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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FAILED - 3 strikes Star Fortress Heroic Solo as Sage


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have you tried to get the base specialist to rank 5, and get the buff at the start of the star fortress. It make the run really easy, even in heroic. I mean your tank character have more than 100k HP and your DPS is through the roof with the buff. Walk in the park.


To get the specialist to rank 5, a few planet heroic to get the lockbox should suffice.

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So the fact that you could not get the One for All achievement that the Devs say everyone should not get BUT that some already have is somehow not WAI? You did say "without buff" so I assume this is your goal.


Just wait until the release the buffed and renamed one then.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Why give us a single player story then make it virtually impossible for us to complete the story solo? The solo flashpoint does not give credit in the story line. What's up with that?


Because that is not part of the "main" story, it is tangential to it. When the devs speak of the story they are talking about the chapters we will see. They put the H2 SF and the one for all achievement in the game for a similar reason to why the FPS and OPs have stories... So the people who want a challenge also have something to do.


I assume you did not read the following....


Heroic Star Fortress – Challenge Level: High. At this point we expect players to really understand their class, their companion, and their gear. Players should have sought out gear upgrades, as well as increased their companions’ Influence level. These are meant to be challenging and difficult to do solo.

“The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.





Star Fortresses

Which leads me to Star Fortresses. We are going to treat Star Fortresses as a different topic from Companion balance. The initial difficulty level for Star Fortresses are clearly story content, meaning, we expect all of you to take part and enjoy them while earning new Contacts. This hasn’t changed. The difficult mode for Star Fortresses, though, we feel is a challenge that players should aspire to achieve, and not something players should easily do without gearing up their character and increasing their Companion’s Influence level. We obviously set an expectation Heroic Star Fortresses were going to be similar to [Heroic 2] content, but that was not our intention. As a result, we are going to change the “Heroic” nomenclature for Star Fortresses to something different. We’ll let you know what we decide the new name will be soon. In addition, this will allow us to balance Star Fortresses independently of Companion power, but still make it challenging without making it impossible for many players.


The operative bit is the last part. Saying the non-one and only H2 SF should not be impossible for many means it is their intent that it be impossible for some. If some should find the "regular" H2 impossible then naturally more will find the one and only achievement impossible.


So why? Because they want it that way.

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actually not true the Sage TK dps tree is strong yes but its considerably weaker in comparison to sorc infact most jedi are weaker in comparison to their empire counterparts.


How so? The mechanics are identical, the only difference is the graphics and ability names.

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cuz everyone knows that balls of lightning are stronger then gusts of wind. duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Lol but then that idea raises the question...if we want to go there...


Which does more harm... The Hurricane or the lighting born of it? ;)

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To answer a few quesions, My companion is rank 50 and I have tried several companions.. one is Senya and the other C2-N2 .. both rank 50 and treek and lana but rank 30+. I have rank 20 for all my alliance members at the base. I'm doing heroic version not the solo version and am doing without buffs because if you use buffs then you do not qualify for achievement.. my gear is all 216+ and augments. I've ben playing the game almost 8 months yet I'm not the best player. I consider myself still new to the game and am still trying to learn my class and game, etc better. I've tried 3 different heroic 2+ sf .. voss.. way too hard for me .. alderaan.. belsavis and tatoonie. Tatoonie boss seemed to be easier than the others. I got this one down to 30% health so I do think it is possible to defeat it. but he does kick a lot and kills my companion which I did revive but then there is the cool down. I did tatoonie as balance but it was the first time I played that discipline. I think the probem is me the player. I'm so used to doing dailies, etc and not the operations or flash points that I really lack skills, knowledge about certain class mechanics like kiting and I'm really not 100% certain what is good combat proficiencies, stems for my tk sage or armor, etc stats, etc. Right now am using the defiant force lord armor because someone told me it is best for tk sage I did read the dulfy site but it's a bit outdated when it comes to gear for tk sage. I just made legacy 50, although I don't think that matters but I do use heroic moment and unity every chance I get. I also only have 35% of the republic datacrons and none of the empire ones since I only have 1 level 25 empire character. I also have a sentential from free token but never played it. Basically only played this tk sage. I guess eventually I can do this achievement. At least I have hope with the tatoonie one As I said, I feel happy that I can even get to the boss Platform. That took a lot of doing within itself. I guess the hardest part of doing heroic 2+ sf besides final boss is the 3d array. that part nearly has me in tears every time. I take a bad beating each time and basically have to die many times before I finally get it.


