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Is the Wrath force disabled?


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Well the Sith Warrior is Just that , a Warrior he is a master of combat. Force mind tricks and force persuasion isnt the way someone like the Wrath operates, if someone is in your way, kill them, If you need answers, you choke them till they cough it up. The Wrath takes things by force he doesnt use tricks and persuasion methods like the others would, not that he couldnt its just not his style
Pretty much this, even if I personally would like the SW to show more foce based powers of destruction. And the thing I am missing most is, ...he might be the most potent forceuser killer around in the game, still he has no effective defenses against forcepowers. WTAH? Does not compute!
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Maybe he's captain Rex :p

Nope, he either is Fives or some generic Clone Trooper. If he would be built after Commander Cody, he would be quite the tactician.Then he would be using tactical strikes and stuff.

If he would be build after Rex, he would be quite the outstanding LEADER on the battlefield.

But the Tropper is none of them. He is but a grunt with a big gun or he fulfilles the role of a generic tank. He dooesen't control anything and is not build to insinuate he might be an CO of an elite team.

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So I noticed something while playing SI my last non force using class that I did not play. He can use force persuade and so does JK and JC.

But the Wrath can not do that and not even lighting. And all his force powers are the basic ones like force push and telekinesis and force valor or rage whatever you wanna name it besides force persuade for some reason or the jedi mind trick.

Now I did open such a thread in the past but now is necro and new evidence appeared. He basically improved the basic force power to a extremely high degree but he seems to be unable to use other common force powers like the 2 I mentioned.

Could he be force disabled like Vader but even more so even without losing most of his limbs?


Im not sure where exactly you are making this comparison, but Wrath can sure use force persuade in cutscenes, just like any other force-sensitive class. I think my own wrath would rather however use a persuade called "Ill behead you if you disobey".


I think SI has that as actual combat move it makes to mobs attack only him.


What, a taunt? Im not sure what to think of this thread anymore. Tanks ALL have a taunt. So does a juggernaut.


Actually, there are two Force Choke prompts for Inquisitors. You can Force Choke that one Republic army guy on Rishi during the SoR story and you can choke that blue-haired woman Tora in KOTFE.


As Ive only done KOTFE story on one character (my wrath), I m curious: what do non-force sensitive characters do to Tora in that situation?

Edited by Karkais
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I love how every single person here just uses "he" by default. :rolleyes:

Ah, yes, argument from ignorance. There are two pronouns spelled "he" in English.(1) One means "a male person" (or occasionally "a male animal"). The other means "a person of unspecified sex". It takes the place of an unambiguously ambiguous (neutral) pronoun. It is problematic because there are many people who don't know this or who attach an irrelevant political agenda to their reaction.


It isn't like this in every language. In French, "a person" is "une personne" (feminine) and so the corresponding usages are all feminine in grammatical form, right down to using feminine pronouns like "elle" or "elles". I've even heard the person taking orders in a sandwich shop look up at a queue full of just men, and say "La personne suivante" (more or less equivalent, although more polite, to calling out 'Next!'), i.e. using the feminine forms.


(1) In Middle English, there were three. The third one is now spelled "they".

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Pretty much this, even if I personally would like the SW to show more foce based powers of destruction. And the thing I am missing most is, ...he might be the most potent forceuser killer around in the game, still he has no effective defenses against forcepowers.


The warrior does seem to focus most of her Force on augmenting her already deadly combat skills, but she's no slouch in Telekinesis for example. The scream power might be partly a mental attack too. It's just that she prefers the simple solution of a quick lightsaber or well-chosen word over tricks.


And no defenses? Did you never release the Dread Masters as a Sith Warrior? They're powerful enough to make whole fleets surrender in fear, yet the SW is powerful enough to resist them when they demand an apology for disrespect. And ofc, since the best defense often is said to be a good offense... Very few Force adepts are cool enough (or good enough at melee defense) to call up complicated powers while getting their face smashed in by the Sith Warrior's speed and power.

Edited by Spetulhu
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