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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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Pagy, it's not so much so much the 'skin'...what worries me is what they have locked behind the gate...I don't want to see companions locked behind something that I hate and have a hard time bringing myself to do.


Plus calling people superbads doesn't really help make them want to play. :/

if there are any locked behind pierce they are just skins as well. this is basically card collecting. none of it matters.
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I'd rather they didn't have the pvp requirement at all to get the comps, it sucks, but I suppose in the interest of compromise, I think like others have said, 5 matches, win or lose, both count, would be fair. They might get people to try it, or at least suffer through it.


In all honesty, I'd rather relieve myself of a body part than pvp. I hate it. I'd rather not do it, but I don't want to lose out on what Theron might ask next of me...that's cutting into my story fun. So I do hope they'll compromise and if not remove out right, or give us some other option like hunting 20 of something like we did for Qyzen, then a reduction to about 5.


Please Bioware, give those of us who aren't into PVP other options to get the comps you've gated behind pvp content.

If not another method, like hunting 20 of something...then a reduction to say 5 pvp matches, that count, win or lose.




No.... you must suffer, as we have suffered doing boring and pointless PvP matches.

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This "LoL you have to pvp so s.t.f.u. noobs neener neener" attitude is why a lot of people dislike pvpers, just a fyi... you might not say those exact words, but all your smugness just in this thread alone says it loud and clear.


and no, if you are a warrior you dont have to pvp, you can tell Pierce to stop trying to get more of ours killed fighting the republic and fight whats actually important, Zakuul.


My problem is, at this time, we dont know if telling Pierce to piss off so to speak will block you from getting another companion that his contact has standing in line behind him.


Now if Pierce said "Id like you to go kill Saresh to prove yourself and improve Imp vs Pub morale" Id ask when the shuttle left... :D


PS as for the "just que up a few minutes a day blah blah blah" comment, the other day i needed 500 more points to reach conquest goal, since it was finally Yavin/Rishi after 6+ months, so i sighed bit the bullet, and qued for a WZ for the first time in almost four years, the que popped 35 minutes later. (And im on a pvp server) so there is also the stupidly long que times to contend with as well.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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These lures are pretty poorly thought out.


With Qyzen, though, I had zero problems. I spent about an hour and a half killing the Jagganath Worthies, and I was done. I could have wasted my time looking for a group for WB, traveling to the location, waiting for the others, waiting for the others some more, etc etc, but obviously I didn't. The PvP thing is another matter because there's no workaround, no way of avoiding it. Obviously, there are players who hate PvP (I count myself among them, it's about as pleasant to me as a horrifically bad toothache) and there are players who enjoy PvP. They should be kept separate. Trying to put them in the same environment is bad for both, as people who hate PvP obviously don't want to be forced to do it to progress with their story, but also, those who enjoy PvP shouldn't have to deal with people like me on their team.

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if there are any locked behind pierce they are just skins as well. this is basically card collecting. none of it matters.


Maybe it doesn't matter to you, and that's fine, but it matters to me, and for some of the comps it goes beyond card collecting, it's not that simple.


I play a game to have fun and if things that matter to me are suddenly locked away behind arbitrary gates, not to improve the game's fun, but to solve a company's problem with a single aspect of the game, then I guess it's time to rethink why I'm here. I don't pay to suffer mean people, I won't put up with it. I have enough guts to stand up and say, I won't be abused, and I certainly won't pay for it.


I was trying to see if a compromise of some kind could be put into place. It doesn't have to be complicated, it's just giving people options...and that is something that can be done, as already shown in various other quests.

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Maybe it doesn't matter to you, and that's fine, but it matters to me, and for some of the comps it goes beyond card collecting, it's not that simple.


I play a game to have fun and if things that matter to me are suddenly locked away behind arbitrary gates, not to improve the game's fun, but to solve a company's problem with a single aspect of the game, then I guess it's time to rethink why I'm here. I don't pay to suffer mean people, I won't put up with it. I have enough guts to stand up and say, I won't be abused, and I certainly won't pay for it.


