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Non-Tactical Flashpoints?


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Leveling a melee tank, I sometimes queue for flashpoints and get put in a group with 3 DPS, often times ranged DPS that will park next to a kolto station and only use it when THEIR health goes down. Means I either die or spend a ton of time running after kolto while bosses spam CC's on me.


Who thought this was a good idea? Why can't I queue for regular flashpoints with the trinity? Where did that option go?

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Who thought this was a good idea? Why can't I queue for regular flashpoints with the trinity? Where did that option go?


The trinity is still used on the HM flashpoints. The idea behind Tacticals was because people (mainly Tank and Healers) were simply not queueing for flashpoints and people were waiting for a long time for a flashpoint to pop.


That said I feel that like some other things in the game Bioware have had a good idea, it just could have been done a little better.

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Except there is no option for hardmode.


All I can do is the tacticals, and run the risk of getting stuck in a group with no heals and no CC. That makes fights with many bosses and even strong/elites virtually impossible.


Or do I keep declining and rejoining the queue until I see a healer, which should drive everybody else in the queue insane?

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Or do I keep declining and rejoining the queue until I see a healer, which should drive everybody else in the queue insane?

Making friends with a healer and queuing together would probably be significantly quicker than hoping to luck into a trinity group - or just talking to the group you get to have someone watching your health and using the Kolto based on that.


(Or, for that matter, just making friends and queuing with a DPS who knows to keep an eye on your health while you're tanking and use the kolto.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Making friends with a healer and queuing together would probably be significantly quicker than hoping to luck into a trinity group - or just talking to the group you get to have someone watching your health and using the Kolto based on that.


(Or, for that matter, just making friends and queuing with a DPS who knows to keep an eye on your health while you're tanking and use the kolto.)


Easier said than done on my schedule. It's the very reason I use the group finder. But it is good advice.

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While I'm a dps Commando, I always keep my eyes on the health of others and try to back up heal when needed, even if it means giving up an enhanced High Impact Bolt for a quick probe heal. I use Kolto stations when I see others are low. After all, if the tank goes down, it's not gong to be good for the rest of us.


I've done tactical with 4 dps before, with a couple of us off healing and using stations. What it comes down to is either selfish players-- and sadly, you'll find those everywhere, especially if they're used to solo experiences, or inexperienced players. You may have to educate them at times ("Please heal me when you can because I'm doing my best to protect you.") I've been playing MMOs for 20 years, so I know the ins and outs of these games pretty well, but others may not and may need some education.


It's the one issue I have with level syncing in this game. Players aren't ready for the higher content.

Edited by KLGChaos
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While I'm a dps Commando, I always keep my eyes on the health of others and try to back up heal when needed, even if it means giving up an enhanced High Impact Bolt for a quick probe heal. I use Kolto stations when I see others are low. After all, if the tank goes down, it's not gong to be good for the rest of us.


I've done tactical with 4 dps before, with a couple of us off healing and using stations. What it comes down to is either selfish players-- and sadly, you'll find those everywhere, especially if they're used to solo experiences, or inexperienced players. You may have to educate them at times ("Please heal me when you can because I'm doing my best to protect you.") I've been playing MMOs for 20 years, so I know the ins and outs of these games pretty well, but others may not and may need some education.


It's the one issue I have with level syncing in this game. Players aren't ready for the higher content.


Alternatively, you have the ones that jump into combat before the group is healed up (with no healer) and/or jump into combat ahead of everyone else, get smashed by the four strong mobs, then wonder why the tank didn't hold agro.


At least with the trinity, it's possible for the tank to try to gather everything back up while getting healed after those two situations. What we have now is chaos.

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Alternatively, you have the ones that jump into combat before the group is healed up (with no healer) and/or jump into combat ahead of everyone else, get smashed by the four strong mobs, then wonder why the tank didn't hold agro.

Alternatively, the ones who want to do a speedrun so they are always running on immediately, even when the group is DPS65/DPS65/DPS64/heal23, and I'm one of the 65s. I have seriously heavy gear, enough that I spend a lot of time hoping my threat dump will come off cooldown NOW-PLEASE-SO-THESE-FOES-HIT-SOMEONE-ELSE. Like a fool, I keep making it heavier, too. (I'm now up to having 208 augments on everything except my (186) relics, and a mix of 216 and 220 gear with crappy 208 boots and generator. I get aggro a lot in TFPs.)

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Don't take the queue when it pops if there is no healer if you want the tri so bad. People are all the time dropping if the group is mainly made up of lowbies.

Lleh, yesterday I queued for a TFP and had three pops in quick succession that immediately closed because someone rejected them - there was one level 23, one 64, one 65 (me) and the rejecter, so just one lowbie, but that lowbie was the single heal with 3 DPSes.

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