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Looking for a proc heavy class


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Hello everyone,


I rejoined the game a week ago. I'm having an absolute blast! I recently hit 65 on a Merc and Jugg. I'm really not enjoying the rotations on either of them.


There's two classes that I have my eye on right now. The Lighting Sorc and Marksman Sniper.


I'm curious as to which one has the most proc based rotations. It's also worth noting that I favor rotations that have around 4 main damaging spells.


I'm open to other classes too, but these two have really caught my eye.


Thank you a bunch!

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Hello everyone,


I rejoined the game a week ago. I'm having an absolute blast! I recently hit 65 on a Merc and Jugg. I'm really not enjoying the rotations on either of them.


There's two classes that I have my eye on right now. The Lighting Sorc and Marksman Sniper.


I'm curious as to which one has the most proc based rotations. It's also worth noting that I favor rotations that have around 4 main damaging spells.


I'm open to other classes too, but these two have really caught my eye.


Thank you a bunch!

4 main damaging skills (no spells here, dude)? Lessee, I play Gunnery Commando (because ... Honking Big Gun, duh), and the main part of the rotation is:


* Open with Full Auto/Boltstorm(1) (aka Flowing River Of Green(2) Blobs)

* Vortex Bolt (procs Grav Round to insta-cast)

* Grav Round (proc-recharges Full Auto/Boltstorm at level 40+)

* High Impact Bolt (after Grav Round because it uses the Vulnerable state applied by Grav Round)

* Full Auto/Boltstorm

* Grav Round (repeats, until Vortex Bolt, FA/Bs, or HIB recharges / gets procced by GR).


Against multiple foes, remember Mortar Volley and Hail of Bolts as targeted AoE (green-circle, or double-click the skill to centre it on the currently targeted foe.


Your bottom-group Utility should be Forced March, which enables you to channel Full Auto/Boltstorm while moving.


So yes, there you have a main rotation of just four skills. It's also very, very resource neutral. You can blaze away with this all day without running low. On the Imp side, it's Arsenal Mercenary.


(1) Boltstorm replaces Full Auto at level 58.

(2) Or whatever colour your colour crystal is.

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Marksmanship's procs:

- snipe/snipe reduces cast time of ambush

- electrodart increases your subsequent damage

- snipe/snipe, ambush, takedown, pen, shots all proc followthrough


Ling;s procs:

- Flash reduces the cast time of crushing darkness

- Blast and bolt proc chain ling


Gunnery mando:

- grav round leaves a mark that increases damage of demolition + builds stacks up to 5 that increase your high impact bolt + finishes the cd of boltstorm every 8s

- vortex procs instant grav


Now it might seem that MM has the most procs, but actually it has the most fixed rotation. Ling's rotation eventually will drift, have to pay attention to proc durations and prioritise the abilities, and the same applies for gunnery. Basically, although MM seems more complex it is actaully the simplest of the three.

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4 main damaging skills (no spells here, dude)? Lessee, I play Gunnery Commando (because ... Honking Big Gun, duh), and the main part of the rotation is:

If you want to be pedantic, they are actually called abilities here, as skills are your right hand side window nowadays ;).


* Open with Full Auto/Boltstorm(1) (aka Flowing River Of Green(2) Blobs)

* Vortex Bolt (procs Grav Round to insta-cast)

* Grav Round (proc-recharges Full Auto/Boltstorm at level 40+)

* High Impact Bolt (after Grav Round because it uses the Vulnerable state applied by Grav Round)

* Full Auto/Boltstorm

* Grav Round (repeats, until Vortex Bolt, FA/Bs, or HIB recharges / gets procced by GR).

PVE-wise not the most max dps rotation, check dulfy for a guide and more details but basically opening rotation at least is from the top of my head:


pre-pull GR > DR > EN > VB > BS > GR > BS > GR > HiB > DR > GR > BS

The targets of the rotation are:

1. Get BS proc at as close as possible to 8s

2. Delay BS as much as possible without double procing in order to fit other abilities and put them on cd

which basically can be summarised that you can fit a BS + 2 fillers between 2 casted gravs or 3 fillers if 2nd grav is instant.

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Lightning has more procs than you mentioned.


Lightning has many actual procs, and I don't know of a single class that doesn't have a dmg debuff on at least one of their moves. Sorcs have 2 of those alone that come to mind.


Incoming damage procs LB. Force Speed procs LB. LB procs Chain Lightning, which increases area damage and can proc a copy. Lightning Flash reduces Crushing Darkness cast and can proc a copy. Crushing Darkness increases Force Damage. Force Storm is area force damage and procs CL. Then theres our autocrit which can proc CL, and a copy. Also, most of these abilities increase our Alacrity while simultaneously applying slows to the enemy.


Sorry if I left anything out, but you get the idea.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Hello everyone,


I rejoined the game a week ago. I'm having an absolute blast! I recently hit 65 on a Merc and Jugg. I'm really not enjoying the rotations on either of them.


There's two classes that I have my eye on right now. The Lighting Sorc and Marksman Sniper.


I'm curious as to which one has the most proc based rotations. It's also worth noting that I favor rotations that have around 4 main damaging spells.


I'm open to other classes too, but these two have really caught my eye.


Thank you a bunch!


