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i am going to kill you with an ak47 then cut you in pieces


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I am a SWTOR player playing on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I'd like to share my story about what happened to me in a wonderful world of a role playing video game. Why do it? Because I can't play and enjoy the game anymore. I can't endure online creeps and their attempts to ruin my online friendships. I'd like to implore all other girls playing SWTOR to take the issue of cyberstalking seriously.


8.03.2015, 1:37:14 am. That's where the story started. I joined a group with my friends. Certain Peter (names changed) happend to be in that group. Together we were exploring one of the planets in the game. We all had great fun. We started to adventure with the same group on different worlds more often, ganking and spending time together. Some time later Peter asked me for help with jumping onto some buildings. Nothing wrong in that, right? I started to spend more and more of my game time by playing with him. At the time I didn't see that it was the biggest mistake in my gaming history.


After quite some time everyone in our little group started to like and trust each other. We shared some basic personal information, such as ages, countries we're from, works or courses that we do. It's when Peter found out that I am a girl who likes Star Wars. After this "coming out" he started to whisper me much more often than usually. He was sharing some stories from his life, tried to impress me and tried to make himself look like a cool guy. Playing with him got really annoying and monotonous so I stopped playing with my usual group as often as I used to. As I happened to play SWTOR with my younger sister and she was part of the group, Peter then started creep out on her. We've had enough of him and decided to end that relationship.


Meanwhile I met another in-game friend, David, from whom I caught my love for PvP. I started playing warzones, decided to get all the commendations and outfit my character with best gear. I joined his guild and focused on playing warzones. Then Peter started oferring to play warzones with us. Hell, why not? During a single game he committed a wall of text about how sorry he is and how bad he feels about us not playing together anymore...


Peter made it an everyday habit to bother my sister to play with him but she got tired of the game soon and decided to quit. I didn't play with the old group of friends anymore. I focused on PvP and planetary conquests. I was bombared with group invites from Peter. Peter also introduced me to another player, Paul. Together with Paul we built our characters and learned how to play with them. I even installed a Raidcall for PvP. Peter started to refer to us as "family." He started to share some odd stories, that he's some sort of an agent, that he works for intelligence, that when he was 18 he was in the army and, as a proof, he sent us a picture of a scar on his stomach. Eeeew.... Every time when I logged in with Paul, Peter was out there waiting for us. If someone had few days of rest from the game he'd start complaining about it and question us about what were we doing. We didn't want to be his "slaves" so we decided not to play with him anymore for good. Peter got angry and asked us if we'd even care if he jumped out of the window and killed himself because we don't want to be his friends anymore.


Few days later Peter linked me my actual Facebook account with my real name. All he needed was my first name, city, country and my likes (SWTOR). It got really creepy and quite dangerous. I never share my Facebook with people I met in games with anyone. Peter is seriously ****ed up. I wasn't talking to him and focused on Warzones with David which frustrated him even further. Peter then would investigate and find out who I play Warzones with and attempt to convince not to play with David and other new friends. One day I left Peter's Warzone group to play with David and Peter went absolutely nuts about me "destroying our friendship and splitting his family apart."


I had enough. Added him to my /ignore list. It didn't work well as he kept annoying me with his alts. I transferred my characters to another server, changed names and returned to ToFN after a month. Guess what happened when I logged into the game. Despite the name changes Peter whispered to me almost right away "Hi, I knew it was you." I added his characters to my ignore list yet again and wrote stalking / harassment tickets. Meanwhile Peter was going after my friends trying to get them to talk to me about removing him from the ignore list. At that time I started a completely new character with a name he didn't know and I had a moment of peace. Once I joined a warzone with David, on that character, Peter was onto me again. He figured out it's my character because I was playing with David then continued to ask me things like "Who's David to you?" Man takes video game relationships way too seriously... I ignored him but he started to request PvP group invites from the people I played with. As they weren't familiar with my story with Peter they invited him on several occassions. I had a row with Paul because of it as I was completely sick of Peter's stalking that heavily impacted by enjoyment of the game. Paul quit SWTOR soon.


What, eventually, infuriated Peter most was my sister. I started playing together with her as she came back to TOR. We liked playing alone without anyone else in the group. Peter got jealous once again as she refused any of his group requests. Not knowing it's my sister, he would talk to her about me saying a lot of hurtful things, lies about me and some perverted stories. I had enough and filed another ticket. Peter changed tactics and seeing that he can't split us apart he started to talk **** about us to our friends and other people. We found out that we were whores, heartless monsters and cheats. When asked why he behaves the way he does he responded: "Because you rejected my friendship and didn't give me enough attention." Really?! Added more of his alts to ignore and changed my characters' names yet again. I had few months' rest from him until I accidentally met him on the fleet. He'd start apologising me, send me mail, saying that it's all because of his friends dying in a car crash recently or that it wasn't him saying things about me but his cousin.


