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3 companions instead of group finder (Optional for players).


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Well since we have now companions up the wazoo why not make some good use of it and not just have them go around crew skill missions which doesn't even use them all you can send out 6 on crew skill and still have more to go on a flashpoint run, Good ideea hope they listen to you and implement it.
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When you say solo flashpoints, do you mean solo flashpoints with the combat support droid or the tactical flashpoints? Because solo mode is more than one companion, which includes the combat support droid. I tried doing tactical flashpoints on my own like in hammer station and that mandolorian one and it's not easy (unless players are referring to beating it with elite/underworld armor).


I have not done the shadow of Revan yet since I have this glitch problem whenever I move my mouse cursor over to the right of the mission details and shuts down the game whenever I'm at Rishi, Yavin 4, and the rakghoul event. This prevents me from moving forward of my story arc which I have not done before.


Aren't players the one with more abilities than compared to one companion? And even if we add like 2 more for the flashpoint, how can anyone think this will make them more powerful than the player to the point where he or she doesn't have to lift a finger. If you're referring to NPCs of shadow of Revans that happen to have better abilities like the way the combat support droid or Jakarro does from the other flashpoints, than it's obvious to say that the designers of this game can just tone it down and remove a few abilities that make them "overpowered."


And again, it's about trial and error. It doesn't hurt to at least try.


Yes, the solo he means is the one with the tactical droid. Yes is has effectively 2 comps. It is easy. So easy it doesn't give very highly rated gear. Tacticals can be soloed. They are far less easy, thus they give better gear. HM is even harder... And they give even better gear (I smell a pattern, but that could just be the Taco Bell I ate). Yes, gear makes things easier,which is why the game is set up to give you better gear then what is needed to do what you are doing.

That bug sounds annoying as ****. Can customer service not help? Graphics changes? Idk what would fix that, but I am sorry to hear you are missing out on it.

Yes players have more abilities - that doesn't mean much. The ability to use those abilities varies from person to person, so the best way to look at it is net output (damage per second, heals per second, threat per second). And a rank 50 comp puts out a ton of those (well maybe not tps but whatever). The point is the comps are more then a below avg human you might find in a Pick Up Group. Moreover the comps are often immune to various AoE's and dots put out by bosses. They generally can't get knocked off, and whatnot. So in many fights having a comp is outright better then having some random human as is. Sure they could weaken the comps, but then you risk those times when mechanics does matter for them to melt like butter. All falling to my point of how much effort this idea would take, just to appease a few.

Yes is does hurt to try. Because time spend of this is time not spent on other parts of the game the majority of players would actually use/enjoy.

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This is cool, but I would love to see new flashpoints designed for this too.


Instead of group flashpoint layouts and boss fights, you just go to different battlefields and with 3 of your companions...you just tear it all up.


Like a few straight up Rep vs Imp battles

Your idea...its a good idea

Edited by kirorx
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But don't forget that this is an RPG as well. This game is an MMORPG. Players can choose whether they want to be with groups or not. The design for "endgame" doesn't really let you do that because it still shows signs on how you need to rely on others in order to get more commendations for gear reasons as well as other rewards. I prefer to do this on my own as an independent player with solo/squad flashpoints.

You got that right,people should be able to choose rather they want to be in a group or not,you should always have free will,also I don't see what's wrong with using 3 companions when BW can improve their AI. :)

