo, Mako, Andronikus, Skadge the vadge and any other outer rim rodent can go to hell for all i care, i do not want them apart of my alliance. They're as useful as t.i.t.s on a droid.

I must say that Mako stands out of this list (and many players criticize her for this). And, despite one may think, she is very useful for any alliance - because how can a master slicer be useless?

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There is a problem here - you are already working with Hilo Vizz and there is no way to get rid of her. Sure, she is "just" a smuggler, but "good thief" is a controversy, don't you think? If you do not like Mako, Hilo has to be off the list too.
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I have an IA in KotFE and she detests Kaliyo. She would tell Theron, "No. No. NO. No. Not again. Don't tell her that I'm heeeere."



Oh I so agree !



Remember, she tried to sell our retinas -- I've never forgotten that little thing


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Wait, how does one rank Mako with the likes of Kaliyo?


Those that play their bounty hunter as a cold-hearted killer out for cash (or a psycho using the job as an excuse for hurting people) often have a problem with Mako. She doesn't really approve of sadism or taking advantage of the weak.


Complain about any companion, but Skadge is on the top of my HATED list. He's a brainless thug after the same target as you, he gets in the way and makes everything more complicated and then he acts like he helped and deserves to join your crew. Why would even the most deranged PC agree to take him along? My hunter wanted to put a couple blaster bolts in Skadge's head the moment he saw him and it only went downhill from there. :mad:

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Actually this would be nice and not just with Kailyo. It would be nice and more personal if you could recruit those that you want as companions and maybe just have the ones you don't want either


(1) You kill

(2) You refuse

(3) You accept only for the alliance and not for your companion.

Edited by casirabit
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keep in mind what and who Kalyio IS. she's an anarchist, a rebel at heart. she's proably gonna be more loyal to the Alliance, then she was to her Gestapo boyfriend. honestly she was always a poor fit for an agent companion. but might actually be able to get behind the CAUSE with the alliance
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The funny thing is that I don't like Kaliyo, and my Imperial Agent really doesn't like Kaliyo, but the Sith Warrior I'm mainly playing through KOTFE with isn't going to see the problem. :)


Unless she tries to make his life difficult, like Tanno Vik did... once.


There is a problem here - you are already working with Hilo Vizz and there is no way to get rid of her. Sure, she is "just" a smuggler, but "good thief" is a controversy, don't you think? If you do not like Mako, Hilo has to be off the list too.

A very good point - underworld types and "Outer Rim rodents" are the only reason the Alliance hasn't run out of supplies or been tracked down by the Eternal Empire yet.

Edited by Joachimthbear
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