I was trying to see if a compromise of some kind could be put into place. It doesn't have to be complicated, it's just giving people options...and that is something that can be done, as already shown in various other quests.

do you really think this was some master plan to rejuvenate warzones?


it's a silly companion grind that serves absolutely no purpose. all companions are the same. collecting them all doesnt help you.


if you dont want to get pierce, then don't. how bad do you want him?


again this is no different than someone hating the rakghoul event and refusing to get lokin. the required tasks they ask are arbitrary. one isn't less valid than the other.

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I love how people are letting pro-pvp trolls control the narrative of this discussion. Companions are pve content period. There is no reason someone should have to pvp for them at all. Too much compromise here. And no, having to go into a flashpoint for a crafting schematic for a pvp'er is not the same thing as forcing people into warzones they don't want to be in for a quest they must complete-- and even for a companion many don't even want-- so they have access to future companion missions.


Again, great job imploding.

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I like how you think. That would be ideal, but in making my original post, I was trying to compromise. :)


I fully understand what you were trying and really have no issue at all with this thread.

For me not doing PvP full stop and in-fact no longer doing KotFE anymore. Done just 2 characters though to chapter 9. On one of those I did I start with the alerts and star fortress. then found out about PvP. Not done anything else with KotFE and wont be doing so again. So basically stopping at Ziost. The free level 60 and indeed the one I got of Cartel well none have gone past chapter 4 and most just log in and then as soon as it say meet Darth Marr on bridge I go to fleet and use them just for getting credits and sending it to my other characters.


So other than the heroics, which is for the crate for the companion gifts and the credits of cause, which is very a good

amount for little work if you just do the easy ones.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I love how people are letting pro-pvp trolls control the narrative of this discussion. Companions are pve content period. There is no reason someone should have to pvp for them at all. Too much compromise here. And no, having to go into a flashpoint for a crafting schematic for a pvp'er is not the same thing as forcing people into warzones they don't want to be in for a quest they must complete-- and even for a companion many don't even want-- so they have access to future companion missions.


Again, great job imploding.

not all pve'ers play pvp


all pvp'ers play pve


stop it with the false dichotomy


no one is being forced to go into warzones. if you want to CHOOSE to get the pierece companion skin to add it to your long list of identical companions, then this is the requirement.


your argument is as asinine as pvpers complaining about having to kill world bosses to get qyzen.

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asking to do less pvp to get pierce is no different than someone on here saying they hate world bosses and want the number reduced or changed for qyzen.i dont think i've ever been in an unranked wz without people that dont contribute or are very poorly geared.


i dont see how this changes anything for wz players.


the difference is that there is an alternative to getting Qyzen, there isnt for Pierce

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not all pve'ers play pvp


all pvp'ers play pve


stop it with the false dichotomy


no one is being forced to go into warzones. if you want to CHOOSE to get the pierece companion skin to add it to your long list of identical companions, then this is the requirement.


your argument is as asinine as pvpers complaining about having to kill world bosses to get qyzen.


This is probably the biggest load of BS I have read in the last 6 weeks on this site. That's right the last 6 weeks. That's saying something considering some of the **** that's been on this forum site.

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the difference is that there is an alternative to getting Qyzen, there isnt for Pierce
another pve alternative, right?

This is probably the biggest load of BS I have read in the last 6 weeks on this site. That's right the last 6 weeks. That's saying something considering some of the **** that's been on this forum site.
thanks for your contribution.
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do you really think this was some master plan to rejuvenate warzones?


it's a silly companion grind that serves absolutely no purpose. all companions are the same. collecting them all doesnt help you.


if you dont want to get pierce, then don't. how bad do you want him?


again this is no different than someone hating the rakghoul event and refusing to get lokin. the required tasks they ask are arbitrary. one isn't less valid than the other.



Yes actually. I do believe that. A few months ago, the devs through Eric promised a new and vibrant solution to ease the pvpers woes of having no one to pvp with, and the long queues they have to endure for pops on their warzones. Many thought it might be cross server...but it wasn't. Have you seen any other 'solution' to the problem? Do you see anything else that Eric might have alluded to as a solution to pvp queue wait problems? The time table would be about right I think, for them to bring their 'wondrous idea into effect' from announcement to release of KotFE.