Thanks again.


My datacrons:


Alderaan - endurance and presence


Coruscant - presence


Hoth - red mastery (prior to Fallen I had more datacrons but some seem to be missing also missing on other planets oo)


Tatoonie - I have all 4


Voss - I have 3/5 .. blue, orange and presence


Tython - I have endurance


Quesh - I have all 3


Makeb - I have all 2


Korriban - purple

Edited by Savyl
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actually not true the Sage TK dps tree is strong yes but its considerably weaker in comparison to sorc infact most jedi are weaker in comparison to their empire counterparts.


Sage and Sorc have exactly the same skills effectively. They may have different names and animations but each counter class has exactly the same skill set, just looks different.


As for the OP. It's clear that the intent of the devs with soloing HM without buffs for that achievement is intended to be tough. If you give up after a few attempts because you don't learn from your failures then I think you need to accept that this achievement is not for you.


The game is very casual oriented but not in everything and I think that's right. It's an MMO after all so it needs to have content for different types of players. So really, the game is not the problem here. It's you wanting an achievement without being will to do what it takes. And don't get me wrong, I also like that we have a lot of casual content to just have fun with, but I also like to have a challenge and so there needs to be challenging content for that as well.


Sorry if you don't like it but you can't have it all your way, just like everybody else.

Edited by Tsillah
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To answer a few quesions, My companion is rank 50 and I have tried several companions.. one is Senya and the other C2-N2 .. both rank 50 and treek and lana but rank 30+. I have rank 20 for all my alliance members at the base. I'm doing heroic version not the solo version and am doing without buffs because if you use buffs then you do not qualify for achievement.. my gear is all 216+ and augments. I've ben playing the game almost 8 months yet I'm not the best player. I consider myself still new to the game and am still trying to learn my class and game, etc better. I've tried 3 different heroic 2+ sf .. voss.. way too hard for me .. alderaan.. belsavis and tatoonie. Tatoonie boss seemed to be easier than the others. I got this one down to 30% health so I do think it is possible to defeat it. but he does kick a lot and kills my companion which I did revive but then there is the cool down. I did tatoonie as balance but it was the first time I played that discipline. I think the probem is me the player. I'm so used to doing dailies, etc and not the operations or flash points that I really lack skills, knowledge about certain class mechanics like kiting and I'm really not 100% certain what is good combat proficiencies, stems for my tk sage or armor, etc stats, etc. Right now am using the defiant force lord armor because someone told me it is best for tk sage I did read the dulfy site but it's a bit outdated when it comes to gear for tk sage. I just made legacy 50, although I don't think that matters but I do use heroic moment and unity every chance I get. I also only have 35% of the republic datacrons and none of the empire ones since I only have 1 level 25 empire character. I also have a sentential from free token but never played it. Basically only played this tk sage. I guess eventually I can do this achievement. At least I have hope with the tatoonie one As I said, I feel happy that I can even get to the boss Platform. That took a lot of doing within itself. I guess the hardest part of doing heroic 2+ sf besides final boss is the 3d array. that part nearly has me in tears every time. I take a bad beating each time and basically have to die many times before I finally get it.


Thanks again.


My datacrons:


Alderaan - endurance and presence


Coruscant - presence


Hoth - red mastery (prior to Fallen I had more datacrons but some seem to be missing also missing on other planets oo)


Tatoonie - I have all 4


Voss - I have 3/5 .. blue, orange and presence


Tython - I have endurance


Quesh - I have all 3


Makeb - I have all 2


Korriban - purple


As I said this achieve is specifically intended, if you read what the devs say, to NOT be doable by everyone. They come right out and say it is going to be VERY difficult and a major learning curve issue.

