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Massive Artillery Turret-Broken


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Just what it says, Stronghold Decoration from the new pack, all values read "undefined", can't even preview the item.


So.. BioWare, any idea when it'll be fixed? As one of the only "Gold" items from the packs that I opened I would like something that I can, hmm... I don't know... USE? If you can't fix it, how about at least swapping it out for say the Nexu Companion? Because right now, the "Massive Artillery Turret", is just a waste of space in my inventory.

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Ah, hadn't been on for a few weeks, so missed any earlier posts regarding it.. Just got one yesterday. Hope they fix it soon.. Would like to see what it looks like and what size hook it is.. I'm assuming the largest one or the starship hook, which would mean planting it on Tatooine, Yavin or Nar Shaddaa, Would seem out of place on DK or Coruscant if its as "Massive" as it sounds, not to mention, neither of them has a starship hook.
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