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KotFE story does not make sense to non-Force sensitive classes..


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Whats funny, is that Bioware has indirectly confirmed that only force sensitives make sense. How? By saying in chapter twelve, if you are playing a non-force sensitive class, that Valkorian has made you force sensitive, which is why you can use his powers etc etc. Edited by cool-dude
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I've said over and over that KOTFE is written for the jedi knight class. While you can argue the point all you want, what character do you see in the trailers and the media? A human male jedi knight.


The Sith warrior has a promotional trailer too. The Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are the canon classes.

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Whats funny, is that Bioware has indirectly confirmed that only force sensitives make sense. How? By saying in chapter twelve, if you are playing a non-force sensitive class, that Valkorian has made you force sensitive, which is why you can use his powers etc etc.


I understand why they simplified it from a business perspective but storytelling wise, it's such crap. Suddenly force sensitive eh? I wonder what will happen to non-force sensitives if/when BW comes out with another expansion. My guess is that non force users lost whatever force sensitivity they had since Valkorion is gone?

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I agree completely.


I am a die-hard preacher of non force users being able to kill Force Users, even powerful ones, but KOTFE is...


I mean come on. It's one thing to strap on some Mandalorian Vambraces, go through a training montage, and start killing Jedi Knights, but I've always felt that Force Users come in MAGNITUDES of power, and as awesome as characters like Mandalore the Ultimate are, I just don't see how it's possible, even with beskar and specialized weaponry, for a non Force User to take out someone like Vitiate. I just don't. You're no longer competing with force pushes, force chokes, and other more common abilities, you're fighting powers that devastate PLANETS. Even a "normal" Jedi Master should be toast against that kind of Dragonball Z power.


I miss the days when my bounty hunter just did his thing fighting Knights and the occasional Master, but otherwise stayed out of the way of the big guns.

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Valkorion confirms in KOTET that he was bored and played games. He just pretended to leave, which he couldn't. Whatever Sateele & Marr sensed in you was either Valkorion himself or Valkorion playing with them too. This makes the magic weapon even more ridiculous, no matter whether you're force sensitive or not. On the other hand, elderly jedi hermits DO get a bit strange over time, what with all the day talking to ghosts as such.


Valkorion is trying to manipulate you all the time, yet in the end he attains his goal no matter whether you gave in to his persuasion or not. He basically used you as a ride to get back on the throne, loose reins to give you the impression of being in control. In the end it doesn't matter whether you're force sensitive or not. Surprise! The voice inside your head lied to you. A force user just may have the hubris to actually believe he's special and unique, while the non-force users get suspicious much earlier, because, yes, parts of KOTFE wouldn't make sense, if they were true.



The end of KOTET, on the other hand, mainly makes sense for two, maybe three classes. Inquisitor and Agent have gone to great lengths to become immune to mind control, and the Knight has already proven that in time he can rip free of Valkorion's influence (although back then he struggled for months against the mere presence of the Emperor and didn't have him in his head in the literal sense)


When those three with their natural and acquired resistance have to struggle that hard to get rid of Valkorion, how could the smuggler ever dream of getting his (awfully handsome) body back? Oh right, we can always open the magic box and pull out the sator ex machina, I forgot.

Edited by Mubrak
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Even for dark side force users in KofFE makes no sense imo. Dark side force users would strive to take the emperors powers or at least try and find out the ritual he used to gain it. The inquisitor already had the gift to absorb force ghosts power so at the end he/she would eat him up.


Any non force users fighting the likes of Vaylan would get snapped in half one second via email. "Didn't know I could choke you though the TV did ya"? But I can..........WONDER WOMAN!! .


Spoilers going forward.


A magic weapon made in the forest to defeat Arcann made no sense WHAT SO EVER. A magic force blaster pistol that gave you force powers? Sorry Marr keep your blaster pistol and gimme an anti-tank launcher with a thermite incendiary HE round. Block that with a light saber and Arcann would need his dental records to ID the body.


Quantum bomb on the gravestone, it will destroy everything within 1000km.....PLAN A! Put in a shuttle and fly it at the eternal fleet BOOM. Chapter 9 chillin out in a strip joint on Nar Shaddar wondering why we didn't think of that earlier.


A 15cm red cube of destiny is the key to defeating a being so powerful he devours the force energy of entire planets for giggles. Hu? Instructions on a ritual that dispels or traps his essence similar to the dark ritual he uses to devour worlds maybe? Narr. A vault that contained all the Emperors secrets and most powerful artifacts EVER and you spend 5 minutes having a gander and just leave?


Honestly thinking about it the expansions didn't make any sense regardless of class.

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