Edited by JercGhyron
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Who said companions aren't needed in the game? I don't see that in any of my posts. What does having a choice of comp's have to do with your wish to use them all at once? I have some toons in mostly 224, I have toon's I 174s. The state of my various characters' gearing has nothing to do with how I feel about your gear drops inside your 3 comp dream FP. I was mentioning GSF due to the devs feeling as if it was largely wasted effort for little mass usage. As I said your idea, I fear, will be the same way. I don't know how to make that more clear for you. You are asking for tweaks to the AI of comps and all FP npcs (with possible power level rescaling) just so the few people in this thread can have 3 comps in a FP. As I said before I don't think this will appeal to enough people to justify the effort in programming. Personally I'd rather see them use that time for new worlds/WZs/story then just give use a new way to play old stuff. You don't like to do group stuff, fine. Then do the SOLO stuff, or get good enough to solo harder content by yourself or with a friend. You want the rewards of doing what you don't want to do. I want to be paired without having to work, but it won't happen. The reward of grouped content is because it grouped and its level of difficulty. Your same logic should let non-pvpers have PvP rewards, or pvpers get endgame PvE mounts and such. Not like doing the content (like long it or not) should stand in the way of the rewards right? As for speedrunners not being gamers, well that is definitely your opinion. Some people might think having 3/4ths of your team be AI in a FP isn't gaming either. To each their own. Frankly if you don't like who you are grouping with - then get a new group. I welcome you to the guild I am in on Jung ma. We run op at least bi-weekly, and we are happy to not rush if that isn't your play style. You don't even need to transfer, as I believe you have a lvl 60 token on each server. We can run you though SM Op's even at that lvl. Come try it.


You said it wasn't needed for end game or group content. There are games that do let the players play with more than 1 "companion." Check out games like Lego Star Wars and Lego Marvel. They give the players the ability to have NPCs follow them on their adventure and beat enemies up. You know what's even more cooler about this? They can even become that NPC that's following them on their adventure! Imagine that with companions! Haha, now you just gave me another idea for squad flashpoints. As Tanno Vik always says "This is going to be fun. I can tell already.":D


By the way, thanks for the offer on Jung Ma, but I prefer the Harbinger. Most of my characters are there.

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This is cool, but I would love to see new flashpoints designed for this too.


Instead of group flashpoint layouts and boss fights, you just go to different battlefields and with 3 of your companions...you just tear it all up.


Like a few straight up Rep vs Imp battles

Your idea...its a good idea


Thanks dude.:D

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Well since we have now companions up the wazoo why not make some good use of it and not just have them go around crew skill missions which doesn't even use them all you can send out 6 on crew skill and still have more to go on a flashpoint run, Good ideea hope they listen to you and implement it.


Thanks. :csw_guard::csw_redsaber:

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Yes, the solo he means is the one with the tactical droid. Yes is has effectively 2 comps. It is easy. So easy it doesn't give very highly rated gear. Tacticals can be soloed. They are far less easy, thus they give better gear. HM is even harder... And they give even better gear (I smell a pattern, but that could just be the Taco Bell I ate). Yes, gear makes things easier,which is why the game is set up to give you better gear then what is needed to do what you are doing.

That bug sounds annoying as ****. Can customer service not help? Graphics changes? Idk what would fix that, but I am sorry to hear you are missing out on it.

Yes players have more abilities - that doesn't mean much. The ability to use those abilities varies from person to person, so the best way to look at it is net output (damage per second, heals per second, threat per second). And a rank 50 comp puts out a ton of those (well maybe not tps but whatever). The point is the comps are more then a below avg human you might find in a Pick Up Group. Moreover the comps are often immune to various AoE's and dots put out by bosses. They generally can't get knocked off, and whatnot. So in many fights having a comp is outright better then having some random human as is. Sure they could weaken the comps, but then you risk those times when mechanics does matter for them to melt like butter. All falling to my point of how much effort this idea would take, just to appease a few.

Yes is does hurt to try. Because time spend of this is time not spent on other parts of the game the majority of players would actually use/enjoy.


I guess we'll see what the future has in store for us. :jawa_wink:

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Are you want to play with this MMO at all? Seriously? You bring up Lego games? Apples and oranges my friend. If you want to play with a crew there are games out for you. This one is not designed that way. This games purpose is not that. Accept it. Try Commandos or Fallout Tactics.
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This can be all solved easily. For all Op and FP introduce a solo mode. ;) And it falls even loot , which corresponds to a solo instance . Is actually only fair. Anyone who wants to better has to run in the group easily. :D


The opinion I am still. A group Flashpoint you do with a group of players. Otherwise, you can equally play an offline game. :rolleyes:

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Are you want to play with this MMO at all? Seriously? You bring up Lego games? Apples and oranges my friend. If you want to play with a crew there are games out for you. This one is not designed that way. This games purpose is not that. Accept it. Try Commandos or Fallout Tactics.


