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a potential group member has declined the invite


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And then what?


They all die on the first pull, but luckily the spawn is close enough they can come help me finish the fight. Time to heal up you would think since we are all at 10% health. Nah, lets just go to the next pull. Party Wipe.


So we would have learned a lesson from this, but no, lets take 75% fall damage because we didn't want to wait for the ramp, and instead of healing we can probably move to the next pull. Wipe.


Next pull? Wipe.











All night long, pugs wipe.




Groupfinder has been hopeless since 4.0. Players don't know how to cope without their overpowered healer companions, and certainly cant cope with content inside a flashpoint dungeon. I told everyone this would happen when they boosted companions to godlike levels.


I cant even suggest a solution, because the whole thing is fubar.

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It's fixed once someone accepts to join your group.




How do you manage that.


Imean to me this happens every now and then, mostly due to being queued up and not paying attention, you Queue pops just as you are to finish a mission, or do something so you hit decline......

That is why it happens, so I generally only Queue up AFTER I have finished mission or between missions

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Groupfinder has been hopeless since 4.0. Players don't know how to cope without their overpowered healer companions, and certainly cant cope with content inside a flashpoint dungeon. I told everyone this would happen when they boosted companions to godlike levels.


I cant even suggest a solution, because the whole thing is fubar.


Solution is L2P for these people. When it comes to group content its either, nerf the content, or let the players figure the content out. And I am not a fan of nerfs, therefor, keep playing keep learning.


Tacticals have been a pain with bunch of lv 15dps trying to clear FPs like Korriban where there is heavy trash pulls with no healing stations. They really arent scaled very well for groups with no healers.

Nothing wrong with HM fps though.

Edited by Kiesu
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And yet, over the past week I have run 12 flashpoints and not failed one of them. The only thing all of your failures have in common... is you. :eek:


I was actually thinking what OP described sounds like what happens when you can ignored by so many people, you end up playing with new players.

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And yet, over the past week I have run 12 flashpoints and not failed one of them. The only thing all of your failures have in common... is you. :eek:


One point i'll give op is my fresh alt, and 3 others in the 15-24 bracket were thrown into the Czerka Labs flashpoint.


First boss enrages after x minutes, seeing 4 dps players with 3 abilities lightly tapping on it before they get fried is ... priceless.


They should at least limit the flashpoints available for the first 30 levels so new players don't end up fearing flashpoints.

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There is an easy fix - join a Guild where you can get a group of regular people to do whatever it is you're queuing for. If you're not willing to do that, and insist on PUG'ing, ... well .... it is a PUG, so stop whining about it. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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I was actually thinking what OP described sounds like what happens when you can ignored by so many people, you end up playing with new players.


Not impossible, but unlikely. I may have to delete my ignore lists. I have characters that have never been in groupfinder that just hit 65 in the last week, they couldn't possibly be on ignore lists.


Nice try though, 10/10 trolling effort.



And yet, over the past week I have run 12 flashpoints and not failed one of them. The only thing all of your failures have in common... is you. :eek:


You get a 7/10 for effort, only because there is more unintentional truth to this then you probably think I will admit.


If I am on my Vengeance or Immortal Juggernaut or my Hatred Assassin its fine, because I can carry a team with taunts and have the mitigation tools to deal with the agro. It is actually easier on Vengenace then Immortal because the Immortal damage often isn't enough to contribute win the dps race on its own. -These are Tactical Flashpoints and nothing really hits that hard, I would only need teammates with a periphery knowledge of the game when I am on a class capable of tanking.


On a sniper or a Lightning Sorcerer, ? Forget it. Even my Marauder has problems because I cant taunt anything. If I cant taunt: chaos happens.

Edited by PulseRazor
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There is an easy fix - join a Guild where you can get a group of regular people to do whatever it is you're queuing for. If you're not willing to do that, and insist on PUG'ing, ... well .... it is a PUG, so stop whining about it. :)


Missing the point though, pre 4.0 this wasn't a problem at all. You would get an odd bad group, but nothing as consistent as these days.

Edited by PulseRazor
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How do you manage that.


Imean to me this happens every now and then, mostly due to being queued up and not paying attention, you Queue pops just as you are to finish a mission, or do something so you hit decline......

That is why it happens, so I generally only Queue up AFTER I have finished mission or between missions


Let me guess, you are a DPS? Because I swear every time you are waiting for someone to accept it's a damn DPS. And then they complain that queues are too long...

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PUG usualy refers to Pick Up Group. But another is, Probably Unskilled Group or Potentialy Useless Group or Positibly Under powerd Group or... I'm sure you get where this is going.


PUGs are the luck of the draw. Learn to live with it and stop complaining that PUGs stink. Most do but some don't. Get used to it or don't PUG... Many times players join PUGs to learn how to play their toons or how to do Flashpoints or Ops. Surprise that is what Group Finder is all about. Many player have never been in a group, Flashpoint or Op. So they join Group Finder in hopes of LEARNING from a kind and experanced player what is needed to be done so when they get with a group of experanced player they can carry their weight Not everybody can be of your preceived caliber or lack of overall class... End of stroy.

