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Advanced class switching and Guild Banks should be avalable.


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More unique then Druid or Paladin from WoW? No.


More unique then souls from Rift? LMAO no.


Sorry stop trying to make more out of the AC then they are.


The only argument relevant to the game is if the AC had unique stories.



Is this WoW? Is this Rift? Stop trying to make SWTOR into other MMOs.


Advanced Class is a permanent choice.

Edited by aznthecapn
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Guild Bank: Yes, its a good idea and needed.


Advanced class switching? NO, absolutely not!


I wish that they created the class system differently, like instead of choosing trooper then at lvl 10, choose between vanguard or commando, you would choose your advanced class at character creation like many other MMOs. Looks like most people cannot understand the meaning of choosing a path after playing few hours of a base class. They all want to be able to change advanced class. Make a choice, deal with it or reroll. They made it very clear when you take your AC that it is a final choice!


Hope BW doesn't allow switching AC, never ever

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Fury vs arms for weapons.


Pre Cata, that was not the case. Buddy ran around in tank spec dual wielding.


Admittedly you have a point vs gear types but that is not significant. It is basically no different then having a dps set, healing set, tanking set.


Guess the Sorcerer and Mage are the same class in DnD since they use the same equipment and have the same spells.


The resource change = druid.


No resource change for the druid is not tied to the talent trees. It is tied to whether you are in cat, bear or other forms. The energy change was a mechanic of the class itself.


More unique then Druid or Paladin from WoW? No.


Both abominations in a class based system. No class should be able to do it all.


More unique then souls from Rift? LMAO no.


Considering that most souls could be broken down to 1-3 button macros and that most souls had so much overlap I wouldn't call those unique.


Sorry stop trying to make more out of the AC then they are.


The only argument relevant to the game is if the AC had unique stories.


Stop trying to act like a classes have to be completely unique. There could be two different classes yet they would be the same except for one things whether it be a piece of gear or a spell, yet they'd still be different classes because they are what defines a class in the game.

Edited by Noth
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guild banks? don't care. AC switching.. No thanks. its 2 misclicks total before you train an adv class, and I'm sorry, you cannot level as a shadow and switch to a sage and that be cool. If you make that mistake.. take the 2-3 hours it takes to level a new dude.
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