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Europe Maintenance Time: Make a stand!!


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I don't even mind if the Americans get the patch first and then you do the EU patch on the Tuesday/Wednesday Night/Morning. But please DO NOT patch us at the same time, unless you are willing to patch the Americans in the middle of the day and EU at night! :)


k thanks.



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this thread is pointless.


First of all I live in Western Europe so I suffer these hours too, but we are happy a subscription can be used both for US and EU servers so whatever hours they pick for downtime always people will be not happy with it.

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i do agree that bioware should stagger the patching so that both the american servers and the EU servers are updated during the night for both sides (Rift does this very well, American updates then following night EU updates) I have had stuff to do so being down between 10-4pm GMT is today a hindrance rather than an annoyance, but i can understand peoples frustration, and on another day i might have found it an annoyance if i didnt have Civ 5 and Fifa 12 to pass the excess time.


Anyway +1 purely as i like to see fairness.


PS, as for the oceanians until they release actual australian servers on your timezones you will be getting the short straw everytime on timings, as vast majority of the gamers are in US/Europe. But if they did realise aussie servers then the above would apply to you aswell

Edited by Tectonics
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Wow, I can't really get a grip on how stupid some people are.

When you say "Get over it" and "Most of the subscriptions are in the US" etc. I wonder what goes through your minds.


Its not that we don't have other things to do, its that we pay as much as the US player base, and we should receive the same product. As it is now we receive less time than US players.

No company in the world should do this. Its just stupid.


And some of us works non-regular hours. I work from really early in the morning to around noon. So when I have my time off I want to play a game that I paid for. Sure I have all the rest of the week to do this on, that's not the issue.

The issue is that a big company like EA and Bioware, have the guts to just ignore the fact that EU doesn't have the same timezone as the US, its like they just doesn't bother caring for a big portion of their player base.


So stop please. Why even have an input if it doesn't concern you? If you don't have a problem with it they why bother posting? This thread is for those that really HAVE a problem with the maintenance times.


This will probably be buried it the depths of this thread anyway~~

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You can't separate maintenance because everyone is running the same client so to speak. North-Americans can play on European servers just as Europeans can play on North-American servers. You can't have characters jump between 1.01 and 1.00 servers unless you want to have problems.


I remember people moaning about wanting to be able to play on world wide located servers, it seems Bioware can never win.


Also, maintenance times are usually chosen based on population counts, at the end of the day Bioware had to choose between American peak times and European peak times, the sad truth is one has more people playing than the other.


That's fair enough. However is there actual figures that state america>Europe for subscriptions? Its like when Sony prefers US over EU, even though PS3 base is bigger in EU. Makes no sense to me.


Lastly, 12-3am is peak time in America? Surely peak time is around 6-11pm? It just seems like Bioware picked 4am-10am to be least obstructive to US & didn't really consider EU.

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Least I got to clean the house and take a shower.... I was starting to find it difficult to wade through all the bottles, packets and tissues on my way to the bathroom. I even managed some sleep.... computer game addiction, best addiction in the World.






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