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Bravo Bioware. You've reached a new low...


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I was really excited when this expansion dropped. It seemed the dev team turned a new leaf, and was seriously trying to give the fans what they want. Despite the rocky road after launch, and the fact I haven't played it since early access, I still kept my sub active because I figured it would go to support the upcoming chapters.


Fast forward to late November, where we are hearing DREW KARPYSHYN of all people, among other Bioware employees teasing this unprecedented surprise for subscribers. The Austin branch has been known to overhype things, but again I figured this was a new and revised team. Well color me astounded when I found out that this "unprecedented" over hyped announcement is literally Bioware taking content out of the game, and then putting it up as an incentive for people to sub. I've kept my sub active,e ven though I haven't played since early access. But this is a new low and has turned me off from the game completely. You have a character that people have loved since Kotor, you put him in the game and then immediately kill them off. A couple weeks later, you tell people they can get him back but only if they fork over more money? Seriously? Do you honestly not see the problem with this? Who the hell is handling the marketing over there and why have they not been replaced with a more qualified person? Don't even get me started on our illustrious community manager and his incredible ability for conveying what the community actually wants. The Austin branch isn't even OG Bioware. They have done so much to taint the brand it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The only decent branch seems to be the one that handles the DA franchise. Looking across the forums, I see that I'm not the only one turned off by such despicable practices. I and many in the community had high respect for Drew, seeing him actively participate and promote this ridiculous endeavor has caused him to lose so much credibility now. This game has been bleeding subs because of a severely inept development team, it's as if they are trying to make bad decisions in order to gauge how long it will take for this game to finally crash and burn.


I and many others wanted to bad for this game to reach its potential, and KoTFE looked like it was headed in that direction. But these pathetically desperate endeavors by this team has just reached the boiling point. So now I will join the crowd that will just wait a year and pay $15 for all of the story content. Why should I keep subbing even when I'm not playing when the money is going to crap like this, and not actually improving the story experience any further? I used to see a lot of these threads with walls of text, and people being fed up with this dev teams crap. I used to sit and laugh, defending Bioware. But not anymore, this is truly despicable. Judging by the reaction on the forums, I'm not the only one. It seems the only language you speak is the dollar, and I'm quite sure if you look at your all seeing metrics you will note a significant amount of sub cancellations upon your ludicrous announcement today. EA management must be incredibly forgiving, because any other private sector job will let go people who don't produce good results. Then again the majority of this team came from the failed Warhammer mmo. Shocking. This dev team needs new leadership, someone to come in, clean up and set this game on the path to glorious salvation.


Tl;dr: Bioware's stupid new sub reward program only makes me want to unsub even during the months I don't play. Easier to just sub at the end of the season. This dev team desperately needs new leadership. No you can't have my stuff.

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HK-55 was given to all subs as part of the original KotFE, for all of a few hours of story content before getting killed off. So HK was taken away.


Now this huge, bring-back-the-authors announcement turns out to be little more than "sub continuously for almost the next year, while we have no new content, and you'll get to reassemble him, oh, and we're delaying the release of chapter 10 by a month."


So the OP, which asserts that we had content taken away only to have to pay to get it back, is true, from a certain point of view. ;)


Given how much they hyped this announcement, and how long they want us to maintain the sub for to get the rewards, I personally feel a subscriber rewards program along the lines of other MMOs, LotRO being one I've played, would have been more appropriate for the hype. Paying to get something back that was already killed off in the story just feels cheap.

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HK-55 was given to all subs as part of the original KotFE, for all of a few hours of story content before getting killed off. So HK was taken away.


I dont say i agree with the way BW did it but, saying they take away content is lol. Examples:


Hey during operator i got this super speed, but now they took it away because a killed him.

Hey during class quest i got this cool Voss pet/follower, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

Hey during Star Fortress Heroic i got this cool buffs, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

Hey during some KoTFE fight i had these super cool abilities, but now they took it away because a finished the fight.


See the pattern here. It is no different. Even if they planed this form the beginning which we DONT know, they ive you chance to get him back. It is up to you if you want to get him back or not.

Edited by ShawDou
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Bravo Bioware. You've reached a new low...

Well, the first thing to note is that this is EAware, not Bioware (i dont think Bioware on their own would have had the gall to say anything like this).


