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Why do you think they underpowered Grevious in TCW?


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To be fair, Ahsoka is basically a Jedi Knight level duelist and Grievous toys with her in all their duels.


He lost a arm against her and can you really say he toyed with her the second time? By the way he also toyed with Shaak Ti and he got better results with her then with Tano.

Edited by adormitul
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She's a Mary Sue, what did you expect?


She should have been a knight by then really you get that mon calamari a knight and Shaak Ti a master and she a padawan are they kidding.

What is the jedi council thinking we can not make her a knight because we have to admit that we not talented jedi.

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Because TCW series is canon and the fan fiction is not. Grevious is as strong as he needs to be, i.e. he is what the creators intended him to be. Menacing but not this invincible Jedi Killer. He's just a cyborg warrior with 4 arms and lightsabers. I normally dont agree with all of what Filoni has said and done by i fully stand by him on this. beacause if grevious was so good at killing force users why did Dooku need n apprentice? Why didnt mister best duelist in the galaxy and general jedi killer over throw sidious like Dooku had planned in the long run. Or why didnt sidious just say "well with GG i dont need a sith apprentice he gets the job done". Dont say Sidious needed an apprentice to continue the Sith legacy, he just wanted hands to get the job done, he never intended for his apprentices to be as powerful as he was he didnt give a damn about sith traditions he just wanted control. Why would he need a sith apprentice if GG could get the job done just as well nd he wouldnt have to worry about trying usurp him and take the Sith title. Grevious is fine the way he is an incredible warrior but no where near this "jedi killer only kenobi can beat"


*bracing myself for calling the Old EU fan-fiction*:rak_01:

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How many did Malgus, Nihilus and Sion kill?


I am pretty sure Malgus is not famous for killing an insane quantity of Jedi to an extend necessary to cripple the order. Not even close.


The others are respinsible for the First Jedi Purge so some obvious conclusions can be drawn from that . Even if the Jedi Order was already weakened by the Jedi Civil War and Mandalorian Wars.


Ofc, this has almost nothing to do with how powerful someone is but with historical circumstance. Malgus would destroy Grievous in negative amounts of time and profoundly defeat Sion.


Regarding Vader. There are a lot of Jedi killed by him yes, but this whole initiative was by the Sith Imperative and by Sedious in particular, so Vader doesn't get to get full credit for that. Sidious does, at least imo.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Grevious wasn't underpowered in the Clone Wars. He was appropriate and in character according to how his creator George Lucas envisioned him. Filoni and Co. followed his directive on that one.


Grevious was supposed to be cowardly like a stereotypical bully. When he got his nose bloodied, he either cheats or runs away.


I personally would have liked Grevious to be less cowardly and more formidable like in the micro series, but that's not how George Lucas wanted him portrayed. You can dislike it, but it's not wrong.


And at least Grevious led the assault that wiped out the Nightsisters, killed the elder Dathormir witch, and he ultimately killed Mother Talzin.


Grevious has a few notable notches in his belt.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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He was appropriate and in character according to how his creator George Lucas envisioned him.


BS, quote or didn't happen. This is how GL envisioned Grievous:


Neither Force-sensitive nor a Sith, the cybrog general was trained in lightsaber combat by Darth Tyranus, and is more than a match for most Jedi.

—Episode III Visual Dictionary


He is built to dominate. The ceramic armorplast plates protecting limbs and torso and face can stop a burst from a starfighter's laser cannon.

Those indestructible arms are ten times stronger than human, and move with the blurring speed of electronic reflexes.

He is built to eradicate. Those human-sized hands have human-sized fingers for exactly one reason: to hold a lightsaber. Four of them hang inside his cloak.

He has never constructed a lightsaber. He has never bought one, nor has he recovered one that was lost. Each and all, he has taken from the dead hands of Jedi he has killed. Personally.

He has many, many such trophies; the four he carries with him are his particular favorites. One belonged to the interminable K'Kruhk, whom he had bested at Hypori; another to the Viraanntesse Jedi Jmmaar, who'd fallen at Vandos; the other two had been created by Puroth and Nystammall, whom Grievous had slaughtered together on the flame-grass plains of Tovarskl so that each would know the other's death, as well as their own; these are murders he recalls with so much pleasure that touching these souvenirs with his hands of armorplast and durasteel brings him something resembling joy.