Making people do pvp to get back what they earned through story *is* their solution, as I see it, and its a craptastic one at that.


Again, you don't seem to understand, it's not about Pierce or 4X so much, as what else might they do, or stick behind content that many people abhor doing? My god, if they ever stuck my favorites behind this stupid gate, I would leave. I would, so it's much much more than that, at least to me.


I think people should be given a choice of tasks to get a thing, and that applies to pvers, pvpers...everyone really. Choice is a must. Where is the joy in being forced to an activity you hate just to get a thing?


I don't want to lose aspects of my story, or interactions with Theron, because of pvp gateways.

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I fully understand what you were trying and really have no issue at all with this thread.

For me not doing PvP full stop and in-fact no longer doing KotFE anymore. Done just 2 characters though to chapter 9. On one of those I did I start with the alerts and star fortress. then found out about PvP. Not done anything else with KotFE and wont be doing so again. So basically stopping at Ziost. The free level 60 and indeed the one I got of Cartel well none have gone past chapter 4 and most just log in and then as soon as it say meet Darth Marr on bridge I go to fleet and use them just for getting credits and sending it to my other characters.


So other than the heroics, which is for the crate for the companion gifts and the credits of cause, which is very a good

amount for little work if you just do the easy ones.


Sounds like we're on the same page really. The heroics for the gifts and money is pretty much what's keeping me going, while I wait for chapter X. :)

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Yes actually. I do believe that. A few months ago, the devs through Eric promised a new and vibrant solution to ease the pvpers woes of having no one to pvp with, and the long queues they have to endure for pops on their warzones. Many thought it might be cross server...but it wasn't. Have you seen any other 'solution' to the problem? Do you see anything else that Eric might have alluded to as a solution to pvp queue wait problems? The time table would be about right I think, for them to bring their 'wondrous idea into effect' from announcement to release of KotFE.


Making people do pvp to get back what they earned through story *is* their solution, as I see it, and its a craptastic one at that.


Again, you don't seem to understand, it's not about Pierce or 4X so much, as what else might they do, or stick behind content that many people abhor doing? My god, if they ever stuck my favorites behind this stupid gate, I would leave. I would, so it's much much more than that, at least to me.


I think people should be given a choice of tasks to get a thing, and that applies to pvers, pvpers...everyone really. Choice is a must. Where is the joy in being forced to an activity you hate just to get a thing?


I don't want to lose aspects of my story, or interactions with Theron, because of pvp gateways.


Where does it say that you are entitled to access to EVERYTHING (or ANYTHING, for that matter) by doing ONLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO?


Everything in the game has requirements that must be met to obtain that item. Most items have requirements that may not be everyone's favorite activity. Almost all items have requirements that SOMEONE doesn't like to do. Those requirements take many forms. One might be doing OPS for schematics, or drops to RE for schematics. Another might be going into the outlaw's den to purchase a part for HK-51.


Very few things are obtainable by every means.


A great many items have found themselves to be the subject of numerous threads demanding that the requirements be lessened or removed altogether.


Treek was on such item. Legacy 40 was the requirement, yet the forums exploded with demands from those who demanded that Treek be placed on the CM because they "had to have her now" and refused to put forth the effort to reach legacy 40.


I hope BW sticks to their guns and does NOT change the requirements for a COSMETIC companion.


Ultimately, the choice is up to the player. Does the player want the reward (or any rewards after the first) to put forth the effort to meet the requirements for the reward?

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No. PvP in a PvE game is particularly pointless.


So which of the popular MMOs don't have PvP? It is a popular part of almost all the MMOs I've played. While there are MMOs that focus almost solely on PvP there aren't many, any that I know of, that don't include PvP in some fashion. PvP is a popular filler for many people between content releases and a full-time activity for others, even in PvE-centric MMOs.

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I agree with the OP.


I personally hate PvP in this game so I avoid it.


Making PvP a requirement for certain companions when I will only use them in PvE anyway seems kind of rough. Especially for 20 gloriously painful matches.