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not to sound like an elitist but i soloed heroic star fortress yesterday with companion healer (rank 37 M1-4X) and it was a breeze without buffs from instance, total faceroll my hp at max dropped to around 60% (im vanguard dps) with full augmented pvp gear. Edited by xxIncubixx
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I've tried and been unsuccessful with my raid geared healer / main scoundrel - 220 with the bonuses and all aug'd mostly min/max. every time it's been the companion that just seems to have bad pathing or AI and stands in fire, or wakes up CC'd adds - turned off the aoe attack but it still manages to bonk whatever is cc'd - and it's been a no go so far. i can get all the way to the final encounter but it was a fail fest.


as of now, i'm working my dps juggy through the chapter 9 stuff and into the Star Fortresses so will see how playing as a heavy armor dps class goes and if it's any easier or harder than with a healer character.

Edited by Feztonio
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Stick with it, you are close. The fact you can get to the last boss I think you can do it.


I remember in another Star Wars MMO, a guildmate was frustrated he could'nt solo a Krayt dragon. This was at a time in the game they were still a challenge to solo. He had seen me do it before, so he knew it was possible. He was a good player and had gotten close a few times but just could not finish one off. He asked me to go with him to watch as he tried to kill a dragon. I saw some things he could improve. My suggestions helped him, he was getting really close to killing one. So about an hour later I get a tell from him saying he finally did it, he soloed a Krayt dragon. I give him credit, he stayed with it and improved until he was able to do it.


It sounds like your comp is holding agro almost all of the boss fight. If that's the case, they can end up standing in very damaging AOE attacks. If your comp is dying, switch them to passive so they drop agro and the boss turns their attention to you. Quickly kite the boss, switch your comp back to active and move. This will give you some breathing room and let you and your comp regain health. Movement is important, especially if you are having trouble with this fight. So is your character holding agro. That way you are more in control of the fight...and you and your comp can avoid the 'red circle attacks' and the charges. Interrupt the channeled attacks and heals. Off heal your comp as needed.

Edited by Meroveus
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Clearly not talking about the achieve but jeebus until they buff it it is a joke. I just did it with a gunnery commando. Senya Thrall, Affection 17. She face tanked a sunguard captain as a healer while I just killed adds and droids to get the crystals to bring down the exarch to advance encounter. Then when the exarch wasn't throwing crap at me eeasy peezy. PS I still had 7 pieces of 192 gear on.


All this takes is a wee bit of thinking... The problem is until you get this far, that to OP and now buffed companions NO thinking at all, not even a wee bit is required. Can't wait until they buff it.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first.


PS sorry run on sentences.


I have completed this on a dps and healer merc. On my healer, I set my Lana also to heals and ran in a wide circle round and round taking shots as I could. I only stopped intermittently to cast a longer shot or heal if it was safe and then never for more than 2-3 secs before moving on. This keeps you and your comp out of red most of the time and can make the exarch run through it taking his own damage as he chases both you and your comp. He will occasionally pull you to him in the middle but just quickly run away and keep making that wide circle while you cast any dps shots you have. Takes a bit but very doable. Hope it helps.

Edited by Darkwords
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To answer a few quesions, My companion is rank 50 and I have tried several companions.. one is Senya and the other C2-N2 .. both rank 50 and treek and lana but rank 30+. I have rank 20 for all my alliance members at the base. I'm doing heroic version not the solo version and am doing without buffs because if you use buffs then you do not qualify for achievement.. my gear is all 216+ and augments. I've ben playing the game almost 8 months yet I'm not the best player. I consider myself still new to the game and am still trying to learn my class and game, etc better. I've tried 3 different heroic 2+ sf .. voss.. way too hard for me .. alderaan.. belsavis and tatoonie. Tatoonie boss seemed to be easier than the others. I got this one down to 30% health so I do think it is possible to defeat it. but he does kick a lot and kills my companion which I did revive but then there is the cool down. I did tatoonie as balance but it was the first time I played that discipline. I think the probem is me the player. I'm so used to doing dailies, etc and not the operations or flash points that I really lack skills, knowledge about certain class mechanics like kiting and I'm really not 100% certain what is good combat proficiencies, stems for my tk sage or armor, etc stats, etc. Right now am using the defiant force lord armor because someone told me it is best for tk sage I did read the dulfy site but it's a bit outdated when it comes to gear for tk sage. I just made legacy 50, although I don't think that matters but I do use heroic moment and unity every chance I get. I also only have 35% of the republic datacrons and none of the empire ones since I only have 1 level 25 empire character. I also have a sentential from free token but never played it. Basically only played this tk sage. I guess eventually I can do this achievement. At least I have hope with the tatoonie one As I said, I feel happy that I can even get to the boss Platform. That took a lot of doing within itself. I guess the hardest part of doing heroic 2+ sf besides final boss is the 3d array. that part nearly has me in tears every time. I take a bad beating each time and basically have to die many times before I finally get it.