Second, "We have a gigantic fantasmiliic announcement to make.. we are delaying the release of chapter 10, isn't that awesome"... even trying to frame that in a positive light says everything there is to know about the state of mind of these people (hint, a delay is a bad thing, not a good thing).


Then again, it ties nicely in with "we have decided to make crafting simpler, so we'll add components to the procedure". (another hint, adding things ups the complexity, it does not reduce it).

Edited by PlacidDragon
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I dont say i agree with the way BW did it but, saying they take away content is lol. Examples:


Hey during operator i got this super speed, but now they took it away because a killed him.

Hey during class quest i got this cool Voss pet/follower, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

Hey during Star Fortress Heroic i got this cool buffs, but now they took it away because i finished the mission.

Hey during some KoTFE fight i had these super cool abilities, but now they took it away because a finished the fight.


See the pattern here. It is no different. Even if they planed this form the beginning which we DONT know, they ive you chance to get him back. It is up to you if you want to get him back or not.


From launch until 4.0, companions could not die. You couldn't even kill off the ones who literally betrayed you. They were yours and you couldn't get rid of them even if you wanted to.


Comparing something with that history of permanence to 1) temporary buffs in an operation, 2) temporary pets that you escort for a single quest, 3) a temporary flashpoint buff, and 4) what super cool abilities? (because I don't remember anything other than the radiation shields/power siphoners in SFs, or certain Valkorian convo options that are exactly that), respectively, is a bit of a stretch.


We got to use HK-55 as a companion with very little indication that he was a temporary one, after we had gotten used to companions being (more or less) permanent. Yes, Marr did hint otherwise, but for all of Bioware's "choices matter now!" marketing, there was no choice we could make that actually affected the outcome of the HK fight. HK dies no matter which option you select.


That on its own is fine. Bioware can write the storyline however they wish. I was sad that there was nothing I could do for HK (on a second playthrough on an alt I hit escape and tried all the options) but I accepted it.


However in light of this new announcement I must assume that they planned it that way, that they could remove the companion that had been in the basic expansion storyline, only to hide it behind an elongated paywall (sub continuously for almost a full year when there is very little in the way of new content) later.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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HK was not originally planned to be brought back, he was designed to be temporary, similar to Marr. Due to the public outcry about HK, they went ahead and created this opportunity to get hk back. Hey everyone has bills and the game needs sustenance to stay alive. Dont like it, dont sub. Its that easy.
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From launch until 4.0, companions could not die.


I feel your pain, but they said in advance that in 4.0 companions will be able to die.


However in light of this new announcement I must assume that they planned it that way, that they could remove the companion that had been in the basic expansion storyline, only to hide it behind an elongated paywall (sub continuously for almost a full year when there is very little in the way of new content) later.


1. I dont always see the worst of possibilities. They could bring him back, cause people wanted him back.

2. You get him if you will be sub on 1 day. (11 January) You get only additional mission if you will be sub for the long time.

3. Where all of you get this paywall?. This is sub game with optional F2P model. If you stay sub you get all, if you dont stay sub you dont get all. Simple as that. I would love to have many earlier sub rewards i cant get now, but i have to live with that.

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If you are going to complain, at least be accurate about what it is you are complaining about. If you read the rewards splash page, Hk55 is actually rewarded by Feb11, if you are a subscriber on Jan11. The player rewards that are taking place throughout the coming months to sometime in Aug. have actually yet to be revealed. So chill out:)
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Seriously, did Bioware ever say Chapter 10 was going to be sooner than February? I heard "early 2016" and "coming soon". Both of those still apply...


They said January. Now it's been pushed back. I really pity all of the people making excuses for them. I was once at that point myself. And a big LEL to the easily misled who cannot recognize or acknowledge what they did with HK-55. You'll all reach this point some day. It's just a matter of what your breaking point is.

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Second, "We have a gigantic fantasmiliic announcement to make.. we are delaying the release of chapter 10, isn't that awesome"...


When the truth of the matter is all the content is well and truly finished and they are staggering the release of it so that you subscribe. Oh, and if you want all of the story you have to stay subscribed for 8 months straight.


