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Put credits back in lockboxes


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What a nice feeling it was.. when you found a lockbox somewhere around a corner. You walked to it and opened it, and woha. Creeedits. I was always happy about this little supply.


But thanks to people who made even own bots to farm it, SWTOR just removed all credits from it and put some lazy crafting materials inside it... that no one really wants.


When I see a lockbox now, I don't even bother to open it, because it makes no fun anymore, and I am no crafter, so why would I want to have some materials that you can sell for max. of 5 credits...

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Yeah same here. And it's a bit weird to complicate getting credits for the players to prevent them from buying credits.


Through the fact, that you get less money these days, through slicing and so on, I know a few people who decided to really buy credits from websites... (Yes, I reported them) so instead of decreaseing the money, they should rather increase the money, in times where most of the gear is located in the GTN anyways, because these *piiiip* removed every gear reward from side missions. And I want to wear that gear, instead of that adaptive *piiiiip* :p

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You don't get my point. Easy, quick money without making everything. It was a great feeling.


The problem is that "easy, quick money" is perfect for bots and credit farmers. Which creates inflation. Which then means that your credits didn't go as far.


Basically, when they decrease inflation your credits are worth more. So this is a good thing for your buying power.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I agree. I want the money put back into those containers and chests and foot lockers. They were the reason I picked up the "Slicing" Skill. They also reduced the amount of money found in other containers. I want it back.


"Treasure chests" dont require slicing to open.


Slicing lockboxes which -do- require slicing to open still give credits, two entirely different things...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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It was to stop bots standing over chests and looting them for the gold spammers - you can still see them sometimes. There's two that always come to mind in one of the first buildings on both Hutta and Ord Mantell, (usually with a name like "Uknnnkltsv" - just like those guys sending you the gold seller mails :eek:)
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That's a lie. But even if it's not, it's better than 5 a day and a new chat spammer every 3 minutes.


Nothing gives you the right to say it is a lie, and nothing gives you the duty to believe it. I play over 8 hours a day so if anyone is annoyed by them, its me.

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I cycle through 22 characters twice a day on jung ma (gathering missions) and each of them usually have at least 1 credit seller mail, one day a very annoying group had sent 5 to several of them.


So they definitly are previlent. Same with the spammers on the fleet (part of the reason i just usually stay parked in my SH, but i have to go to the fleet to get the weekly heroics on my non kotfe toons so they brave the spam once a week...)


Given the fact that jung ma is a very low pop server, id hate to see how bad it is on a large pop server...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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That's not the point. I'm not saying they are GONE. I'm saying they aren't as bad as they used to be.


If you honestly play as long as you claim to have, then you'd know this.


I'd have to delete 2 or 3 spam mails every time I logged in on an alt. Or report/ignore 2 or 3 spammers in chat an hour. But now it's down to getting 1 or 2 spam mails a week spread out across my toons and 1 or 2 credit sellers a day in chat.


No matter how you look at it, it's not as bad as it once was.

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