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Can we have forum posts with no opinions expressed?


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I am so upset that people want to post opinions on the forums.


Please delete all threads that annoy the forum's elite.


Topics that seem to annoy them are:


i'm Quitting threads

Complaining about the game

Requesting more Content

Slamming Game makers

Asking noob questions

Asking for Stuff because we are paying for game.

Complaints about bugs

Complaints about Customer Service

Complaints about anything




The same people constantly rip on posters of opinions.

So, maybe we should not express any opinions.


Hence the subject line of my post.

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I am so upset that people want to post opinions on the forums.


Please delete all threads that annoy the forum's elite.


Topics that seem to annoy them are:


i'm Quitting threads

Complaining about the game

Requesting more Content

Slamming Game makers

Asking noob questions

Asking for Stuff because we are paying for game.

Complaints about bugs

Complaints about Customer Service

Complaints about anything




The same people constantly rip on posters of opinions.

So, maybe we should not express any opinions.


Hence the subject line of my post.


Erm so what you would prefer is only people that agree with the thread posting in it then?

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As of this moment, a negative opinion nerf will be instated on the forums. The reductions will be as follows:


I'm Quitting threads -87% reduction

Complaining about the game -49% reduction

Requesting more Content -90% reduction because story is content.

Slamming Game makers - 67% reduction unless it's any company other than Bioware/EA

Complaints about Customer Service -27%

Complaints about anything -53%


The following will remain as implemented:

Asking noob questions

Asking for Stuff because we are paying for game.

Complaints about bugs



Edited by Lunafox
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So if I understand correctly...this thread is a sarcastic way of complaining about the fact that you want to be able to voice your opinion on your self-entitlement, hate for the game makers (regardless of how good the content they release is), fantasized lack of content, and unavoidable bugs that happen in every MMO.


So you're complaining about the fact that people don't like when you complain about complete self-entitled nonsense? Seems about right, when it comes to these forums. :confused:

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It's etc., not "ECT"


From the Latin et cetera, "and the others." Always lower-cased, always with a period.


Carry on.


But it may have been threads regarding Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT), which are indeed a hot topic given the amount of Interrogation droids my marauder breaks out during Bounty Hunter week.

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