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Voss Heroic 'Cyber Mercenaries' bonus mission 'Cyber Takeover' can't be completed


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FYI / Hi,


This Heroic mission on Voss has an errror:

Heroic Mission: Cyber Mercenaries


Destroy Kolto Tanks: 0/11

Detroy Medical Equipment: 1/7


Bonus Mission: 'Cyber Takeover'

Bonus Objectives:

Defeat Cyber Mercenaries: 0/30

Defeat Gormak Tech Masters 0/30



There aren't enough Gormak Tech Masters to complete the bonus mission.

Only 22 can be found and defeated.




Adieuaraea, Red Eclipse

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You are 100% right it can't. Don't know if it's a bug or intended either. However if like me you have an ocd where you feel obligated to compete it for the sake of completing it. You can always leave and come back later when the mobs reset. Then you can scratch that bonus off your quest log.
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  • 7 months later...

7/28/16 - Still hosed, but differently from above. Now, you cannot get enough Mercenaries - they are in the dungeon, but to get to the required count you need to kill all wandering Mercs, and all Mercs locked in Kolto suspended animation tanks. The tanks, however, will no longer unlock when the main quest goal of 6 tanks (opened) is achieved - leaving 4 mercs not accessible. So, still no bonus.



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At least I'm not the only one this has happened to as I know I did complete it at one point, but ever since I tended to come short on mercenaries and was wondering if I was missing an area somewhere. Going from last night's run of the heroic, I managed all the Tech guys and all the Mercenaries save 2.
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