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Jedi Education and Romantic Relationships


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Going through many of the stories, it seems that the problems Jedi have with padawans falling for their Masters romantically could be allieviated by the Council by using a different species <one that is not sexually compatable> to instruct padawans.


When two people are together for so much of the time, improper bondings <as seen by the Jedi to be improper> are bound to occur.


They set themselves up to fail according to their own goals by not utilizing this.

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You think so?


I don't know. Let's look at people's fetishes/fiction/what have you.


Different races? Been done! Not compatible sexually? Still been done! Couples can become a couple and not have sex. Could play the odds and just do same gender, but as we know, that's been done.


So, it's all been done!


Now that's just romantic love. For the Jedi, it's more than just romantic love that's the problem. It's attachment. One can love someone enough as a friend that one could just go just as nuts if something were to happen to them.


Jedi know such attachments can lead someone with power in the force to do some really crazy and messed up things when the target of their attachment is in danger or killed. They also likely know it's almost unavoidable for most.

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You'd need to go to the extremes, because most of the races in the galaxy are near enough, that wouldn't be very practical.


Just look at the playable races. Except Cathar, I could have a lover from each one. And even Cathar, I can't be sure it would be impossible to fall in love.


Remember that to love, you just need an intellectual exchange, not necessarily biological compatibility.

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