I don't have any problem with this other than the HK-55 storyline and his acquisition should be available on the cartel market just like HK-51 was.

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What does monthly release mean to you?


OK, so KOTFE was October. I assume we agree on that. As I said, I haven't seen any statements from Bioware indicating Chapter 10 would be released in January (or December or November for that matter, if we're truly looking for "monthly release").


If people want to feel cheated or disappointed or whatever, that's no business of mine. I'm legitimately questioning a statement that's been made because it was always my understanding that they said early 2016 and many assumed/hoped that meant January.

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they made a couple of mistakes:

-too easy content had players reach level cap in two hours.

-OP companions had players grind alliance a lot more than expected, see SF solo.

-enlighted EV/KP had players grind gear i'm sure faster than expected.


the casuals they attracted with solo story content, have already reached cap with main and alts, they built their alliance to build an alliance and since the story has stopped, they'll just UNSUB until next chapter is released, which is terrible for making money. so NO! you have to sub for 8 months to oneshot weak mobs with HK-55 dots.

how convenient he's been taken away and Hk heroic resetted.


Disclamer: i'm ok with sub only content since subbing is how the game is MEANT to be played, but this is not the case, same as MMO is no place for chapter shaped solo content.


i don't know if this is what people want but if i had to review the game it won't get a lot of positive feedback:


-FP are a joke in tactical and unrewarding in HM

-SM ops are a joke, even easier than FP

-HM ops still easy and enlighted EV is just a bad idea

-no nim: only 5% of players were doing it, they throw people in HM enlighted so the metrics will confirm viability of boosted hm model, together with no 224 from Nim.


-old nim drops hm tier

-PVP is abandoned by devs

-PVP has questionable balance

-where's better than cross server?

-endgame has a huge portion of solo content which doesn't help an MMO

-build an alliance for reasons

-new empire because the war between original factions could upset players who prefere a faction

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I think people forget this is not just a regular MMO but an MMORPG. Personally I think people expect more out of this game then is originally intended. Just because it's an MMO people forget that this game is vastly built on a storyline started in KOTOR and is a continuation of that. I think to even call this an MMO is vastly over exaggerated as it really is an RPG game with MMO content.
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HK was not originally planned to be brought back, he was designed to be temporary, similar to Marr. Due to the public outcry about HK, they went ahead and created this opportunity to get hk back. Hey everyone has bills and the game needs sustenance to stay alive. Dont like it, dont sub. Its that easy.


I was about to say the same thing.

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Seriously, did Bioware ever say Chapter 10 was going to be sooner than February? I heard "early 2016" and "coming soon". Both of those still apply...


Google is your friend. Look how many Gaming news sites reported on KOTFE when it was announced and how many of them reported what Bioware said that upon release, the first 9 chapters would be available with the remaining chapters being released in 2016 beginning with Chapter 10 in Jan 2016. Hell even their Chapters page promoting KOTFE had those dates before it was updated with today's announcement.


Just because you missed the announcement (Prior to today's new release update), fear not. Many across the Internet did not and reported it accordingly at the time!! :D

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Google is your friend. Look how many Gaming news sites reported on KOTFE when it was announced and how many of them reported what Bioware said that upon release, the first 9 chapters would be available with the remaining chapters being released in 2016 beginning with Chapter 10 in Jan 2016. Hell even their Chapters page promoting KOTFE had those dates before it was updated with today's announcement.


Just because you missed the announcement (Prior to today's new release update), fear not. Many across the Internet did not and reported it accordingly at the time!! :D


I see just as many stating early 2016 and no actual quotes, but thanks for your input ;) I thought maybe someone would come back with "So-and-so said it in that livestream that time, Booo Bioware!" but alas.

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They said January. Now it's been pushed back. I really pity all of the people making excuses for them. I was once at that point myself. And a big LEL to the easily misled who cannot recognize or acknowledge what they did with HK-55. You'll all reach this point some day. It's just a matter of what your breaking point is.


oh hi

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Okay, if you read the article, then you'd know that the OP is WAY off base.....With some of the things he/she said. I will, on the other hand, agree that the development and writing teams need to be terminated, new teams brought in to fix the glaring mistakes that have been left and generally perpetrated on the player base by a bunch of RANGE-LOVING PVP MONKEYS!
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