Thanks again.


My datacrons:


Alderaan - endurance and presence


Coruscant - presence


Hoth - red mastery (prior to Fallen I had more datacrons but some seem to be missing also missing on other planets oo)


Tatoonie - I have all 4


Voss - I have 3/5 .. blue, orange and presence


Tython - I have endurance


Quesh - I have all 3


Makeb - I have all 2


Korriban - purple


Hmm. Admittedly I did mine during 4.0, but didn't someone post the numbers for rank 50 Jaesa during 4.0 and 4.0.2a and there was only a small difference? And I still have some 208 gear and did it with rank 39 Lana so I think the difficulty should be about the same? So...


I think it might indeed be an issue of knowing your class well enough? Try to keep a bubble (dunno the sage name, the shield that has a short debuff which stops you from renewing the shield) on you and your comp as much as possible, though a heal comp will have their own version, so keep an eye on that. Sage has some good off heals, so if your companion got hit badly, switch to targeting them (idk if you keybind but I'm a clicker because my coordination aucks but I still have target companion and the bubble keybound) and help them heal up again, it's much easier to stay on top of the fight if your companion never dies compared to having to revive them in my experience.


Interrupt the Exarch's Impale whenever you can because that one hits really hard. Keep out of their AOE as well and use Force Speed (....or w/e the pub name is, the ability that ups your movement speed by 150% for 2 seconds) if you have to. You can also temporarily put your companion on passive to get them to move out of the red fields on the ground which might make them easier to keep alive. And I see you've checked Dulfy for gear, have you checked her guide for Telekinetics Sage as well for your rotation? As for gear, iirc if you're a dps, get your accuracy to 110% (mine is at 733 stat wise which translates to 110.53%, so around that depending on bonuses and buffs), and I've heard that with the 3.0 changes crit is a better choice than power where you have to decide between them. Pretty sure the class forums should also have info on these things if you wanna read up on it more. (Btw, have you checked if you put a colour crystal into your offhand? The vendors sell them without the crystal and I know I sometimes forget to put one in, esp on my lowbies :p)

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Is TK sage the same as lightning sorc? If so- maybe try DoT spec instead? Sorry since I dont know the name conversions since my sage is healer spec only (rarelly play it).


DoTs make the final boss a cake walk. You can DoT and run around, while off-healing when needed. If your companion dies early, you still have a chance of winning just by kiting (but it can get hairy when he force pulls you to him).

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As I said this achieve is specifically intended, if you read what the devs say, to NOT be doable by everyone. They come right out and say it is going to be VERY difficult and a major learning curve issue.


Actually that isn't what the Devs said. To quote Michael Backus:

The difficult mode for Star Fortresses, though, we feel is a challenge that players should aspire to achieve, and not something players should easily do without gearing up their character and increasing their Companion’s Influence level.




1. Being ambitious.

2. Desiring success.


According to what he has said they are designed to be something for which you have to be a bit ambitious and willing to put in some work both on companion affection and gear.


Though he did not say it, I'm going to say you probably are going to have a fair understanding of your rotation, and a general understanding of tactics, but nothing that he said indicates that it would be out of the reach of any player.