I don't want to be there, and the PvPers don't want me there, so please reduce the number of required matches. Its a win win for everyone.


Or at very least, don't make them gated so I can choose to bypass the PvP required companions and not be locked out of future companions.


Pretty please?

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The level of self entitlement in this thread is laughable. Seriously the companion locked behind a pvp wall is fine as it is. Really 20 pvp matches and you get a companion or valor rank 40 . This isn't an unrealistic gate. It's a good way to introduce new blood to pvp. Of all the crying people complaining wah we don't like pvp ... how many have actually bothered to que up and try a match or two ? I'm willing to bet less then 1% of the complainers have ever tried.


Also as other have pointed out. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to do this quest and pick up the pvp companion. It's an optional not a mandatory. People thinking it is mandatory are even sillier then the complainers. heck it's at most a couple days of grind with the pvp ques and your done. You never have to pvp again if you don't want too . and only if your going for the companion.


For those who do pvp or enjoy pvpving this is a terrific thank you by bioware for participation in an aspect of the game some may not always enjoy.


For the whinning wimps , be thankful that BW didn't put a companion behind an Operations wall(s) . where you'd have to clear some storymode Operations. Or worse yet some hard mode Operations ... oh the horror !

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Where does it say that you are entitled to access to EVERYTHING (or ANYTHING, for that matter) by doing ONLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO?


Everything in the game has requirements that must be met to obtain that item. Most items have requirements that may not be everyone's favorite activity. Almost all items have requirements that SOMEONE doesn't like to do. Those requirements take many forms. One might be doing OPS for schematics, or drops to RE for schematics. Another might be going into the outlaw's den to purchase a part for HK-51.


Very few things are obtainable by every means.


A great many items have found themselves to be the subject of numerous threads demanding that the requirements be lessened or removed altogether.


Treek was on such item. Legacy 40 was the requirement, yet the forums exploded with demands from those who demanded that Treek be placed on the CM because they "had to have her now" and refused to put forth the effort to reach legacy 40.


I hope BW sticks to their guns and does NOT change the requirements for a COSMETIC companion.


Ultimately, the choice is up to the player. Does the player want the reward (or any rewards after the first) to put forth the effort to meet the requirements for the reward?


If they wanted the pvpers to have special friends accessible only through pvp, then they should have made them cool new friends for them to earn through pvp quest terminals, I'm fine with that.


Pvp quests should not be gateways to other content that include companions and stories. I don't want to lose out on what might come next because of their less than brilliant idea to stick it behind a gateway that requires pvp. I'm not asking for the moon here, I'm suggesting compromise...quite honestly I'd rather not pvp at all. After all I chose to play on a PVE server, which is a choice THEY offered me, so in that sense, the focus is PVE and we should be able to get things done through PVE. On a PVP server it's reasonable to expect people to pvp for things.


I know about the requirements for Treek, I was one of the first on my server to have legacy 50, and I earned her that way. Did I care if people bought her off the market? No...because it cost them real life money. I only spent my time and game money to get the same thing.


As for HK, I got him as well. I got around the PVP by staying up til 4am, and sneaking into the pvp area to buy the item off the terminal to get HK. I didn't PVP for it, and if I had to, I wouldn't have bothered.


I don't see why we can't have these comps through legacy, if we already earned them by playing the story through? I got 10K on all my comps, played all the stories through, I have a little symbol behind my name...why doesn't that mean something then? Why do that? As you said, legacy is a hard earned thing, and for those who put in the time, it's a good reward. That would work on a PVE server.


I think compromise is in order, it's required sometimes, like in the case with readjusting the nerf they did to the comps. This is just a readjustment to the number of hours spent to get a thing. I'm not against earning stuff, I spent time getting Qyzen by hunting things, but that took me a couple of hours in the afternoon. Twenty pvp matches will take longer than that, and also hurt my feelings and reduce me to tears, cause people can be real jerks. The price for those comps is a bit stiff to pay. No one should have to suffer emotional abuse for pixels. It's happened before and I won't be abused. Let there be another way to earn things. Don't block content behind pvp gateways on a PVE server.

Edited by Lunafox
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