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The most under rated ship in this game


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Do you think you know the blood mark? think again. life isn't all wine and roses and the blood mark is not just tensor fields and suicides. I think it is time everyone put this ship to work and stop letting it rest on its BS laurels.


laser cannons with both sides left

emp missile with both sides right

targeting telemetry with both sides left

distortion field

power dive

lightweight armor

large reactor

sensor communicators

AND my favorite frequency capacitors


crew is

leutenant peerce



tactics who cares? pick something


COPILOT here's the kicker! you are going to use critical chance as your copilot. this build will let you kill the shield cooldowns on bombers and scouts and let you dispatch them before they can even let out a squeel. enjoy


I know some of the lesser minds here will complain about no wingman. but guess what you get the same as 15% accuracy from your targeting telemetry if you pick the left side. that is almost as good as wingman and you should aspire to be more accurate and maybe one day you will be an ace like me :D


why would you pick this instead of a sting? why not? when there are mines and enemy scouts all over the place and switching to a mangler is a death sentence you will be happy you have a ship that can piss off some bombers , run away from scouts and live to tell the story to your grandkids

Edited by Krixarcs
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No one is saying you can't make a half decent ship out of the Bloodmark it still has access to some great components. However what does this build do that another ship can't do better?


The Blackbolt can use this exact build except you swap a reactor for thrusters and EMP missile for EMP field.

That swap is a huge gain in power for the Blackbolt.


The Sting can use this exact build Except you swap a sensor for thrusters, EMP missile for Cluster missile and Laser Cannon for Quads.

Again this swap is a huge gain in power for the Sting.



Also in no way is the Bloodmark the most under rated ship in the game, there are many other ships people deem much worse. The Quell and Dustmaker for example.

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Also in no way is the Bloodmark the most under rated ship in the game, there are many other ships people deem much worse. The Quell and Dustmaker for example.


....Under rated means that it's actually better than people think it is.

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In the name of the christmas spirit I am going to take it easy on you but you are so very wrong here. Swapping EMP field for EMP missile is not a good trade. EMP field means you don't have the TEETEE as they call it. Say goodbye to your accuracy and your critical hits. The EMP missile replaces 32-50 rocket pods which are good but once they run out you are flying a similar ship. and don't forget rockets without TEETEE are only good when your ole wingman pal is ready to get to work, which is about once every 60 seconds yes?


As for the sting using this EXACT build last time I checked the sting had access to 0 emp weaponry. a cluster missile does 0 of the same thing as emp missile aside from make a good beep beep beep noise before you release it on your sad and suspecting frenemy. You might need to get those peepers checked pal!


The dustmaker happens to be one of my all time best ships as it features the oft under appreciated directing shields featured in the original star wars trilogy. It is a good ship because it can kill stuff from really far away and then run really far away when anything gets mad and tries to get really close! And those shields man! they never stop working, give it a shot. After several matches of manufacturing dust, this ship's galley resembles that of a household vacuum cleaner. full of the remains of old souls like sanic, purple, power puff girls, and mikaboshi. enjoy

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In the name of the christmas spirit I am going to take it easy on you but you are so very wrong here. Swapping EMP field for EMP missile is not a good trade. EMP field means you don't have the TEETEE as they call it. Say goodbye to your accuracy and your critical hits. The EMP missile replaces 32-50 rocket pods which are good but once they run out you are flying a similar ship. and don't forget rockets without TEETEE are only good when your ole wingman pal is ready to get to work, which is about once every 60 seconds yes?


Oh I completely agree that swaping EMP field for Targeting Telemetry is a huge mistake however you seemed keen on using an EMP weapon. EMP field however is way better then EMP missile. The missile is evadable for one so it makes it less reliable to clear mine fields then the field. The Field also can break missile locks for both you and your allies as well as lowers your opponents accuracy.


So if you absolutely want to play a Concentrated fire build you're right you don't really want to give up Targeting Telemetry so you are forced into take the inferior EMP missile. This is why the build isn't popular you give up too much to utilize the Concentrated Fire co-pilot ability. It's why many Scouts just don't bother with the EMP weapons since they are underpowered sadly, they just take Rocket pods and Targetting telemetry since they mesh so well together.


