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What robbed us the last nerves about the classes?


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First of all I want to exclaim, this is a half ironical tread. In here we have our PERSONAL impressions of gameplay and story for the classes. If somebody does not agree, feel free to disagree.

Lets get started:

Sith Warrior:

Yes of course the first think that is coming into our mind has to be Malavai Slymo Quinn. Can't kill him, GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

While I feel quite confortable playing a Juggernaut, the Marauder feels for me like chaos pure. Rotation? Heck feels more effective while simply facerolling over the keyboard.


Sith Inquisitor:

You f*** took my kill! After chasing after Darth Thanaton we can't handle him properly. Again GRRRR!!!!!!!""!eleventwelfenightelfwoodelf

Why would somebody of the SI's caliber take those bozos beside Khem Val as his/her companions? After 2 years of playing I have still no clue.

Sith Assasin rotation? What's that. Facroll ftw! Well, at least on low level anyway. L2PyC, ...yeah, yeah. Still this spec is one of the most awkward for me. It's a calling in german, neither fish nor meat.



The light Side ending. I won't spoil, but for realsy? You got to be kidding me, after what we have to do we have this option? I'd rather shoot myself playing an Agent than selecting this choice. It's like all for nothing.


Jedi Knight

Oh, the horror of overacting dispached to the world. Gives me iches! Anytime I want to play on the JK I have to throw my keyboard around screaming, "You shmok!" That's no Jedi but Weapongraded Ballonium!

Kira Carsen, ...uhm, just shut up. Please shut it or I'll shut you up!

Lord Scourge. In what perverse alternate realitiy would any JK would really trust him? And in what reality would a she-JK want to be banged by that shmok?

JK-Sentinel. Facrolling FTW.


Jedi Consular

The socalled Bar...what? That name reminds me of John Carter of Mars. And by the way, this storyplot is quite unprobable, but anyway. Focemindtrick, "Those are not the droids you are looking for. Move along" Yeah, in any freaking dialogue we can do that.

JC-Shaddow. also facerolling FTW.



Story bleh, most companions bleh. Just the uncool brother of the Bountyhunter overall. Actually you are nothing more than a loose gun of the Republic. Military hierachy and stuff is anyway overrated.



Oh, here is my most hated class overall. Why would you pick up with those bozos as your companions? Just because you get to get a Wookie doesn't make you Han Solo. And story? Yeah at least you get to flirt a lot, well la-di-da.

Rotations overall ...ro-what? Me not speak italiano!


Well at least I hope we get to enjoy some of our little, funny rants about the classes overall. ;)

Edited by Isnogut
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I suppose this is a stupid question, but if you hate the game so much, why are you still playing?


My peeves:

* All of Chapter Two of the JK story. It is so clear from the moment you begin Chapter Two that the plan will fail, and fail spectacularly(1), and yet your only option is to continue.

* The high point of the JC story (up to the end of Chapter Two) is the finale of the Tython series, i.e. not even Chapter One. That quest to recover the First Blade and take it up into the mountains and (...) is such classic Star Wars Epic that the rest so far is all a bit blah.

* The fact that only the SI and the trooper seem to have a set of companions who work as a team, and on that score, even the Trooper is a fair way behind the SI. (And I *like* the Trooper story.)

* The stark contrast between the M!Agent's two love interests leaves me in a quandary. I understand what it is about Kaliyo that people don't like, although I quite like the character (enough that I suspended my first (female) Agent to run a male one to follow that romance). However, romancing her means that my agent has to be a particular sort of person, one who really isn't worthy of the sort of admiration that Temple shows once she joins you. It ends up feeling like the writers were being purposefully mean to someone, and I'm not sure whether their malice was directed at poor Temple or at the player.

* The failure of the writers to take the player character's species properly into account in the dialogues. The Rattataki IA is the worst I've seen, although Cathar characters of any sort seem to have problems. It was also annoying when Garza told my first trooper, on Coruscant, to kill those secretly-cyborgs, and her reasoning appeared to be "cyborgs are evil and dangerous and should be eliminated". Not "those cyborgs", but "cyborgs". It didn't sit well with my imagined persona of my cyborg trooper. In retrospect, it's as if they didn't think about how the line would be taken when the trooper is a cyborg.


EDIT: forgot the footnote:

(1) The plan failed spectacularly. For it to have failed miserably, something stupid would have had to happen, like everyone's ship running out of fuel half-way, or there being a slew of Star Destroyers waiting instead of the Emperor's base.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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I suppose this is a stupid question, but if you hate the game so much, why are you still playing?

Where did I wrote, I'd hate the game?:confused:

I don't hate the game, but some things just gives me iches. It wouldn't be normal if everything in here would be sunhine, flowers and buttercups.



About the rest of your post, I like you pointed that out and I am respecting your point of view, aside the Trooper story I can even relate to the most of it. But on this particular point, lets agree to disagree. :D

To me the Trooper has absolute no qualities of a leader, and especially no officer. He is a quite effective grunt and dedicated warhog though.

Edited by Isnogut
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I found khem so annoying. as soon as I get xelek, I use him every time.


Quite the opposite here, Xalek is a 2 dimensional (at best) non-character that I wanted to refuse to even take on, clearly there to simply appeal to the evil=cool mentality. I was certainly more than happy to deal with him appropriately in KotFE (and even there the writing on the player's dialogue options was pretty pathetic).

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