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So with a new found passion in PvP it has occurred to me I will likely need to choose a server on my side of the country. When I first started I chose The Harbinger because of the fact it seems people flock to that server (or there are more West Coasters than East Coasters) and larger population seemed like a good choice when there is no cross server queuing.


So it's time I come back to the East Side after realizing my latency is 84ms at the lowest on The Harbinger and a quick new character shows me my latency is 42ms or less on say The Shadowlands. I am new to the game and haven't made close friends by any stretch so it won't be too hard to switch, I just don't know which of the two equally populated servers on the East I should chose.


I know posting here may yield biased results but my main goal is PvP. PvE is grand but I do not have the free time I used to so it can be hard to carve out a 3 hour block and when I do it's certainly not something I can plan a week ahead.


So let's hear it, how are the queue times? Does JC pop more than Shadowlands, vice versa etc.

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I've played on the SL yesterday in the Off-time (9 am to about 2 pm MST with breaks) in the lowbie bracket.


Pop was about 15 min apart.


I got a mix of arenas and 8x8, all of them Pub vs Imp. Pub ran strong, but Empire did win once in a while as well (I played the Empire).


There was zero trashtalk, and no giving up/useless scatter.


My game performance was better than on the Harbinger.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I played on the harbinger in midbies yesterday. I was honestly surprised










that those guys are actually able to tie their shoes. The levels of stupid on that server was just beyond my imagination. The pvp on shadowlands is definitely a lot better. There will be some annoying times when people are able to farm spawn, but those aren't common.

Edited by sithBracer
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From what Lhancelot and Banderal are telling about the EH, leveling through the brackets should be much better on the SL, regardless of the side you are on.


What surprised me was that my game performance is noticeably better on the SL than on the Harb, seeing I am closer to the West Coast. It might be an artifact of the complicated connectivity from Canada. I have played on a EU server, and I got lag there from NA.


I hope that tidbit might help some folks, who can't stay up late, and are interested in playing a bit earlier in the day but from the West Coast. East server might actually be feasible.

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From what Lhancelot and Banderal are telling about the EH, leveling through the brackets should be much better on the SL, regardless of the side you are on.


What surprised me was that my game performance is noticeably better on the SL than on the Harb, seeing I am closer to the West Coast. It might be an artifact of the complicated connectivity from Canada. I have played on a EU server, and I got lag there from NA.


I hope that tidbit might help some folks, who can't stay up late, and are interested in playing a bit earlier in the day but from the West Coast. East server might actually be feasible.


If this lhancelot is the same guy I played against last night (he was a jugg/guardian tank, can't remember which) then I wouldn't listen to anything he has to say.


Also I played on TEH before and it was truly one of the worst experiences of my life. Not just PvP btw, PvE as well. The players there are truly awful. Unless they all migrated to harb (which could be possible from what I saw last night) I doubt anything has changed.


There was literally only one good player on TEH. I teamed up with him, thought he was amazing and a very fast learner. I told some of the people I played with that I finally found a good player on TEH. Then it turned out that that player was actually a friend from SL who made a character there just to troll me lol. Good times.


EDIT-just to point out, I'm not saying absolutely everyone on those servers is bad. I'm sure that each server has players who are so good they can destroy me before I even press a key (mosh on harbinger for example). I am just pointing out the average level of play as compared to the average level of play on SL atm.

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What I am referring to is that apparently, while levelling, the EH folks take the approach of giving up and/or quitting right away. Which really does not make the server appealing, regardless of what the play may be on 65. The social norms like that are really hard to break, and it tanks the game for me.


I am okay with the cheerfully deathmatching crowd of randomness on the Harb, 'cause there are so many new folks.


Again, I was duly impressed by the SL's lowbie play. I have not seen JC, but SL is likely the best server for a NA player to start on if you want to grasp the flow of a warzone fast.

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There was literally only one good player on TEH. I teamed up with him, thought he was amazing and a very fast learner. I told some of the people I played with that I finally found a good player on TEH. Then it turned out that that player was actually a friend from SL who made a character there just to troll me lol. Good times.


top kek ;)


My experience thus far on SL since 4.0:


Lowbies: no experience with this as all of my toons were 60+ going into 4.0, so go with DomiSotto's take.

Mids: I want to say pub side is a bit better. All I'm saying is I find it a bit easier to carry/play on pub mids then I do Imp mids.

65s: Imps have the top players but they do not play as much as they used to. Pubs do have a few late night guilds that run premades. It really all depends on who is queuing at what time.

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Well... I was literally about to xfer to EH because people give SL such a bad rap personality wise. I think Im going to suck it up and pay to move to SL and hope it all works out. Not a problem now as its just 90 cc but when I have 3 toons - multiplication lol.


Keep the thoughts flowing! Enjoying that this has come to life lol

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Well... I was literally about to xfer to EH because people give SL such a bad rap personality wise. I think Im going to suck it up and pay to move to SL and hope it all works out. Not a problem now as its just 90 cc but when I have 3 toons - multiplication lol.


Keep the thoughts flowing! Enjoying that this has come to life lol


This server is carebear compared to Harbinger lol.

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