As for the sting using this EXACT build last time I checked the sting had access to 0 emp weaponry. a cluster missile does 0 of the same thing as emp missile aside from make a good beep beep beep noise before you release it on your sad and suspecting frenemy. You might need to get those peepers checked pal!


The reason I mentioned the Sting is that it can use a build that can do more damage and have more maneuverability and still keep the same kind of play intact. (The Concentrated fire + Targeting telemetry)

EMP missiles with their long cooldowns and long lock on times are much harder to land on experienced players and as such clusters are much more useful against better players. While Clusters only do damage and none of the support abilities an EMP missile brings in the end the only thing your EMP missile will be doing vs good opponents is making them use a missile break, which Cluster missile is much better at.


The dustmaker happens to be one of my all time best ships as it features the oft under appreciated directing shields featured in the original star wars trilogy. It is a good ship because it can kill stuff from really far away and then run really far away when anything gets mad and tries to get really close! And those shields man! they never stop working, give it a shot. After several matches of manufacturing dust, this ship's galley resembles that of a household vacuum cleaner. full of the remains of old souls like sanic, purple, power puff girls, and mikaboshi. enjoy


After reading this part I really thought you were just trolling me with the rest, but I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.


There are many top players that enjoy Directional shields on their Gunships, I think it is a very interesting choice but it just isn't for me. I personally think Distortion field is better.


Now from your message it seems you like a Gunship with Directional shields, that has a Railgun and is able to run when anything comes after you. You sir are describing a Jurgoran/Condor. The Jurgoran/Condor has access to Slug Railgun, Directional shields and Power Dive. It also swaps the less usefull Minor Sensor component for a much more useful (especially for running!) Minor Thruster component. On top of all that it has access to Burst Laser Cannon, Cluster missiles and Interdiction missiles for close range fighting if you do need to fight back.


I can't ever see a reason to run a Dust maker/Comet breaker over a Jurgoran/Condor. It just seems to be a superior ship on all fronts.

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I think the blood mark is often overlooked and nothing expresses that better than people committing suicide after popping tensor field. The t3 scout brings a ton of utility to a domination match and trying to turn it into a solid combat ship is throwing out its strengths. Yes the T3 scout can do some serious damage, but I've always attributed that kind of performance to a player's solid fundamental game play rather than to the ship.


PS: I think tensorcide goes against the spirit of a domination game. If GSF ever got more development there should be something that penalizes a player for committing suicide during the early parts of the game or something similar.

Edited by Kinsha
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PS: I think tensorcide goes against the spirit of a domination game. If GSF ever got more development there should be something that penalizes a player for committing suicide during the early parts of the game or something similar.


You know, even as a frequent tensorcide offender, I agree with this. Always makes me feel a little dirty. In serious games I still feel like it's my best play (because I'm just not a very good scout pilot), but I'll always stick it out in the T3 if I don't think my team's otherwise in jeopardy of losing. And if/when I do remain in the T3, I'm often surprised by how well I end up doing in that ship. Again, these are not typically games versus serious competition, but even so, I do think it's generally a pretty underrated craft.

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PS: I think tensorcide goes against the spirit of a domination game. If GSF ever got more development there should be something that penalizes a player for committing suicide during the early parts of the game or something similar.


The problem here is discerning between those who suicide after caping a node and those of us who are just really bad at using engine maneuvers (retro thrusters I'm looking at you)

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I personally do not often employ the tactic of tensor suiciding, as I believe that the T3 scout can be an excellent ship for taking and holding a node during the opening moments of a domination match. It has good initial speed with tensor field and interdiction drive, as well as good maneuverability and evasion while on a satellite. However, when utilizing multiple tensor fields, not often does a team require the utility and reduced firepower of two sets of T3's, in which case the suiciding can be the best option. Of course, there are many different ways to approach the initial setup of a DOM game, and there is much room for different setups, but all of the best ones utilize tensor field at the start in some form. I don't think the T3 is underrated, as it doesn't really bring much firepower to the game, but for teams that are too proud, or too stupid to utilize it's utilities, it can indeed be overlooked in favor of too many T2 "dogfighter ace" scouts, which, while powerful 1 on 1, are best utilized as a support ships in team engagements instead of the solo carry ships some people seem to believe them to be.
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You know what? tensor might be good if the spear point got a real proper secondary like cluster missile or rocket pods