—Revenge of the Sith


Grievous. The most prolific slaughterer of Jedi since Durge. In all the excitement, Anakin had entirely forgotten that the bio-droid general was aboard.

—Revenge of the Sith


The electrodrivers that powered Grievous's limbs could move them faster than the human eye can see; when he swung his arm, it and his fist and the lightsaber within it would literally vanish: wiped from existence by sheer mind-numbing speed, an imitation quantum event. No human being could move remotely as fast as Grievous, not even Obi-Wan.

—Revenge of the Sith


Mace nodded. "Yoda and I will remain on Coruscant, monitoring Palpatine's advisers and lackeys; we'll move against Sidious the instant he is revealed. But who will capture Grievous? I have fought him blade-to-blade. He is more than a match for most Jedi."

—Revenge of the Sith


"I believe we all agree on that," Anakin said briskly. "Let's move to the operational planning. The Chancellor has requested that I lead this mission, and so I—"

"The Council will decide this," Mace said sternly. "Not the Chancellor."

"Dangerous, Grievous is. To face him, steady minds are needed-Masters, we should send."

"Given the strain on our current resources," Mace Windu said, "I recommend we send only one Jedi—Master Kenobi."

—Revenge of the Sith


Before Obi-Wan had left Coruscant, Mace Windu had told him of facing Grievous in single combat atop a mag-lev train during the general's daring raid to capture Palpatine. Mace had told him how the computers slaved to Grievous's brain had apparently analyzed even Mace's unconventionally lethal Vaapad and had been able to respond in kind after a single exchange.

"He must have been trained by Count Dooku," Mace had said, "so you can expect Makashi as well; given the number of Jedi he has fought and slain, you must expect that he can attack in any style, or all of them. In fact, Obi-Wan, I believe that of all living Jedi, you have the best chance to defeat him."

—Revenge of the Sith

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Seeing as how GL worked on the recent CW you have to admit his depiction in said show and the 3rd movie is in fact the "real" or Canon grevious , thus the General from that other stuff (novel included) is nothing but fan-fiction as said by lucasfilm themselves. And we all know how Mr. Lucas likes to change his vision..so...GG is NOT an unstoppable jedi killer. sorry:D


but yeah i can see why people are upset me personally i have never been a fan of the old legends Clone Wars or PT era really at all(characters yes, stories involving said characters no) but for those that did love it i can see the frustration. I'm just glad the new canon isnt going the route of "i was in the clone wars era, and im the strongest and best because of it" with their characters

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Seeing as how GL worked on the recent CW you have to admit his depiction in said show and the 3rd movie is in fact the "real" or Canon grevious , thus the General from that other stuff (novel included) is nothing but fan-fiction as said by lucasfilm themselves. And we all know how Mr. Lucas likes to change his vision..so...GG is NOT an unstoppable jedi killer. sorry:D


Those are from the Revenge of the Sith VD and novel, which he personally approved so try harder.

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Those are from the Revenge of the Sith VD and novel, which he personally approved so try harder.


he approved of chewie dieing as well, he approved alot of the EU, but as of now the only Canon is the 6 movies 2 tv shows and everyhting printed after the disney buyout. sorry but thats fact

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he approved of chewie dieing as well, he approved alot of the EU, but as of now the only Canon is the 6 movies 2 tv shows and everyhting printed after the disney buyout. sorry but thats fact

No, the movie novels are canon as well when not contradicted by the movie. Not that it's relevant what is canon and what is not. Disney picked canon/legends by popularity, not what is superior to another.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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I don't have the quote, but someone I trust does. PM Wolfninjajedi for it.


Im not saying you're wrong or lying, if the novels from the old movies are canon thats cool, but ive been searhcing the web everywhere and i cant find an answer stating otherwise, like the novels are in a state of limbo between canon and not

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Why do you act as if Grevious being that skilled is a personal thing for you? He is more or less the same character with the same skills in both the cartoon and the other CW series. Books included.


What do you have to lose if he is turns out to be not ''that'' good? Or if the Jedi of his era are not ''that'' good too, hence why he was able to own so many of them?

