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None of this is enough to keep me, you lost me to Battlefront!


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My sub expires in January. I've been a sub since BETA. For the first time, I no longer want to re-sub. Here are my reasons why:


1.) The grind - I know all MMOs have it, I've been there. However, I do enough of a grind during a 10-12 hour work day. I no longer want to come home and do more of a grind. TBH, I'd like to play a game, be done with it and go to the next one. Maybe it's ADD coming in but I just can't "grind" any more.


2.) The story is the same - I've played through the new story on 6 different toons. The first time around between an imp and a reb, was the same to me with an occasional twist here and there. Then the other toons got worked on. Nothing different! What this game needs is CLASS STORIES. This means a separate story for Knight, Separate story for Bounty Hunter, etc. etc. etc.


3.) I can't see myself paying any more - With bills out my you know what, I'd rather buy one or two games on my XBOX ONE and play those. You guys made a BIG ANNOUNCMENT today and what was it? New companion for subs.... new recruit companion.. Chapter X.... and a bunch of useless mumbo jumbo that didn't seem too exciting to me. Nice touch with the shirt contest.


All in all, this game no longer excites me like it did when it first came out. It needs a serious OVERHAUL. Basically, a complete reboot. It needs to be different from the other MMOs. I'd honestly just pay for this game if it was a bunch of different class stories that lasted me a year or two, over what is put out now.


Before anyone asks, no you can't have my stuff!

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Uh...mate, you know Battlefront is an EA game right? They didn't exactly "lose" you in that sense...or maybe at all. Personally, the recent developments (with that live stream being the last) sent me back to WoW, which means they actually did lose me as a customer. You just said you switched to another game they make, you weren't actually lost at all.
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Battlefront is EA and you will be back like everyone else claiming their leaving over this announcement


same crap different day on these forums something gets announced people claim the game is a joke it's dying the list goes on


4th anniversary coming soon imagine that the game is on it's 4th year and still going

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