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Everything posted by Zutar

  1. To those saying to complainers to cancel, why would I? I enjoy the game, I actually took my time to enjoy it. I play since the pre-release, I didn't cancel (and will renew for 3 months) Why wouldn't I bee rewarded? Just because I didn't sticked to one server ? Me and my GF decided to play on two server (one republic and one empire) as we love alts and wanted to be able to play 8 chars on each
  2. I have Legacy lvl 3 on one server and Legacy lvl 4 on another server, does that count as more than 6? Feeling a bit penalized to have played on two servers... Still, I could manage to get to 50 before the 22, would have prefered not to rush thought, but still, its better than yesterday
  3. I play almost every day, ranging from 1 hours to 6 hours (weekends mostly) but I DO NOT have a 50. I have a 46 and a 43 plus an army of alts. I DECIDED to not rush, enjoying the game, even thought I started at early access. I even made sure to log off outside rest area to not level too quickly, this is my playstyle. I played beta I pre-ordered digital deluxe Played early access Got a 90 days sub Playing regulary since launch (meaning almost everyday) I am as valuable than the guys who decided to reach 50, be it by rushing to 50, playing at their pace, but still, they should not be as valuable than the others Bioware, you better change your minds and add a criteria to your 30 days free, made it to everyone who supported the game since launch, no matter what level they have reached. Its a damn wrong decision
  4. I had the same issues before. I simply upgraded from 4GB of ram to 8GB and this fixed it right away. If you have only 4GB and before even running SWTOR you have more than 1GB used, you will get performance issues.
  5. Please, everyone needs to realize that this is an MMO. MMOs are NEVER released bug free and with all features in. MMOs are always in the work, heck, WOW still have patches and updates no? EQ does after his zillions expansions and more than 10 years of existing. Would it be fair for a single game to release like this? No But an MMO, yes, most of bugs are going to be fix in next weeks/months and that is fair enough.
  6. Guild Bank: Yes, its a good idea and needed. Advanced class switching? NO, absolutely not! I wish that they created the class system differently, like instead of choosing trooper then at lvl 10, choose between vanguard or commando, you would choose your advanced class at character creation like many other MMOs. Looks like most people cannot understand the meaning of choosing a path after playing few hours of a base class. They all want to be able to change advanced class. Make a choice, deal with it or reroll. They made it very clear when you take your AC that it is a final choice! Hope BW doesn't allow switching AC, never ever
  7. Travel might be tedious, but it add depth to the game. Travelling mean something, not just push a button and voila! your lightning years away of your origin location. Personally I think its very well done, you have some tools to reduce the travel lenght (taxi, bind points) Could they have put a way to land on Tython with your ship instead of a space station, then a shuttle? Maybe, but I don't think its too much of an hassle. Instant travelling reduce the feeling and meaning of going from point A to point B. I hope they keep it this way
  8. Ordered Oct 10th. I will more than likely be invited tomorrow. I would really prefer be able to log on tonight instead of tomorrow night. For people working or school, it doesn't matter on which wave they are.. they aren't able to play until the evening. I'm not whining, heck, I'll do something else tonight and play tomorrow, no biggie, but its still upset me a little bit.
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