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Weekly Searching for allies - thx EA for making it impossible to complete...


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There's a very hard-hitting DoT with grenade icon in that fight that can be cleansed, makes the fight a lot easier if you do. Aside from cleanse or hitting heal station right then, it's gonna be awfully tough to "just survive" that one.


I have never, on tank healer dps had to cleanse or be cleansed in that fight since day one of doing it at launch


I have ran that flashpoint well over 300 times now and NEVER had to cleanse on any character

Ran it in hard mode and never had to cleanse


And besides that, a scoundral has 1 cleanse and its certainly not going on a dps over the tank (or in this cas the level 55 shadow who was also in same group)


Sorry but thats complete nonsense


And for the record, the 55 shadow, myself as a 45 scoundral survived the opening gernade with no problem. It was the 2 20 something dps that died almost instantly


If there is any lingering effect is minimal and mostly ignored in the past until upward bolstered character (who lack the abilities they gain at higher levels to survive those attacks) entered the fray.

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I have never, on tank healer dps had to cleanse or be cleansed in that fight since day one of doing it at launch


I have ran that flashpoint well over 300 times now and NEVER had to cleanse on any character

Ran it in hard mode and never had to cleanse


And besides that, a scoundral has 1 cleanse and its certainly not going on a dps over the tank (or in this cas the level 55 shadow who was also in same group)


Sorry but thats complete nonsense


And for the record, the 55 shadow, myself as a 45 scoundral survived the opening gernade with no problem. It was the 2 20 something dps that died almost instantly


If there is any lingering effect is minimal and mostly ignored in the past until upward bolstered character (who lack the abilities they gain at higher levels to survive those attacks) entered the fray.


Well there is one now, and it tends to hit hard. I am not telling you what you should do, what I think of your approach. I did not recall it being there before (either), but it's not the only thing I suspect they changed since 4.0. There are a few mechanics here and there that I did not remember at all. All I know is that I've done Taral several times since 4.0, and my scoundrel healer was able to cleanse a hard hitting DoT with a grenade icon..

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And it could be a case of none of the DPS clicking on the Kolto tanks, in which case wiping would be the obvious outcome. Really, with Tacticals everyone is able to heal with them so theres far less of an excuse for wipes due to no heals not happening since anyone can click a tank. Even the highest levels DPS in the group should just click it if no one else is to stop horrible deaths happening. No excuses.


I think tacticals are brilliant since it went for seeking for a group every night for a week without a bite, to actually getting runs in relatively short order.


EXACTLY! And not clicking a healing tank isn't an example of tacticals being impossible, but of members of the group not being smart/tactical in playing.

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And his point stands. EA corporate head has nothing to do with the run of the mill management of this game. All the EA portion of the company does anymore is crunch the numbers, to cut or add to budgets.


Umm you have noticed all the migration of SWTOR to the EA site haven't you... As well as the rest of the BW games? This is exactly what happened when EA has finally closed the doors (so to speak) on other studios they have purchased...

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Flashpoints can be done in unbalanced groups. The experience however ranges from "harder than balanced" to "impossible".


If you get a group where...

- People read chat and work cooperatively

- People use and respect CCs

- Their native level (not bolstered level) is close to or higher than the original min level of the FP

- People can and will use the kolto stations


Then yeah, they can be done. But honestly, given the state of GF PUGS the odds of a non-balanced group featuring all of those requirements? The potential downside hassle versus soloing heroics for gear that is nearly as good (and while leveling up that's certainly sufficient)? For 20 common crystals that have no real use (other than maybe companion gifts) pre-level cap if you're doing heroics while leveling?


I like the idea of going to role-neutral groups for TFPs, but just adding kolto stations is a very half-**** way to do it.


I'd have been happier if "tactical" meant "2 players + 2 companions" and that was that. The companions can fill in for whatever roles the players need. Post-4.0 companions, while not as good as a real person, are generally good enough to support players in a FP when needed.

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I ran my tank through 8 tacticals last week, doing the daily GF got me 2 that counted and I had to queue up for 3 with only those on the list selected to get the weekly finished.


As for allowing level 15's into level 50+ content, even bolstered, is plain stupid. Most of the time low levels don't have the required abilities, or skill, to perform properly in the higher level content.


They should break it down to: Group 1: 15-30; Group 2: 31-49; and Group 3: 50-65. Then put the FP's to where Group 1 can only do up to Cademimu, Group 2 can do up to Battle of Ilum/False Emperor, and Group 3, of course, all content.


Throwing everyone into the same pool was a recipe for disaster.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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I ran my tank through 8 tacticals last week, doing the daily GF got me 2 that counted and I had to queue up for 3 with only those on the list selected to get the weekly finished.


As for allowing level 15's into level 50+ content, even bolstered, is plain stupid. Most of the time low levels don't have the required abilities, or skill, to perform properly in the higher level content.


They should break it down to: Group 1: 15-30; Group 2: 30-49; and Group 3: 50-65. Then put the FP's to where Group 1 can only do up to Cademimu, Group 2 can do up to Battle of Ilum/False Emperor, and Group 3, of course, all content.


Throwing everyone into the same pool was a recipe for disaster.


I could support this, although I'd rather just see them institute a minimum level per flashpoint and then synch everyone above the maximum level down to the maximum level.


Even so, I just don't see the benefits being worth the level of frustration. In the time it would take me to suffer through an unbalanced TFP group I can solo 2-3 planets worth of heroics and come away with more gear and money for my trouble.


Their idea to make FPs more accessible is noble, but the implementation here is terrible. At least your suggestion would, at a minimum, make it less bad and I'm in favor of just about anything that makes this mess better.

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