"Fortunatelly" he soon found himself a new female friend and got obsessed with her instead. I warned her but she didn't care and ended up with so many creepy messages along such lines: "I want you to be my friends, you're the most important the only people who matter to me." Tickets about stalking didn't help again.


Meanwhile, due to us ignoring his every new alt, he went angry to such degree as to send me and my sister real life death threats. He told us that he'd come over to our home town, shoot us with AK rifle and burn our houses. Of course he apologized later, trying to blame his cousin. He tried to separate my sister from her friends by sharing lies about each other to them. One time he'd whisper me and call me a monster and another time he'd beg me not to ignore him. Every time I played with someone Peter would ask "Why are you with him, why do you like him so much?"


I made a new character again and played in peace for a bit. He found me again. Every time I log in I see new messages: "Hi, how are you? Because today I did this and that.." I have enough. I have no strength for this. I cancelled my sub and I say **** swtor and its customer service. I tried everything. I was nice, rude, ignored him, sent cyber-stalking tickets... Nothing helped. When I started to ignore him he would spam and go after my friends, being a creep and talking **** about me. Nothing helped!


I am warning you girls, if you ever meet this kind of a person just run away asap at the first sight of his creepiness and attachment. I still wait for the resolution of my tickets which I kept sending since March. Can't they really do something? Thanks to that person and lack of help I hate SWTOR. I hate Star Wars. Girls in MMOs have it very hard. Take care. Nobody believed me, everyone said that it's me who's beeing paranoid. It's that guy who's sick and fate happened to put me on his way. I wish you luck.

Edited by monpru
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I'm not a girl so I won't pretend I know what you are going through here.


I will say this; some years back I was heavily involved in a couple of Anti-Cheat groups for an online shooter game. One of the guys I submitted for checking was using a bot and got banned, he sent me (to my personal email that wasn't in anyway linked to my gaming email) a death threat. I'm in the UK, he was in the US - sending a death threat across a state boundary is a federal offence, so myself and the other guy he threatened contacted the FBI. Threats and harassment stopped immediately.


A death-threat made against your person is a criminal offence, I urge you to keep all the evidence you can and contact the police.


Hope it all gets sorted for you.


All The Best

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Holy... Wow, that guy was creepy indeed, for lack of better words. :eek:


OP, I can understand how you feel, although I'm limited by my "being a male" state, but a couple female friends of mine went through something similar a couple of times. Luckily for them, CS actually worked on the problem, and the guy seemingly disappeared. :rolleyes:


As the poster above said, it's a good idea to report this guy to authorities if CS doesn't help, as his threats went way above the Gaming World.

The guy seriously needs tons of psychological support from what I can see, and certainly some sort of control on that regard. :rolleyes:


Still, it's a pity that one person ruined your love for Star Wars, I really wish you Good Luck on everything you may get interested into from now on. :(


Hopefully you won't have a repeat of this wherever you decide to move to... :o

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what they said , and NEVER EVER give personal Infos . And Never ever POSTED Personal Infos on FaceNuke!!!! Even when they are private , there are Logs and History . Seriously , the world is filled with Morons and STalker .


Edit: Also one more thing : If you don't get Help in a Game , don't give up and bring all the proof (text , pictures , screenshot) and take them to the cops . If they can track the person then they can do something . Change your pc passwords and such also (just in case) . as for Swtor , calling them is always better I think .

Edited by SerraShar
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I am a guy, so i won't pretend to know what you have gone through. I'll won't say what the other commentator's have said already. Besides do take their advice. I am sorry that a member of my gender have forced you out of something you liked to do, and that was playing SWTOR. Guys like him will meet their fate when their time is up on this world and then they will face their true Justice. With that said, try to not judge all males on the facts of one man. We're all not like that and 97% of us are disgusted with those 3% percent of the male population that are.


I just hope you find peace now within your actions and continue to live in peace and hopefully, in non-fear of all males.


I hope that one day you'll find your way back to this game and share in this Fantastic world of SWTOR Fantasy once again.


Please do, Take care, & Be Well.............

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Greetings all,


We take harassment, as well as threats of real-life harm or death threats very seriously. In addition to filing tickets, please be sure to reach out to us at Communitysupport@swtor.com and attach any supporting documents/screenshots so that we may fully investigate the issue. Please be sure to include your account name, the server the incident took place on, and the email address tied to your forum account when sending us a message.


Please stay safe, and take a look at our Online Safety Guidelines.




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