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What's the "Most Fun" PvP spec


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Hey guys, I'm new to Marauder and I was wondering what spec is the most fun for just doing Solo que unranked warzones.


I will say I have always had a lot of natural skill and quick thinking when it comes to PvP, especially on Melee classes. So I'm really enjoying Marauder so far. Unfortunately I tend to roll with the crowd as far as what people are playing. (I hate myself for this).


So when looking around at the other Marauders I cannot really get an accurate depiction as to what people are playing.


I did level as carnage and I really liked it. I've done a couple Warzones and was near the top. However I find the Gore window to be frustrating especially when I get cc'd during it.


Sorry for writing a book for just a simple question, but I'm honestly just curious on what you guy's opinions are and why. I heard Fury can put out some great numbers while Annhi can aswell.


I'm not really looking for the spec that's the "Best," just looking for the one that is fun and can consistently put out some good numbers in a solo environment.


Also please give a brief preview on what Implant/earpieces to get aswell! Thanks for the read and thanks in advance!

Edited by Klaydabby
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When I'm playing solo, I go Fury...sometimes Anni for a change of pace. When I'm in a group, I'll sometimes go Carnage. I think that I still prefer Fury the most overall. For solo ranked, I have not bothered trying anything but Fury. Some players manage to do pretty well with Carnage / Anni in solo ranked, but not many - it's definitely playing the game in hard mode.


For implants/earpiece I get the power/crit ones. Adjust your tertiary stats with enhancements.

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I firmly stand by Watchman and Combat being superior burst specs for PvP if only because I've seen my biggest hits consistently with Combat (15-17k being common, I've seen 19k once) and secondly with Watchman (20.7k Annihilate once along with 4-4.5k DOT ticks makes for insane one GCD burst). If you can pull it off TST Dispatch Precision Clashing Blast can 45-50k damage easily. Dropping someone 75% in under 5 seconds is pretty nice!
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Hi there mate,


First and foremost welcome to our community here, i'm sure you'll enjoy your choice to play a Marauder :D


So my suggestion would be pretty similar to most here, i recommend Fury. Let me start by saying i have a ridiculous love for Carnage lol but for PvP i think Fury takes the cake on what it offers. Let me also say that in the hands of a skilled player with experience all of the specs can be very effective in PvP, i just want to say that so you dont think the others are garbage compared to my suggestion.


So the reasons i suggest fury, and probably some of the others who've posted here too, is because of it's inherent bonuses which become very useful for PvP encounters. So with that you'll have the ability to gain immunity from CC's, knockbacks, stuns, etc. This is tied to one of your core abilities, Force Crush, which on top of providing this level of immunity slows your target immediately by 50% and then over time slowing them to 5% movement speed effectively making them walk while you beat them down. Another great benefit to this spec compared to the others is the second leap you gain in Obliterate. Obliterate allows you to leap to an enemy even while immobilized and stuns the target player for 1 second. A major benefit to this as well is that you can use it against players behind cover i.e. Gunslingers/Snipers. No other spec has an ability to do this which makes the value of this one shine in my opinion. The last big point of interest for this spec is that it's burst is not as easily removed as Carnage spec for example, as you've seen with Gore being the desired ability for opponents to interrupt. That and the spec's burst is a bit more mobile. With that, unlike the other specs, your Burst is applied either as AoE or Single Target and utilizes the same rotation/proc to accomplish. This effectively gives you choice depending on the number of enemies around as to which to hit to maximize your damage output without having to mess up your rotation. There are some other percs as well like damage reduction, easy energy management, and what not but those points i've highlighted are probably the most desirable.


Earpiece and Implants really are based on how you gear the other slots you have. Generally speaking Accuracy to 95 % and then from there Crit and Alacrity. Out of the stat pool remaining 52% Crit and 48% Alacrity. If you decide to do Ranked then this changes quite a bit, the most Dramatic being you'll drop all Accuracy out of your gear.


Hope that helps mate. Good luck with your choice!

Edited by Bahadori
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One of the main things that makes fury more straightforward/viable in pvp is that all the proc's and rotational buffs are guaranteed. Everytime you use force crush or obliterate, you are guaranteed the buffs and procs that come with it. On the other hand, carnage spec is based off of "chance" procs. Massacre only gives you a 50% chance of procing devastating blast. Also the proc for vicious throw is also on a 20 second cooldown with is quite long and hard to keep track of since there is no onscreen timer that lets your know when it will come off cooldown.


All this means that playing carnage spec requires you to look at the quickbar way more than fury spec. The more you look at our own quickbar, the less you can pay attention to your surrounding. Playing fury spec, you almost never have to look at the ability bar. Fury spec has the exact same rotation everytime around so there is no guessing. If you get stunned in Fury, no problem since your rotation just continues the exact same afterwards. If you get stunned during gore in Carnage, you lose a lot of burst.

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