Drakkolich the condor is a good ship it is true. I have seen many a pilot use the power dive function quite well but myself I like ole trusty barrel roll so thats why I like the type 2. To be honest the condor is really like the starguard in that it should be using the retro thruster to really enhance its dogfighting chances against scouts. It is a good build that some players have abused for awhile (looking at you shadowlands) and I cant see anyone being as effective with power dive which is basically a lesser version of barrel roll unless you somehow are out of gas. wait I thought you use barrel roll on your scout and gunship??? why are you promoting power dive man. and the stacy guide guy is your friend right? she says to use retro thrusters and distortion field on your condor so why are you saying directional shield and the power dive? you are not making not much sense and frankly it is getting on my nerves

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The benefits of Power Dive are its 0 energy consumption and its quick cooldown. If you run PD and Distortion Field, you have a near constant supply of missile breaks and evasion boosts that make the T3 gs very hard to hit. The 0 energy cost also allows you escapability if you're hit with ion railgun or are otherwise dealing with a depleted engine pool.


Barrel Roll even at the diminished state it exists in now is good, but there are many valid reasons to consider PD over it. BR consumes a lot of engine and has a slow cooldown. It's superior from a travel distance standpoint and from a 'makes you less likely to faceplant into a rock' standpoint, but there are very valid reasons to choose PD over BR.


There are equally valid reasons to take PD over retros. Retros are great, situationally, but don't give you any power to escape a bad situation and reset the engagement to a distance more favorable to you. Either is a valid choice, but PD definitely gives you a better chance to survive provided you're capable of aiming it away from obstacles. It also has a travel advantage over retros (though the extra engine pool retros offer is always tempting). Retros are probably equally likely to cause self destructs. You still can't see where you're aiming it without a little thought, planning, and/or wishful thinking.


Why would you choose a T2 gunship (Dustmaker / Comet Breaker) over the T1 (Mangler / Quarrel) ? Sure, Directional Shields are neat if only one person is attacking you. Distortion Field is better for escaping bad situations, Feedback Shield is better for dealing with close encounters.


The T2 gs has a terrible selection of lasers that in no way sync with its other armaments. The T1 can field Burst Lasers, making it effective in close either for engaging incoming attackers or for getting in on a satellite for crucial moments in a dom match. The T2's Heavy Lasers are a nice weapon on their own, but at the distance in which they are most effective you would almost always rather be using slug railgun. The T2 has no capacity to defend itself in close.


The T2 gs has a terrible selection of secondary weapons excluding slug rail. It lacks the extremely important Ion Railgun, which has tremendous utility in both game modes and basically every situation. Ion Railgun is essential in any tough match against quality opponents. Even comparing T2 and T3 gs, the T3 has Cluster Missiles and Interdiction Missiles, giving it far better close fighting options.


The T1 gs has better offensive capacity, much better utility, better shield options, and can handle engagements at any distance compared to the T2.


The T3 gs has better mobility, better shield options, and better chances of getting out of trouble, and can handle engagements at any distance compared to the T2.


There is no reason I'd ever fly a T2 gs over the other two choices in a competitive match.



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Why would you choose a T2 gunship (Dustmaker / Comet Breaker) over the T1 (Mangler / Quarrel) ? Sure, Directional Shields are neat if only one person is attacking you. Distortion Field is better for escaping bad situations, Feedback Shield is better for dealing with close encounters.


The T2 gs has a terrible selection of lasers that in no way sync with its other armaments. The T1 can field Burst Lasers, making it effective in close either for engaging incoming attackers or for getting in on a satellite for crucial moments in a dom match. The T2's Heavy Lasers are a nice weapon on their own, but at the distance in which they are most effective you would almost always rather be using slug railgun. The T2 has no capacity to defend itself in close.