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These are my stats so I guess I need to work on them? yes I do off heal my companion.. anyway as usual lots of good advice. :) (haven't learned to kite since most of my skills requre me to not move) what is best utlity point choices for tk sage?


mastery 4995, endurance 6079, power 2483, critical 1221, alacrity 152, accuracy 464, prsence 3349 with companion and 849 without, armoro ratining 3845, damage reduction 18.99%, defence chance 10%, critical multiplier 68%, health 80594, accuracy 107%, critical 38%, bonus damage 1701, dmage 2481-2872,16 valor (I guess I got this from the horrible exp of getting the companion) and social 5.

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These are my stats so I guess I need to work on them? yes I do off heal my companion.. anyway as usual lots of good advice. :) (haven't learned to kite since most of my skills requre me to not move) what is best utlity point choices for tk sage?


mastery 4995, endurance 6079, power 2483, critical 1221, alacrity 152, accuracy 464, prsence 3349 with companion and 849 without, armoro ratining 3845, damage reduction 18.99%, defence chance 10%, critical multiplier 68%, health 80594, accuracy 107%, critical 38%, bonus damage 1701, dmage 2481-2872,16 valor (I guess I got this from the horrible exp of getting the companion) and social 5.


Yeah, Valor is from PVP 8'D I'd say you definitely need more accuracy and probably some more alacrity, I've got 426 but I'm not sure what the recommended amount there is. Your endurance seems a bit high? I can't properly compare cause i'm still not in full 216, but maybe check if you have any endurance heavy pieces you can switch out, since as DPS anything that lets you do more damage tends to help you more than a few more hit points.


You should actually be able to get your sage to be relatively mobile -- part of that is alacrity and the other part is using your procs right, eg using telekinetic wave when you have it as an instant cast from telekinetic burst/turbulence, or using telekinetic burst when you can instant cast that one (which is from either taking damage or having used force speed) and you should definitely get the utility to let you use turbulence while moving.


My own utility set up is Upheaval, Jedi Resistance, Tectonic Mastery, Mind Ward, Telekinetic Defense, Kinetic Collapse and Force Mobility.


Dulfy doesn't have a 4.0 guide for TK Sage or Lightning Sorc yet unfortunately, but you can try the 3.0 one (http://dulfy.net/2015/07/16/swtor-3-0-telekinetic-sage-class-guide-by-soulkuun/) and see if that helps if you haven't yet. Bit outdated, but better than nothing I guess.


And if nothing works at all, you could try respeccing to heals, but that might take some getting used to if you haven't tried it yet.

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I'm in Law School and the semester's wrapping up so haven't had much time to do much KOTFE content. Just yesterday and today I entered my first 2 Star Fortress Heroics - Alderaan and Belsavis.


I'm a Defense Guardian. For the Alderaan one I used a rank 12 Lana and for Belsavis today I used a rank 13 M1-4X.


Last night in Alderaan I beat it but I died twice.

1st death - I used an area taunt without realizing it would pull the level above me too. Died with 1 mob left to kill.

2nd death - Lana got pushed off a ledge in the first boss at the factory area


Everything else on Alderaan and all through Belsavis I never dipped below 90% health.


I'm wearing 208 PVP gear fully augmented with the new Fortitude augments, and my companions were on heals.


I know people have said tank classes can do it, and that was certainly the case for me. But it wasn't even a challenge, unfortunately. I'm not sure what needs to be done to help other classes - maybe a closer look at companion tanking?


EDIT: I have all 4 class buffs but not even close to all the datacrons. Haven't started hunting them yet.

Edited by Duedroth
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I have been doing SF hcs for quite some time now and I have had less and less issues as I learned to adapt to each of the enemy types and how/when/where to use our little `bag of tricks´.

My rep main is a balance sage in augmented 208 PvP gear (2 pieces are 204) with Biochem purple stim applied always, and I have been using M1-4X the moment I got him, atm at lvl 37 influence as healer. Got the legendary player achievement aswell as most of the `relevant` datacrons but more important is the fact that this is my main for years now...so I kinda know how to play him with some decent skill. ;)


Getting to know each enemy as well as how to use LoS properly while your dots are ticking/using earthquake and push properly is the difference between struggling and a walk in the park. Do not forget force speed to move out of harms way fast and phase walk to gain distance on hard-hitting enemies. Even with my comp healer I keep healing myself pretty much all the time but the use of Unity/Heroic Moment aswell as stim/medpac/adrenalin can help at start. Once your comp gets up and over lvl20 you will see the difference or rather how everything gets easier. On my last run I used Unity/Heroic Moment only in a few spots.

