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KotFE fan theory: Vaylin


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Even Thanaton? Even RAKTON?

Thanaton is better in every way.


Rakton I can't really remember. I only did the trooper story once. But yes probably. Unless Rakton hilariously failed at some military strategy and then wailed like a little girl, he is above Baras.


Baras is aptly named. He is an emBARASsment to the Sith, the Empire and everything they stand for.

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Thanaton is better in every way.


Rakton I can't really remember. I only did the trooper story once. But yes probably. Unless Rakton hilariously failed at some military strategy and then wailed like a little girl, he is above Baras.


Baras is aptly named. He is an emBARASsment to the Sith, the Empire and everything they stand for.


Thanaton is a terrible villain. He's a whiny, hypercritical idiot that is only able to stay a villain because he's up against the other whiny idiot. Baras for me was a great villain. He was powerful, he was smart, he has one heck of an awesome voice (Though Marr's is still the top voice in the game) and he was a villain that was there from the start. Through out the story Baras had a strong presence and was very interesting....For me, at least. We obviously have differing tastes in this matter.


Rakton was just...bland. He was easily the worst of the Class story villains, even after *sniff* the inccident that shall not e mentioned! Also, for some reason I always thought that Grand Moth Killran should have been the villan of the trooper story

Edited by Codedrago
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Thanaton is a terrible villain. He's a whiny, hypercritical idiot that is only able to stay a villain because he's up against the other whiny idiot. Baras for me was a great villain. He was powerful, he was smart, he has one heck of an awesome voice (Though Marr's is still the top voice in the game) and he was a villain that was there from the start. Through out the story Baras had a strong presence and was very interesting....For me, at least. We obviously have differing tastes in this matter.


Rakton was just...bland. He was easily the worst of the Class story villains, even after *sniff* the inccident that shall not e mentioned! Also, for some reason I always thought that Grand Moth Killran should have been the villan of the trooper story

Underlined: who?


I'm surprised you can type "Baras was smart" with a straight face given his plan was 100% retarded, he failed at everything he tried to do and he thought an apprentice described as "the second coming of Exar Kun" would be killed by a cave-in. I have more respect for Bond villains than I do for Baras. Thanaton on the other hand was actually menacing and even though his views were dumb I can respect his tenacity and the way he stuck with them. Apart from said views his failings are outside the range of his control, unlike Baras.


And yeah, Grand Moff Kilran was wasted by being relagated to FPs only. Almost as much as Malgus, who should've been the Warrior's master. Or failing that Jadus, who was overqualified for his role. Baras should've been the bumbling idiot Sith the agent knocks off in Chapter 1. It fits the theme of that story rather well.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Vaylin is... confusing. I do think she's deliberately manipulating Arcann and couldn't care less about him, but I don't think she cares anything about her father either. I think she just likes to show off, and she's playing with the Outlander like cat and mouse.


I had this one theory a while ago, but I can't make it work, nor do I have any evidence other than "a feeling" that Vaylin and Valkorian are in fact two different aspects of Vitiate. Somehow Vitiate was split into two parts- the homicidal, manipulative, pure dark side part, which went into Vaylin, and the more constructive, intelligent, and cunning part of him went to Valkorian. This would explain why Valkorian remembers everything Vitiate did and knows so much about the Outlander, and yet seems to have done good things on Zakuul, like build up an empire from nothing.


Anyway, I doubt that Vaylin has any interest in anything other than getting stronger, and having her own way, so I don't think that her interest in the Outlander is anything serious. At most she might find them cute. More likely, she's just messing with their heads.

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Vaylin is... confusing. I do think she's deliberately manipulating Arcann and couldn't care less about him, but I don't think she cares anything about her father either. I think she just likes to show off, and she's playing with the Outlander like cat and mouse.


I had this one theory a while ago, but I can't make it work, nor do I have any evidence other than "a feeling" that Vaylin and Valkorian are in fact two different aspects of Vitiate. Somehow Vitiate was split into two parts- the homicidal, manipulative, pure dark side part, which went into Vaylin, and the more constructive, intelligent, and cunning part of him went to Valkorian. This would explain why Valkorian remembers everything Vitiate did and knows so much about the Outlander, and yet seems to have done good things on Zakuul, like build up an empire from nothing.


Anyway, I doubt that Vaylin has any interest in anything other than getting stronger, and having her own way, so I don't think that her interest in the Outlander is anything serious. At most she might find them cute. More likely, she's just messing with their heads.