The T2 gs has a terrible selection of secondary weapons excluding slug rail. It lacks the extremely important Ion Railgun, which has tremendous utility in both game modes and basically every situation. Ion Railgun is essential in any tough match against quality opponents. Even comparing T2 and T3 gs, the T3 has Cluster Missiles and Interdiction Missiles, giving it far better close fighting options.


The T1 gs has better offensive capacity, much better utility, better shield options, and can handle engagements at any distance compared to the T2.


The T3 gs has better mobility, better shield options, and better chances of getting out of trouble, and can handle engagements at any distance compared to the T2.


There is no reason I'd ever fly a T2 gs over the other two choices in a competitive match.



Well lookie here despon comes out of hiding. like I said the T2 gunship has the best shields and barrel roll and that's why I pick it. the heavies are actually really good if you set them up properly and use em at the right time. you need the accuracy left side T4 and you need YUUN and frequency capacitors and you need regen extender duh. voila. dont forget they have stellar DPS when compared to a slug railgun. it makes them great for chewing up bombers


I managed to solo Q and beat the "mighty" eclipse squadron a bunch of times the other day with my T2 gunship. I even killed nemarus (eclipse-leader) 10 times: http://imgur.com/gallery/HXRd6IJ/new

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Well lookie here despon comes out of hiding. like I said the T2 gunship has the best shields and barrel roll and that's why I pick it. the heavies are actually really good if you set them up properly and use em at the right time. you need the accuracy left side T4 and you need YUUN and frequency capacitors and you need regen extender duh. voila. dont forget they have stellar DPS when compared to a slug railgun. it makes them great for chewing up bombers

Hardly hiding, the forum just hasn't had anything particularly interesting going on lately that I felt the need to comment on.


The T1 gs also has barrel roll. Basically, you're trading Ion Railgun for Directional Shields. Directionals lack a missile break, which is manageable depending on the local meta, but is worth considering. In any serious match, the lack of Ion Railgun is going to make life more difficult for your team and you don't gain any offensive advantage to compensate. You may gain a minor edge in certain one-on-one situations with DS, but that evaporates against a good team that knows how to deal with threats.


HLC is a fine weapon, it just doesn't mesh with the rest of the armaments available to the ship. DPS is not the best measure of a weapon. If it was, Light Laser Cannon would be the best laser available, and it's very much not. The conditions needed to sustain that DPS are difficult to engineer. Immediate burst damage is far more essential to threat removal than sustained DPS.


I managed to solo Q and beat the "mighty" eclipse squadron a bunch of times the other day with my T2 gunship. I even killed nemarus (eclipse-leader) 10 times: http://imgur.com/gallery/HXRd6IJ/new

I don't think that match is a particularly good example to use if you're trying to extol the virtues of the T2 gs. His side had four non-contributors on it, meaning he was likely scrambling all over the place to put out fires and do what his undermanned team was incapable of doing.


Personally, I'd love it if the T2 gs was a viable choice to go alongside other viable choices for serious matches, because more diversity of choice is great. I do not believe that the combination of BR and DS make it a more effective contributor to a match full of quality pilots than a T1 or T3 gs. And to be a bit more on-topic for the thread, I don't think it is underrated either. I think people have it pegged pretty much where it sits in the power structure of the overall meta right now.



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Hardly hiding, the forum just hasn't had anything particularly interesting going on lately that I felt the need to comment on.


The T1 gs also has barrel roll. Basically, you're trading Ion Railgun for Directional Shields. Directionals lack a missile break, which is manageable depending on the local meta, but is worth considering. In any serious match, the lack of Ion Railgun is going to make life more difficult for your team and you don't gain any offensive advantage to compensate. You may gain a minor edge in certain one-on-one situations with DS, but that evaporates against a good team that knows how to deal with threats.