I am sure ppl in 216/220 PvE gear have an advantage over PvP geared ppl so it is certanly a priority to gear oneself, the better your gear the more your chances improve.


Considering I am utterly bored of doing SF heroics I stay around the entrance whilst in que for PvP..if some1 wants to run them I join in. The 2 main reasons are simple:


1. Once you get the achievement it is completely pointless to do content that takes ages to do solo.

2. If ppl think doing daily heroics is boring..this is 10 times worse.


Keep at it, boost your favorite comp with gifts to make them better at their roles and last but not least...learn your class/spec pros and cons, cause sages suck at facetanking and rely on `hitting on the move and at distance`.



I have done 2 SF hcs on my main jug tank in 208/216 with Senya on heal/influence at lvl 31. Was a bit tricky but takes even longer...not sure why but I think Bioware wanted ppl to experience the ultimate masochist achievement when running these things solo, but they prolly just forgot to put that achievement in....

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Actually that isn't what the Devs said. To quote Michael Backus:





1. Being ambitious.

2. Desiring success.


According to what he has said they are designed to be something for which you have to be a bit ambitious and willing to put in some work both on companion affection and gear.


Though he did not say it, I'm going to say you probably are going to have a fair understanding of your rotation, and a general understanding of tactics, but nothing that he said indicates that it would be out of the reach of any player.


First he see the term aspire



direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.


So he speaks of people directing their ambition towards trying to achieve something. One often apires to things in life but not everyone succeeds.


So with the definition of the tern used, read that word in the complete context... If other things are considered "easy" and something else challenging by definition some people will fail. When you say players should aspire to do it However you miss when Eric told us what thei difficulty targets were. Since this person is talking about the achievement and NOT the zone in general.


The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.


But let's look at what Michael said a bit more in detail and not as Cherry Picked.


The difficult mode for Star Fortresses, though, we feel is a challenge that players should aspire to achieve, and not something players should easily do without gearing up their character and increasing their Companion’s Influence level. We obviously set an expectation Heroic Star Fortresses were going to be similar to [Heroic 2] content, but that was not our intention. As a result, we are going to change the “Heroic” nomenclature for Star Fortresses to something different. We’ll let you know what we decide the new name will be soon. In addition, this will allow us to balance Star Fortresses independently of Companion power, but still make it challenging without making it impossible for many players.


The important part is that last sentence. "Not impossible for many players". When you say "MANY players" and not simply "players" you are implicitly saying "some people will fail", and in this case it's just about the Regular H2 SF,.


So the take away? Grind gear and learn your class and the encounters.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I have done 2 SF hcs on my main jug tank in 208/216 with Senya on heal/influence at lvl 31. Was a bit tricky but takes even longer...not sure why but I think Bioware wanted ppl to experience the ultimate masochist achievement when running these things solo, but they prolly just forgot to put that achievement in....


omg |D


I did four of them in one night in anticipation of the Great Companion Nerf and I think that would def have deserved an ultimate masochist achievement :'D Or maybe if you do all 6 in one day. "Ultimate Masochist: completed Star Fortress Hell solo in a single day." (I mean, I'm that person who plays almost every game on easy when possible because chances are I care about comfortably moving through the story while mowing down the mobs a lot more than challenging combat, too, so...)


Just ran my third a couple hours ago. No deaths again, no DCDs necessary, didn't even have to guard my rank 15 M1-4X. I'm now The One And Only :)


i just said this in another thread about this too, but really, what is the point in rubbing it in to someone that struggles with this quest/achievement about how easy it was for you? If you're that amazing at this game and have enough time to bother reading the forums and posting, why not help the people who aren't as good get better? Does your ego *really* need that kind of stroking?

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