Edited by denavin
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PUG usualy refers to Pick Up Group. But another is, Probably Unskilled Group or Potentialy Useless Group or Positibly Under powerd Group or... I'm sure you get where this is going.


PUGs are the luck of the draw. Learn to live with it and stop complaining that PUGs stink. Most do but some don't. Get used to it or don't PUG... Many times players join PUGs to learn how to play their toons or how to do Flashpoints or Ops. Surprise that is what Group Finder is all about. Many player have never been in a group, Flashpoint or Op. So they join Group Finder in hopes of LEARNING from a kind and experanced player what is needed to be done so when they get with a group of experanced player they can carry their weight Not everybody can be of your preceived caliber or lack of overall class... End of stroy.




So after telling my group exactly what to do on the Prototype droids in TFP False Emperor, they continued to run around like it was pvp, dragging the Droid out of the protective circle, and naturally it would one shot them, and everyone else.


After 3 wipes and me not being able to do a thing about it because I didn't have a taunt, a player on a dps Juggernaut that refused to come out of his tank stance, a sniper that insisted on being 34.99999 feet away, and a some kind of sorcerer that was running around hitting Kolto stations as if they were health turrets, the whole group left because 98000 damage in one shot = broken flashpoint. Its like they don't even read chat. Chaos. Stop causing chaos.


Good thing one only needs a single healing companion to solo False Emperor TFP

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Oh give it a rest already. I pretty much only log in for FPs these days and none of what you're saying happens. I see more elitist scumbags ragequit over one death than I do bads that Leeroy Jenkins everything. Companions are where they should be. Get over it. Not that that has anything to do with GF, mind you.


And even the Leeroy Jenkins crowd I've seen is less bads and more elitists that think they need to get the new record on every run.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Missing the point though, pre 4.0 this wasn't a problem at all. You would get an odd bad group, but nothing as consistent as these days.


This is probably due to a combination of the instant 60 tokens, the incredibly fast leveling, and the more effective companions that we now have... people are not learning how to play along the way, now they are trying to learn at end game.

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Missing the point though, pre 4.0 this wasn't a problem at all. You would get an odd bad group, but nothing as consistent as these days.


I beg to differ, granted that 2.x wasn't so bad but still a few rocky groups; but 3.x was hell for GF content, I found, I could've torn my hair out a trillion times and never've gotten any sense of catharsis from doing so, most 3.x PUGs I got were that bad.


I'm still not sure they weren't just plain saboteurs...

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I could have been in some of those declines if you're a low level (below 50). But don't blame me. Blame BW for their stupidity in tossing newbs into content they're not ready for.


After suffering fiasco after fiasco with low levels that don't pay attention to mechanics, don't have the abilities to deal with mechanics or the skill to play end-game content, I started declining any LFG pops that have anything less than level 50's.


Although I'm thinking about revising that to level 55's because of a total fail pug last night. HM Battle of Ilum - 51 jugg tank, 50 sorc healer, 65 merc and me on a 65 mara. Half of the fights, the healer would cc a target, force lightning it, then complain about people attacking cc'd targets. The tank could not hold aggro. I would even give him a 5 count to let them all get pretty angry with him, then jump in and, pretty much, strip all aggro from him. Tried giving advice only to be criticized. So, no more newbs in my LFG's, tyvm.

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PUG usualy refers to Pick Up Group. But another is, Probably Unskilled Group or Potentialy Useless Group or Positibly Under powerd Group or... I'm sure you get where this is going.


PUGs are the luck of the draw. Learn to live with it and stop complaining that PUGs stink. Most do but some don't. Get used to it or don't PUG... Many times players join PUGs to learn how to play their toons or how to do Flashpoints or Ops. Surprise that is what Group Finder is all about. Many player have never been in a group, Flashpoint or Op. So they join Group Finder in hopes of LEARNING from a kind and experanced player what is needed to be done so when they get with a group of experanced player they can carry their weight Not everybody can be of your preceived caliber or lack of overall class... End of stroy.


Except that the vast majority of people don't even want to learn (probably some ego problem). I am all fine with people who don't know some fights provided they tell you so before you find it the hard way, those are the ones who are opened to advices but the reality is that the majority of people jump into a fight, fail miserably at the mechanics and when you check their achievements you find out that they have never set foot in that flashpoint.


And don't you dare explain the fight after you wiped. They still won't care.

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The difficulty curve is completely screwed in the tactical FPs now. Tanks that don't even have their taunts yet and getting thrown in SoR FPs (early spoilers ahoy!) that were never properly rebalanced.


On a sniper or a Lightning Sorcerer, ? Forget it. Even my Marauder has problems because I cant taunt anything. If I cant taunt: chaos happens.


I would LOVE to know what the heck you're doing, because the last 3 FPs my lightning sorc has been the tank (I'm getting disturbingly good at it). Apparently I'm so good at p***ing people off that the aggro-dump ability doesn't even get them off my back.


And then to add insult to injury when I run shadow or sin, all the mobs make a beeline right past me to the healer. I swear the game itself is trolling us sometimes.

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