I think its safe to assume Vaylin and her brotherd are about the same age as the canon Outlander, a little younger. And if I'm correct, she already existed when we were opposing the galaxy-consuming mad psychopath, so I dont think she's a femVitiate :) But I do wonder what was she like when Vitiate blocked part of her mind

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I think its safe to assume Vaylin and her brotherd are about the same age as the canon Outlander, a little younger. And if I'm correct, she already existed when we were opposing the galaxy-consuming mad psychopath, so I dont think she's a femVitiate :) But I do wonder what was she like when Vitiate blocked part of her mind


I feel that if her father had actailly been a good one and taken the time to teach her to control her powers instead pf just blocking her she would already be a companion that helps the outlander plus no one would call her crazy and be okay with romancing her.

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Vaylin is... confusing. I do think she's deliberately manipulating Arcann and couldn't care less about him, but I don't think she cares anything about her father either. I think she just likes to show off, and she's playing with the Outlander like cat and mouse.


I had this one theory a while ago, but I can't make it work, nor do I have any evidence other than "a feeling" that Vaylin and Valkorian are in fact two different aspects of Vitiate. Somehow Vitiate was split into two parts- the homicidal, manipulative, pure dark side part, which went into Vaylin, and the more constructive, intelligent, and cunning part of him went to Valkorian. This would explain why Valkorian remembers everything Vitiate did and knows so much about the Outlander, and yet seems to have done good things on Zakuul, like build up an empire from nothing.


Anyway, I doubt that Vaylin has any interest in anything other than getting stronger, and having her own way, so I don't think that her interest in the Outlander is anything serious. At most she might find them cute. More likely, she's just messing with their heads.


Meh, I find it rather hard to believe that Vaylin could be a manipulator.

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Meh, I find it rather hard to believe that Vaylin could be a manipulator.


Yeah, same. I believe Vaylin is very calculated, but not manipulative. She takes matters into her own hands and I strongly suspect she's much smarter than she's made to look.

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Yeah, same. I believe Vaylin is very calculated, but not manipulative. She takes matters into her own hands and I strongly suspect she's much smarter than she's made to look.


I'd buy that if al we saw of her was in front of people she needed to keep in the dark, but the whole of Chapter 3 really makes it obvious that she just simply isn't bright. I'm hoping that this is just due to the mental block and that when it's removed, she become much more smarter.

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I'd buy that if al we saw of her was in front of people she needed to keep in the dark, but the whole of Chapter 3 really makes it obvious that she just simply isn't bright. I'm hoping that this is just due to the mental block and that when it's removed, she become much more smarter.


The mental block was removed when HoT defeated the Voice on Dromund Kaas and Vitiate retreated to Yavin 4. That defeat weakened him enough he could no longer maintain the mental block. So Vaylin's already loose :cool:

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The mental block was removed when HoT defeated the Voice on Dromund Kaas and Vitiate retreated to Yavin 4. That defeat weakened him enough he could no longer maintain the mental block. So Vaylin's already loose :cool:


I'm 90% sure that's not how a mental block works, it's not like vitiate was constantly keepin g up the block while he was Vitiate.

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I had this one theory a while ago, but I can't make it work, nor do I have any evidence other than "a feeling" that Vaylin and Valkorian are in fact two different aspects of Vitiate. Somehow Vitiate was split into two parts- the homicidal, manipulative, pure dark side part, which went into Vaylin, and the more constructive, intelligent, and cunning part of him went to Valkorian. This would explain why Valkorian remembers everything Vitiate did and knows so much about the Outlander, and yet seems to have done good things on Zakuul, like build up an empire from nothing.

So... SoR Revan again?


I shake my head, but you know they totally would pull that again.


Meh, I find it rather hard to believe that Vaylin could be a manipulator.

Then maybe she's doing her job.;)





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I'm 90% sure that's not how a mental block works, it's not like vitiate was constantly keepin g up the block while he was Vitiate.


The Emperor's essence returned to the care of the Hand and entered a deep slumber on Yavin 4 in order to recuperate, as the battle with the Hero had grievously wounded his spirit. Yet the rest of the Empire believed that their leader had fallen. Darth Malgus took advantage of his absence to steal the Emperor's space station and declare his own New Empire, though the false Emperor would be defeated in battle with both Republic and Imperial forces on Ilum. Hidden among the dark side energies of Yavin 4, The Imperial Guardsmen on the moon were tasked with preparing the device in the Temple of Sacrifice for use in restoring the Emperor, and the Emperor's spirit rested in a nearby temple. In his slumber, the Emperor's injured mind reached out to his Children and began to whisper to them, raging at the Knight and issuing contradictory orders as his consciousness moved quickly from thought to thought. Some Children, such as Tannac, were able to block out the incoherent commands of their master, but others like Suri were almost driven mad by his rage and constantly shifting thoughts. The Emperor's slumber also had the unintended consequences on Vaylin—with the bulk of the Sith entity's power locked away on Yavin 4, Valkorion's mental blocks within Vaylin's mind broke down and her powers reemerged. Vaylin did not strike back against her father, however, instead choosing to bide her time.

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