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Just posted this in a bug report, but would like to know communities thoughts....


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So I just logged in on my toon and started slicing and noticed I'm now getting 2 x credit cases every time I slice. Does this constitute as an exploit? Do I have to stop slicing until this is resolved?


Edit: I just sliced three 2 x credit cases in a row, just in case I was extremely lucky with a slicing crit. So I guess its a bug or not as intended ie: exploit

Edited by JulesKor
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It's not an exploit. The higher your skill the better you do gathering. When you crit while gathering you can get double blue boxes plus a purple mission of the node's level sync, if you are at 500 slicing. All of the gathering skills work like this now. It's a perk for maxing out your skills. The mat skills pull in 10-15 or so mixed mats per node at 500 now, too.
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