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PLEASE put a reQ penalty for people who leave pvp, even unranked.


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This is causing ANY grouping alg u put into place to be underminded. People join, cant get a quick cap at the start, and quit...just rejoin another group. Its garbage because those are the players with the higher valor ranks and they are likely counting for more in the Q balance to begin with. So as soon as they bail, the leftovers are totally outranked. This must be stopped! This kills over half the games I play. If those people would just stay in we would at least have a "fair and fun" match, but they bail. Leftovers get rolled. A pvp Q penalty should be put in place, and it really should be legacy wide so people cant just hop over to another toon either, but hey I'm willing to compromise with a simple Q penalty. Nearly every other successful mmorpg with decent pvp has a penalty for bugging out on matches to prevent undermining the Q balance. Get with the prog plskxthx.
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What kind of penalty are we talking about?


I dont think having a timer on it like group finder will solve any issues, if anything it will make WZ ques longer, and bring the peoples bitter vocal side out as they're forced to stay in a match they dont what to be a part of.


Dunno about you, but I'd rather let the people with short attention spans leave than listen to them whine in /ops for the rest of the match.

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What kind of penalty are we talking about?


I dont think having a timer on it like group finder will solve any issues, if anything it will make WZ ques longer

This is I am sure a big reason for this, just like your ignore list does not keep you from being put on the same team. PvP so unpopular, they can't be adding stuff to make it even harder to do.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Honestly? Id rather wait another 5-10 minutes for a Q than to get put in the "bad" team.

I think you are flattering the short attention span people too much by assuming all quitters are pros ;)

Players who know their stuff dont leave on first cap, because those are easy to counter as victors spread; they leave when they realize calls are not getting answered/delivered or ballcarriers are max resolved full health long before goal line. That takes observation. Leaving on first cap within first 3 minutes is not observing, its giving up.

Edited by Kiesu
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Punishing people for trying to choose their battles means queues will get a lot longer.


WTB proper matchmaker.. I don't like sleeping through fights because my team is so much better than the other team, and I don't like being a total waste of space because AFKing on the node isn't enough to lose the match-or actually trying to fight won't get a kill no matter what you do.

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