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Okay Devs the ball is in your court - MAKEB GAZEBO - Customer Complaint


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I have filed multiple CS tickets regarding the Makeb Gazebo decoration, and not having received it even though I have completed the achievements prior to 4.0. Also, there are a quite a few people that this issue has happened to, and with the new restriction on the Gazebo's being BoL we no longer have any recourse to obtain them.


Customer Service says they can't help (why do we even have them then), and that you (the Devs) have to patch this in order for us to get any sort of resolution.








I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


Galactic support is our specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service





PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Patch this in the next patch!






Edited by Holocron
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Decorations are nothing. I am the GM of my guild and I can't even give keys to individuals to visit my ship. Others I have made GM to test this feature have had the same problem and some it works fine for. Wrote a ticket in bug report and still not fixed. They also don't have a sort or search feature in the guild ship key list to find members to change their key for the ship. Having to scroll through over 400 members to find 1 individual to give them a different color key is a pain.
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They don't give a fck.


I filed tickets and bug reports concerning my own missing Makeb Gazebo. I called CS about it a few days later and they said they'd "escalate" the ticket to get it fixed. Well a couple of days later and no ticket response (now what have we learned about Bioware ticket response times?) so I went and bought one off the GTN. Even though I shouldn't have had to buy something I had already earned, the 150k credits I paid was far less a waste than the time and RL phone bills that it would have taken to press the issue onto EAware.


Not surprised that the GTN workaround has been closed.


A couple of days before the companion nerf was patched in, I finally received a response that was almost identical to yours, telling me to use the /bug command ingame. However the message that I received was a bit more condescending as it said "Those who were eligible to receive this decoration have since received it (emphasis mine)- if you believe you were eligible but have still not received it, please report it directly to our developers using the /bug command in-game." If I had received what I was eligible for there would have been no need for me to file the ticket, let alone follow-up call CS, in the first place. Well /bug won't actually give me that which I had earned so fck it.


It was really and truly a great idea for Bioware to tie rewards to removed achievements, so that people who did not get the reward they should have received no longer had the achievement to point to in saying they had earned the reward they didn't receive! They should have archived the achievement at least long enough for these kinds of issues to shake out. Did EAware learn nothing from the Gladiatorial Nexu script giving nexu to practically anyone who had done ranked that season EXCEPT the people who had earned the rating for it? LOLOLOLOL.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Guys, did you submit bug tickets?


Did you?


I bet you didn't.


We sure did, but nothing has ever come of it. :(


As to the other posters in this thread with similar CS experiences, I feel your pain. CS a few years ago was pretty good at helping get issue resolved, but since they reduced the CS staff, and outsourced the remaining customer care to foreign companies and bots, it has just been straight down hill.


CS is now mostly incompetent and incapable of solving any but the most basic of issues. Obviously if they can see it was bug on your account, shouldn't they be able to grant the item then? Also in that vein is the nerve to ask the customer to bug report the issue! Is CS soooo incapable that they are not able to escalate, or forward your issue directly to their QA dept? You want me to "Bug" it after you have verified the problem, (Kyle voice) REALLY? :mad:

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I think obviously CS has a lot on their plate a bit bigger than a missing achievement that may or may not have been accomplished. The vast majority that got the achieve got the deco. I feel your pain if indeed you did accomplish it. It was a complex mess of H2s and dailys to get.


Bioware are concentrating on changing the game as a whole for all of us ( I feel for the better) . Reckon we all gotta chill out for a while.


BTW. CS takes a **** more notice of well worded, correctly detailed, pleasant messages than they do ranting, baby spits dummy out messages.


I have put in many CS requests over the years, sometimes i have been just plain wrong about things, but anything genuine and not misunderstood they eventually sort out. Sometimes within a couple of weeks and sometimes a few months....just depends how busy they are or how important they deem it to be.

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I think obviously CS has a lot on their plate a bit bigger than a missing achievement that may or may not have been accomplished. The vast majority that got the achieve got the deco. I feel your pain if indeed you did accomplish it. It was a complex mess of H2s and dailys to get.


Bioware are concentrating on changing the game as a whole for all of us ( I feel for the better) . Reckon we all gotta chill out for a while.


BTW. CS takes a **** more notice of well worded, correctly detailed, pleasant messages than they do ranting, baby spits dummy out messages.


I have put in many CS requests over the years, sometimes i have been just plain wrong about things, but anything genuine and not misunderstood they eventually sort out. Sometimes within a couple of weeks and sometimes a few months....just depends how busy they are or how important they deem it to be.


I totally agree with this statement. I've always found that if you are friendly, grateful, and detailed they are usually a lot more willing to help resolve whatever issue. This really is the first larger issue for me that CS is incapable of fixing, and it is why I've brought it up here on the forums. They have essentially made it clear that we have no recourse, other than to get it on the devs radar, and the forums are the venue to make that happen.


Also, we agree that the devs and CS as a whole have a lot on their plate, but this issue and many others are what takes up places on that plate. So to say we should just accept that they are sweeping away some issues while focusing on others does not make for good customer service. Good customer service resolves all issues.

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Should've been bound in the first place imo, the way they made it sound like it was supposed to be a exclusive item to those that actually did the weekly and achs, but no they went ahead and ruined it and basically gave it to everyone.
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Should've been bound in the first place imo, the way they made it sound like it was supposed to be a exclusive item to those that actually did the weekly and achs, but no they went ahead and ruined it and basically gave it to everyone.


It is bound again. I wish I would have bought 50 of them when they were unbound, but it was a hard pill to swallow having to pay 80K+ each for something that I worked for and achieved.

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It is bound again. I wish I would have bought 50 of them when they were unbound, but it was a hard pill to swallow having to pay 80K+ each for something that I worked for and achieved.


That's the same reason I didn't buy them. And I even saw this coming, the decorations being bound in the future. /sigh

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best experience I had was with aan issue a while back. I sent a /bug report and got the "It's something CS deals with" reply, so I sent in another tic to CS and got the response, "It is a bug report, please submit" lmao...right hand not knowing what the left is doing???
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That's the same reason I didn't buy them. And I even saw this coming, the decorations being bound in the future. /sigh


Yeah, I knew that once people started complaining about them being for sale, I knew the devs would reverse it. I was just holding out hope that they would fix the issue first.

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They were pretty quick to change it from BoE to BoP, but they're been curiously silent about the real bug, afaik it's not even been acknowledged yet (and no, canned CS ticket responses are not acknowledgment, I got the same response for other issues, too). :mad: Edited by KyaniteD
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