Both SWTOR and Lego games fall into the category of Game Art and Design. It wouldn't hurt to add some elements other videogames into SWTOR. This is something MMORPGs should look into if they involve "companions."

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Hello Bioware, before the new expansion came up I wasn't around during 2015. I started playing from January on 2013 but then quitted on January 2015. One of my reasons was because I wasn't satisfied with the experience I had in flashpoints with other players. Whenever I start a new flashpoint for the first time, players would always tell me to press the spacebar and a few would say "It's for your own good." That's one of the most self-centered thing I had to put up with during my experience in this game. I hated it. I never got to embrace the story and adventure that I would always have whenever I pick up a new videogame as a kid and growing up. When I mention something like this in general chat, some jerk would mock me and make fun of it (Another reason why I left the game because most of those players don't follow the rules of conduct, even though they've agreed to those terms before even installing the game).


But then I came back around December because I heard that players can have access to solo mode on other flashpoints like The Esseles and the Maelstrom prison and not just the forged alliance flashpoints. I even noticed they did some decent changes to the armormech like newer armor that I've seen before (I've always wanted to wear them and now I can thanks to you guys but I hope they don't go away again like the other old schematics for that crafting skill). So I was kind of convinced that you guys from Bioware and the rest understand what players like me want. That being said, I decided to give you guys an idea that I hope you can look into. I hope it would happen soon in the future like maybe a year or so depending on your schedules and the time you have (I understand that game art and design can be a challenge or take time to accomplish).


I think the best way to solve this is giving players like me the option to either do flashpoints in group finder... OR they can walk into the flashpoint with 3 companions tagging along in replace of 3 random players.


To begin, the player would only have 1 companion out when in open world or any other areas of the game. But once the player steps into the flashpoint on his own and reaches to the designated area, 3 companions will be out next to the player instead of just one. I know some would say this can't work because some flashpoints require another player to activate a trigger of some sort like a puzzle or console while the other is occupied with the boss or champion. However, I think a good way to fix that is to give the player a four button command system that would give orders for 3 of their companions at the same time. Here are the four commands: Attack/Assist, Position/Hold, Activate/Target, and Regroup/Standby.


Attack/Assist: Companions attack any enemies that are within range of the player's radius.


Position/Hold: By using the mouse cursor after pressing the key ability or on the keyboard (if key bind), the player can aim on a specific area like the ground (the way players use to activate area attack abilities like Hail of bolts or Mortar Volley) and the companion would go to that area/spot. They can still attack while in that spot.


Activate/Target: By using the mouse cursor and right clicking on the highlighted object, like a terminal that can be triggered or a barrel that can be broken/dispensed/destroyed, it can activate them as intended without having the player go up to it by him/herself.


Regroup/Standby: All Companions would disengage all commands and regroup to the player. However, they can still retaliate enemies as they regroup to the player's position, if the player chooses too (It can still be passive for the companions and not retaliate the enemies within the area).


I know a companion already has two basic commands like attack and standby on their toolbar, so why not add the other two in those as well for all 3 (In case the player wants a command for a specific companion then the others). However, there should be a separate toolbar that would display all four of those commands for all the 3 companions when entering a flashpoint on his own without a group (Just like when a player activates Heroic moment, the legacy weapons would become available over the player's HUD (Heads Up Display).


After explaining this, I don't know if this would make the designers and programmers replace solo mode with this flashpoint option. I really do love having that combat support droid tagging along during the flashpoints in solo mode. If this does happen, is it okay if we can have that droid as a companion for the rest of our adventure? If so, is it okay if we can try to earn it and make it feel like we just earned an awesome droid soldier recruit like when we buy it or try to get the parts for it or achieving a certain amount of reputation points like GSI/Thorn or a faction related company like the Republic/Empire/Hutt Cartel (With a short, but worthy cutscene)? Also, can it have it's own customization appearance as well? I want to keep that combat support droid forever. He's so awesome. :D


to be honest they should do away with solo fps this game needs to be more social not anti social. only certain fps should be solo able

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