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Best Chronological Order for Story Missions?


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Hey guys, I am sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but it seemed most appropriate lol.


Anyway, I recently resubbed to The Old Republic about a week ago after coming back to the game and loving it. Previously I had played and subbed in the second half of 2013 and the very beginning of 2014 but then I got busy with life and had to quit playing for a while. I really didn't do much endgame content and mostly played through different class stories.


Anyway, I'm back and I just finished my Inquisitor's storyline and did the Ilum questlines and FP's and I guess my question is..chronologically..what is next? I did black hole and that seems like just a random one off. But I started Section X and I feel like I missed something because now apparently the dread masters are against the Empire, etc. I am obviously aware of the order of expansions but I don;t know the order of things like Section X, some of the flashpoints, and all the operations, which I would finally like to get into but have no idea where to start.


Are there any really good charts that explain the best order to do things chronologically? I'm a huge Star Wars nerd and a stickler for chornology. lol. THank you!

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Admittedly, it's always been a bit of a mystery of how the class story missions line up between the classes in the game - although it's obvious that Imperial Balmorraa and Republic Taris occur before Republic Balmorraa and Imperial Taris. But I think I figured out the order of missions that end on the Empire side (spoilers ahead). The Bounty Hunter's story is the first to end, as it deals with the downfall of Chancellor Janarus. The Warrior's next, as you can see Thanaton next to Marr during that character's final showdown - and he's the subject of the Inquisitor's storyline, which is the next in the line. The Agent's story is apparently last, as Baras's and Thanaton's feud with their rivals are mentioned and deals with the Empire's tenuous hold on Corellia. It apparently occurs either just before or just as the Republic class stories on Corellia are beginning. How the Republic stories line up, I have no idea.
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The knight has to be running ahead of the warrior, since the Emperor's hand tells the warrior the Voice has been silenced at the start of chapter 3, which the knight doesn't do until the end of chapter 3.


The trooper may be the last republic story, and definitely after the warrior story as well. Pierce assembles his team under orders from General Rakton to attack Corellia, and the trooper is the one who undoes his work and wins Corellia for the Republic.


It probably still makes sense for the trooper and smuggler to be running concurrently at the end as well, since it's the smugger who prevents the Voidwolf from reinforcing the Empire at Corellia, allowing the trooper's victory.


The consular is a bit harder to pin down, since the storyline is more one of political alliances and rooting out threats rather than direct confrontation. However, the consular has to finish Balmorra after all the Imperial characters, since she kills Darth Lachris.



Maybe something like this:

Bounty Hunter









Even that, Kira will spoil some of the consular storyline for you, and the agent will meet a dead person. It would probably work if stretched it out a bit and the agent still did Balmorra before the consular but the consular finished chapter 3 first.

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