HLC is a fine weapon, it just doesn't mesh with the rest of the armaments available to the ship. DPS is not the best measure of a weapon. If it was, Light Laser Cannon would be the best laser available, and it's very much not. The conditions needed to sustain that DPS are difficult to engineer. Immediate burst damage is far more essential to threat removal than sustained DPS.



I don't think that match is a particularly good example to use if you're trying to extol the virtues of the T2 gs. His side had four non-contributors on it, meaning he was likely scrambling all over the place to put out fires and do what his undermanned team was incapable of doing.


Personally, I'd love it if the T2 gs was a viable choice to go alongside other viable choices for serious matches, because more diversity of choice is great. I do not believe that the combination of BR and DS make it a more effective contributor to a match full of quality pilots than a T1 or T3 gs. And to be a bit more on-topic for the thread, I don't think it is underrated either. I think people have it pegged pretty much where it sits in the power structure of the overall meta right now.





Yes it can be be big deal to give up ion when they are using bombers galore. In that case I use mangler. I have to to mangler a lot in harbinger and i'm good with it


The eclipse loss can hardly be blamed on bottom 4. The bottom 8 are all nearly just as useless. The win was clearly due to the T2 GS Ace mauling eclipseleader and putting out fires everywhere

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The eclipse loss can hardly be blamed on bottom 4. The bottom 8 are all nearly just as useless. The win was clearly due to the T2 GS Ace mauling eclipseleader and putting out fires everywhere

I'm curious about the nature of the match. I assume Nemarus was flying his usual T1 scout, which actually would be a poor ship to engage your T2 build with since the T1 scout has to fight at mid-range and the primary weakness of the T2 gs is in close. A T2 scout with BLC and pods would give you a lot more trouble. Were your kills on him from one-on-one engagements or from picking him off while he was doing something else?


I'm curious about a couple other things:


When you run T2 gs, you use Slug Railgun of course, but what other secondary weapon? Does it matter? Does it even get used? Torpedoes have no synergy with railgun or really any role that another weapon doesn't fill better. Plasma Railgun is inaccurate and DoT is weaker in comparison to damage that happens all at once, plus it's semi-broken from a bug (I think it doesn't tick as long as it should). So basically the T2 is wasting a component slot. Again, I really wish that Plasma Rail, the torpedoes etc were all better so they were viable and interesting choices but they're distinctly less effective than other options.


How do your averages compare between the three gunship types? As in average kills / assists / damage. In my case, I average 80k damage in T1 gs, and topped out at 180k total damage in a single match. In T3, I have fewer games played but I think my average will settle in around 55-60k damage and I don't think I've broken 100k in it yet but could see scoring around 100-120k as a max single match output. I have even fewer T2 gs matches played, so my data pool isn't as large. I see it landing around 40-45k average damage, I don't know... maybe I can push it to 50k.


The lack of close-fighting options for the T2 gs, to me, means I'd end up spending more time running to establish a range that's better to fight from whereas with the other two I have options to stay engaged at all ranges. That right there will drive down its damage output and effectiveness.


Maybe I'll start flying it again though, at least to get 100 games in it on Harbinger. It'd be good to have more data.



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I'm curious about the nature of the match. I assume Nemarus was flying his usual T1 scout, which actually would be a poor ship to engage your T2 build with since the T1 scout has to fight at mid-range and the primary weakness of the T2 gs is in close. A T2 scout with BLC and pods would give you a lot more trouble. Were your kills on him from one-on-one engagements or from picking him off while he was doing something else?


I'm curious about a couple other things:


When you run T2 gs, you use Slug Railgun of course, but what other secondary weapon? Does it matter? Does it even get used? Torpedoes have no synergy with railgun or really any role that another weapon doesn't fill better. Plasma Railgun is inaccurate and DoT is weaker in comparison to damage that happens all at once, plus it's semi-broken from a bug (I think it doesn't tick as long as it should). So basically the T2 is wasting a component slot. Again, I really wish that Plasma Rail, the torpedoes etc were all better so they were viable and interesting choices but they're distinctly less effective than other options.


