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[SPOILER]This is Star Wars Force Awakens Spoiler Alert Warning do not read this post


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I actually agree with Kae here (doesn't happen often but it does) I brought it to the attention before in a debate. I really dislike the idea that there are no "Sith Spirits" in Disney Canon..
what about those spirits that yoda sees on Koriban (will never use moriband)
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For me the debate boils down to simplifying the usages of the word......



Dark Side and light side


Each is a side of a whole........Why would they use SIDE as opposed to something like the Dark Force and Light Force or the Darkness and the Light


make it even more simple.......the dark side of my car.......implies there is a light side of my car.......my car being the force and it has 2 sides to it...possibly more

Even things said in movies/books leads me to the conclusion that the force is one supreme source of magic power in the SW universe....


is the dark side stronger? No more seductive blah blah.....Of course it is easier to live by no rules or guidelines other then self satisfaction which is what the Sith and dark side adherents seem to follow....use this gun however you want....as long as it makes you happy..........


the Jedi and those of good nature would use that gun to protect and serve and kill only when necessary.....


So again the gun analogy works very well in describing the force...it is just a tool and it manifests itself in both users....otherwise we risk making the force into something it is not IMO.........



I am totally off topic now but replying to earlier comments as to the nature of the force....


I love the counter earlier from some bloke who said Darth plagueis is wrong in his observations of the force..... the master of the force is wrong....hmmpf the audacity. he can manipulate the force/create life and force it to do his will yet he is wrong. /sarcasm

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For me the debate boils down to simplifying the usages of the word......



Dark Side and light side


Each is a side of a whole........Why would they use SIDE as opposed to something like the Dark Force and Light Force or the Darkness and the Light


make it even more simple.......the dark side of my car.......implies there is a light side of my car.......my car being the force and it has 2 sides to it...possibly more

Even things said in movies/books leads me to the conclusion that the force is one supreme source of magic power in the SW universe....


is the dark side stronger? No more seductive blah blah.....Of course it is easier to live by no rules or guidelines other then self satisfaction which is what the Sith and dark side adherents seem to follow....use this gun however you want....as long as it makes you happy..........


the Jedi and those of good nature would use that gun to protect and serve and kill only when necessary.....


So again the gun analogy works very well in describing the force...it is just a tool and it manifests itself in both users....otherwise we risk making the force into something it is not IMO.........



I am totally off topic now but replying to earlier comments as to the nature of the force....


I love the counter earlier from some bloke who said Darth plagueis is wrong in his observations of the force..... the master of the force is wrong....hmmpf the audacity. he can manipulate the force/create life and force it to do his will yet he is wrong. /sarcasm


The force is very much like the Yin-Yang. Yes there are two sides that are in balance. Yes there are "sides." but that doesn't mean that there is no dark or light. They are very much real. No, the force isn't meant to be used as a tool. The force has a will and yes it has a plan. The force, in this regard, is akin to fate. Yes. Plagueis views of the force is wrong. He believed himself to be the master. He believed it can be used as a tool. You know what happened? He was killed by his own apprentice and his apprentice was killed by a being that was created by the force in order to regain balance.


Catch that yet? The force struck back. It created a being in order to retain balance. If you think you can use the force to upset the balance of everything the force will strike back and destroy you. A gun doesn't have a will, a gun doesn't act through people, a gun doesn't influence people, the gun doesn't give people subtle whispers to enact a great plan. A gun can't think or act on it's own. A gun is incapable of deciding how it's user will use it and it doesn't push anyone.


Your gun analogy is not applicable when talking about the force. The Sith way of thinking was unbalancing to the force. So the force got rid of them.


Again, the force is like a Yin Yang. For there to light there must be darkness. For there to be evil there must be good. Good people will do good things bad people will do bad things. As long as there are good force users there will also be those that are bad. Some people are destined for great things. Other people are destined for darkness.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I was extremely disappointed with TFA.


Story was bad. Jedi Knight's story arc in SWTOR is dozen times better not to mention KotOR 2.


Unappealing (in all ways) lead hero.


Ridiculously stupid climax, even for Star Wars (sci-fi / fantasy) story. Rey would beat Galen Marek's butt without Jedi training. Top kek.


John Williams performed rather poorly. Every Star Wars movie had an amazing soundtrack with memorable tracks. Not a single thing remained in my head after TFA. There are no memorable motifs / themes like Across the Stars, Imperial March or Battle of the Heroes.


Film is oozing with political agenda and doesn't even try to hide it.


Not enough traditional jedi robes for you alec :)


Seriously though, I have not seen the film yet I could not get myself hyped for it (I am a SW fan that's why I am puzzled), I though spoilering myself might be the answer but its made it even worse.


I mean it sounds as if Rey comes across a little perfect she can instinctively use the force in many instances without training it seems at most the chosen one had increased reflexes due to seeing things before they happen occasionally.


But then you have Finn and it sounds as if he swings lightsabers about though never having any training either and it does not sound so far as if he has any force sensitivity whatsoever I always though it was difficult to wield a lightsaber without training due to the fact there is no weight to the blade.


Then to top it all off if sounds very much in the vein of Episode IV with the death this time belonging to Solo.

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Honestly I felt like it was a very good film and my ranking would be something like:









I feel like this movie did a lot of good things and it was a nice send off to the OT and the GL era of Star Wars in general while setting up a very new story that has lots of room and freedom to branch out and be unique in the next two films.


Kylo Ren is pretty hit and miss it seems but personally I liked him a lot, I feel like this is the character Anakin should have been more like in AOTC and for parts of ROTS, I don't have problems with him losing his duel since he was obviously untrained but was over estimated by Snoke due to his raw force potential. He was also injured by Chewbaccas shot.


Rey was pretty cool, I guess when she opened the box or when Kylo reached into her mind it "awakened" something inside of her that had always been there.


Obviously there's a lot of questions still but that is fine, i am looking forward to what they do next with these stories. Overall I'd give the movie a 9/10. Gonna have to see if another or maybe two more times on the big screen.



Oh Han was the best character :D

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