Edited by Kaedusz
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I'm going to actually bring something up about George Lucas quote. It was mentioned "That isn't George's vision." George said he's more than a match for most Jedi. Do take into consideration that most Jedi are low level knights who would die in a few seconds against Kit Fisto who in turn died in a few seconds against Sidious. Most Jedi doesn't mean George feels Grievous is above 99% of the masters either. Most Jedi are fodder against the likes of Dooku etc.


Is Grievous good? Sure but you can't say TCW gave a terrible depiction of him. In TCW he loses a lot but he's losing against the top tier Jedi. As good as Grievous is he isn't going to beat the top jedi masters. TCW shows that. Even high profile Jedi knight level opponents put up a fight. Think about most Jedi. Kid in revenge of the sith who comes out of a temple and kills a few clone troopers before going down? Kid would lose to Grievous.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Is Grievous good? Sure but you can't say TCW gave a terrible depiction of him. In TCW he loses a lot but he's losing against the top tier Jedi. As good as Grievous is he isn't going to beat the top jedi masters. TCW shows that.


Yeah that's why he was stalemating Windu while hindered, because he can't beat top masters :rolleyes:


I don't understand why is it so incomprehensible to some people that Grievous could actually be that good. His cybernetic augmentation ***** on every jedi's force augmention except Yoda's, he is highly skilled in all 7 lightsaber forms, can wield 4 lightsabers without any drawback, uses a highly unorthodox style that can cause problems even for the best duelists, has a computer in his brian that can analyze and adapt to anything on the spot, and he has armor that can tank city level explosions. The only thing force users have against him is precog and TK. But considering how heavy and durable he is the later is negligible. And as for the former? By your own words they need speed to back up the precog, and Grievous is faster than even Dooku so good luck with that.


Jango, Boba, even Atton Rand and many others can kill Jedi with *********** gadgets yet everyone is suprised that Grievous can when the only thing he lacks is force defenses against TK.

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Yeah that's why he was stalemating Windu while hindered, because he can't beat top masters :rolleyes:


I don't understand why is it so incomprehensible to some people that Grievous could actually be that good. His cybernetic augmentation ***** on every jedi's force augmention except Yoda's, he is highly skilled in all 7 lightsaber forms, can wield 4 lightsabers without any drawback, uses a highly unorthodox style that can cause problems even for the best duelists, has a computer in his brian that can analyze and adapt to anything on the spot, and he has armor that can tank city level explosions. The only thing force users have against him is precog and TK. But considering how heavy and durable he is the later is negligible. And as for the former? By your own words they need speed to back up the precog, and Grievous is faster than even Dooku so good luck with that.


Jango, Boba, even Atton Rand and many others can kill Jedi with *********** gadgets yet everyone is suprised that Grievous can when the only thing he lacks is force defenses against TK.


You're misunderstanding me. You're acting like I'm saying Grievous sucks. I'm saying you're overestimating Grievous. The fact that he can beat mos Jedi is saying something. I mentioned the ones who can beat him are literally the top tier jedi of the order. My point is different than people claiming Grievous is bad. My argument is TCW didn't inaccurately represent him. The people he fought in TCW are just that good. That they're able to take him on and even gain an edge against him.


98% of the Jedi order would lose to Grievous. A good 2% can bring him down. Grievous is still superior over most Jedi. TCW doesn't contradict this.

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You're misunderstanding me. You're acting like I'm saying Grievous sucks. I'm saying you're overestimating Grievous. The fact that he can beat mos Jedi is saying something. I mentioned the ones who can beat him are literally the top tier jedi of the order. My point is different than people claiming Grievous is bad. My argument is TCW didn't inaccurately represent him. The people he fought in TCW are just that good. That they're able to take him on and even gain an edge against him.


98% of the Jedi order would lose to Grievous. A good 2% can bring him down. Grievous is still superior over most Jedi. TCW doesn't contradict this.


If you think TCW Grievous is accurate then you pretty much say that tbh. And I'm not overestimating Grievous. LoE makes it pretty clear he is a *********** insane duelist. He could pretty much beat a Shatterpoint-less Windu on equal ground.


And yeah TCW really does **** on Grievous. In TCW Grievous couldn't kill a padawan, got stomped by someone he's already beaten before while being outnumbered, needed a concealed gun to kill a freshly knighted jedi, and he got beaten by *********** Gungans. That doesn't sound like someone who could beat Windu.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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