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I'm done


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Right now i am leveling 2 new chars intended to be mains for the KOTFE chapters and i have never been so bored in my swtor career, ever. The companions are too overpowered. Faceroling everything, soloing 4+ and 2+ left and right. :mad:


So why are you leveling them if you've never been so bored in your life?


Whose got a gun to your head making you do this in what must surely be a forced circumstance you clearly have no say in at all?


Because if you're dumb enough to find something so excruciatingly boring, yet keep doing it anyway, you're not really someone that anybody should listen to about how multi-million dollar enterprises should be dealt with.


Moreover, whose fault is it if YOU keep choosing to do something that YOU clearly don't enjoy?


The correct and only answer is... Your own.

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I don't see why people feel the need to bash people that are giving feedback to BioWare on why they are leaving. In case you don't know this BioWare does not call you up to ask you what they did wrong to make you leave so this is the only way that they get any feedback. Sure, I can see that in some cases it is an attention grab but if you didn't feed into them the attention grab posts would go away leaving only the feedback ones.


I think that BioWare learning that the current direction of the game is not making long time supporters happy is good feedback. It also says something that some of the most supportive players of the game and of the community are leaving. This is information that you can't get from statistics alone. Numbers do not show if a helpful member of the community went away just that there was a drop of $15.

What feedback?


There's is none, it's I've been around since day 1, blah and now I'm leaving.


Nothing there is remotely feedback and my response to it, Bye Felicia

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And I unsubbed when people like you crying because they normalized companions to where the should be ruined the game for good.


Yeah different strokes I guess :rolleyes:


Your wahmbulance is awaiting you, sir. You're late for your appointment with the king of Nobody Caresistan. I'm told that you'll have the option of stopping on the way to have your diaper changed.


That should be very nice for you.

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Founder, Closed Beta Tester, my other account has been here since 2009, first wave of Early Start.


Still here. I took a long break because swtor was hard (in my opinion) and that impacted on the story. I made numerous characters, but none got higher than 45. Swtor was so hard, so grindy, it simply was not fun to play. I play to have fun - swtor was NOT fun.


4.0 made swtor FUN - in my opinion this is how swtor was supposed to be from launch - but the masochists on the forums were demanding an mmo in the style of the 'old school' - the game HAD to challenge you.


I'm not going anywhere - since 4.0 I have made more new characters and finally have several at max level - still got many more to go and enjoying the journey now :):p


Both accounts have been subbed since 4.0 (whereas this account has been perma - subbed since launch, even when I did not play often - not a 'fangirl' - I keep my main accounts in most mmo's perma subbed)

Edited by KrazieFox
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4.0 made swtor FUN - in my opinion this is how swtor was supposed to be from launch -


since 4.0 I have made more new characters and finally have several at max level - still got many more to go and enjoying the journey now :):p


So, you're saying that you stay subbed to games regardless of whether you play or not....and the above basically says you are enjoying content that was made years ago - well...thats great.


I think the OP was unsubbing because there isn't NEW content. Additionally, if you are just playing for the 1-50 stories...you don't even need to be a sub to do those:


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Best wishes friend! Hope to see you in another MMO or maybe this one again if things change.


I think a lot of folks are going to park SUB's for a bit it sounds like. The content drought just got real and the latest rewards announcement doesn't really tickle my fancy enough to plop down $120 for a Bonus Chapter I can watch on Youtube next fall instead.

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Best wishes friend! Hope to see you in another MMO or maybe this one again if things change.


I think a lot of folks are going to park SUB's for a bit it sounds like. The content drought just got real and the latest rewards announcement doesn't really tickle my fancy enough to plop down $120 for a Bonus Chapter I can watch on Youtube next fall instead.


The problem is the content is fun, for 9 hours


and then you go months with nothing new


And as you say, paying $60--$90 dollars for what will be a 45 minute chapter just doesnt make fiscal sense


Im heading into major surgery so parking sub (closes on 10th of this month)

And even though loved HK 55 in story,

Staying subd just for him and that 45 minute chapter just not reasonable thinking.


Kinda luck about the surgery as I was "this close" to outright cancelling

Now at least I have said I will recheck game in March or April after surgery and rehab done


But yeah, with out some major changes to how they approach content in this game

I will probably be following suit of so many other players I once played with here.


Sub in for 1 month every 4-6 months

Play the content and then unsub for another 4-6 months period.


With out challenge in the content,

The desire to stay and replay stuff is gone completely

Edited by Kalfear
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