Have you considered Shadow or Sentinel? Both them are known for their procs which are even their secondary resource(s).


Otherwise Ltng or Arsenal imo is what you are looking for. MarksManship is VERY STATIC and will not give you what you are looking for.

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Lightning has more procs than you mentioned.


Lightning has many actual procs, and I don't know of a single class that doesn't have a dmg debuff on at least one of their moves. Sorcs have 2 of those alone that come to mind.


Incoming damage procs LB. Force Speed procs LB. LB procs Chain Lightning, which increases area damage and can proc a copy. Lightning Flash reduces Crushing Darkness cast and can proc a copy. Crushing Darkness increases Force Damage. Force Storm is area force damage and procs CL. Then theres our autocrit which can proc CL, and a copy. Also, most of these abilities increase our Alacrity while simultaneously applying slows to the enemy.


Sorry if I left anything out, but you get the idea.


+ LB stacks 3% damage reduction up to 3 stacks :). But anyway my bad and prob should have left electro-dart out. I interpret(ed) the OP question as procs that change the priority system and therefore procs like double attacks don't make a difference really on this matter; hence didn't list every single proc of each class.

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+ LB stacks 3% damage reduction up to 3 stacks :). But anyway my bad and prob should have left electro-dart out. I interpret(ed) the OP question as procs that change the priority system and therefore procs like double attacks don't make a difference really on this matter; hence didn't list every single proc of each class.


ooh ty, didn't realize i'd missed that. didn't mean to come off as argumentative, just found myself surprised at how many procs sorcs had there.

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If you want to be pedantic, they are actually called abilities here, as skills are your right hand side window nowadays ;).

Quite right. Sorry.

PVE-wise not the most max dps rotation, check dulfy for a guide and more details but basically opening rotation at least is from the top of my head:


pre-pull GR > DR > EN > VB > BS > GR > BS > GR > HiB > DR > GR > BS

The targets of the rotation are:

1. Get BS proc at as close as possible to 8s

2. Delay BS as much as possible without double procing in order to fit other abilities and put them on cd

which basically can be summarised that you can fit a BS + 2 fillers between 2 casted gravs or 3 fillers if 2nd grav is instant.

I'm probably still carrying a bit of finger-memory from before Disciplines where there were passives that built a % chance for GR to proc FA/BS. *That* made the "rotation" more complex, for sure. I haven't yet been in a situation where I could compare my dps with someone else's, except for a few TFPs I did this weekend just past. What I found there was that (probably because my gear is actually fairly good, aside from 186-rated relics) I was pulling aggro off people, even other 65s. 'Course that might be a reflection of their weak damage...

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Quite right. Sorry.


I'm probably still carrying a bit of finger-memory from before Disciplines where there were passives that built a % chance for GR to proc FA/BS. *That* made the "rotation" more complex, for sure. I haven't yet been in a situation where I could compare my dps with someone else's, except for a few TFPs I did this weekend just past. What I found there was that (probably because my gear is actually fairly good, aside from 186-rated relics) I was pulling aggro off people, even other 65s. 'Course that might be a reflection of their weak damage...


Yes, mandos/mercs have a fairly easy rotation to do well, but to squeeze as much as possible is tricky and revolves around procing BS as close as possible to 8s while trying to put the other abilities on cd as fast as possible. For example I found out cases that if I go VB > inst GR > cast GR I have delayed BS proc by 1.5s, while if I do cast GR > VB > inst GR I have done the same number of attacjs and have procced BS at 8s exactly due to GR being instant and proccing it in the beginning of the gcd.


Little things like that are probably the reason that lately I have more fun on my gunnery mando than my tk/balance sage.

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Yes, mandos/mercs have a fairly easy rotation to do well, but to squeeze as much as possible is tricky and revolves around procing BS as close as possible to 8s while trying to put the other abilities on cd as fast as possible. For example I found out cases that if I go VB > inst GR > cast GR I have delayed BS proc by 1.5s, while if I do cast GR > VB > inst GR I have done the same number of attacjs and have procced BS at 8s exactly due to GR being instant and proccing it in the beginning of the gcd.


Little things like that are probably the reason that lately I have more fun on my gunnery mando than my tk/balance sage.

I think you've hit on (part of?) why people say that Gunnery does less dps than Assault. Getting the last drops out of it is harder than for Assault, perhaps, so the people who don't go as far down that rabbit-hole as you have don't get as much dps, and think it *can't*. With the pre-disciplines tree approach, it was probably harder, especially if you didn't take all the proc-chance utility skills for GR->FA/BS.

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Carnage Marauder is easy to play but hard to master, and can be quite rewarding.


Every few seconds you have a skill called Gore to use that opens up a 3 second window that gives you 100% armor penetration, the trick is to fit as much into that 3 second window as you can. There are a few ways (and tricks) to do this based on what is on cooldown, additionally you will be earning 'procs' on two choice skills to fit into that window, one proc on a high damage 'Devestating Blast' that will increase its critical hit chance, and another on a skill that is normally unavailable unless the target is below a certain health threshold, 'Vicious Throw' which will actually generate resource instead of consume it, provided you get to use it with the 'Slaughter' proc.


Additionally there are a few cooldowns to work into this rotation, read about this build here.

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