How do your averages compare between the three gunship types? As in average kills / assists / damage. In my case, I average 80k damage in T1 gs, and topped out at 180k total damage in a single match. In T3, I have fewer games played but I think my average will settle in around 55-60k damage and I don't think I've broken 100k in it yet but could see scoring around 100-120k as a max single match output. I have even fewer T2 gs matches played, so my data pool isn't as large. I see it landing around 40-45k average damage, I don't know... maybe I can push it to 50k.


The lack of close-fighting options for the T2 gs, to me, means I'd end up spending more time running to establish a range that's better to fight from whereas with the other two I have options to stay engaged at all ranges. That right there will drive down its damage output and effectiveness.


Maybe I'll start flying it again though, at least to get 100 games in it on Harbinger. It'd be good to have more data.




yes I admit that all you need is the slug railgun and it would be nice to have a cluster missile or interdiction missile. but on the bright side it makes the strong arm an OK cartel choice because I do not have to switch weapons and deal with the glitch


eclipse leader switched between a t1 scout, t1 overcharged shield bomber and a t2 scout . to be fair I didnt see any distortion field being used. I killed him 1v1 with heavies a few times and sniped him with railgun the other times

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You know what? tensor might be good if the spear point got a real proper secondary like cluster missile or rocket pods


Drakkolich the condor is a good ship it is true. I have seen many a pilot use the power dive function quite well but myself I like ole trusty barrel roll so thats why I like the type 2. To be honest the condor is really like the starguard in that it should be using the retro thruster to really enhance its dogfighting chances against scouts. It is a good build that some players have abused for awhile (looking at you shadowlands) and I cant see anyone being as effective with power dive which is basically a lesser version of barrel roll unless you somehow are out of gas. wait I thought you use barrel roll on your scout and gunship??? why are you promoting power dive man. and the stacy guide guy is your friend right? she says to use retro thrusters and distortion field on your condor so why are you saying directional shield and the power dive? you are not making not much sense and frankly it is getting on my nerves


Hey Krix sorry for the late response I was out of town for Xmas.


I do in fact use Barrel Roll on on my main Sting/Flashfire build as well as on my Mangler/Quarrel. However I was suggesting a build for you not me. I in fact in my post mentioned I don't like Directional shields on my Gunships. You said you liked playing a Gunship with Directional shields that has the ability to run away very efficiently, I suggested the Condor/Jurgoran with Directionals and Power dive because both those abilities fit the exact roll better than the Dustmaker/Comet breaker. Now if you are really stuck on only using Barrel roll and Directionals then you are absolutely stuck with the Dustmaker/Comet Breaker it's the only Gunship with those 2 exact components.


Like others have said in the thread I just believe you are really hurting yourself in the long run, but hey play how you want right, that's what games are for. I just can't ever see how using Barrel roll over Power dive could possibly compensate for losing Cluster/Interdiction missiles, Burst laser cannons and the Thruster minor component. Those are some hefty loses for swaping an engine component that at best is a player preference choice in power levels.


I think I'm making plenty of sense but whatever you are confused about please continue to point it out, I don't mind explaining it to ya. Sorry about the confusion.

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Well lookie here despon comes out of hiding. like I said the T2 gunship has the best shields and barrel roll and that's why I pick it. the heavies are actually really good if you set them up properly and use em at the right time. you need the accuracy left side T4 and you need YUUN and frequency capacitors and you need regen extender duh. voila. dont forget they have stellar DPS when compared to a slug railgun. it makes them great for chewing up bombers


I managed to solo Q and beat the "mighty" eclipse squadron a bunch of times the other day with my T2 gunship. I even killed nemarus (eclipse-leader) 10 times: http://imgur.com/gallery/HXRd6IJ/new


Since I'm actually logged in and responding to the forum.....


I'm just kinda baffled... not sure if it's the ego, the arrogance or ignorance. Probably a combination of all 3.

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Don't forget about sensor dampening.


Just so we are clear, you know Sensors can not be dampened to be under 15k right? Just being clear on this one, since I believe that is part of the reason most people prefer having something like thrusters minor for more maneuverability then sensors for.... anything really.

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