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Please be respectful of each other in OPS groups.


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I ran two KP SM's today, one with my PT and one with my Merc. In both runs we had a player that had previously won an unassembled piece token, roll need on the final boss's unassembled piece token and win it. Leaving with two tokens. Please be respectful of the other players in your groups when you jump in on pug runs :)
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That is horrible and very rude, I am sorry that happened to you! :(


Thx... I had already won my piece. We transferred here from an abrasive server, and Shadowlands has been a great community with great players and cool people. After seeing this twice today, I felt like something needed to be said here. :)

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I recently saw it happen where someone rolled need on a set piece, set relic and another set piece three bosses in a row and won all three. I agree, not sure how people can be comfortable thinking that way.


Anyway something I noticed recently - and maybe it's been going on far longer than "recently, but I just noticed - was that group leaders were removing LT privileges of people once they won a token. I would never have thought of doing that, it's an awesome idea.


It shows everyone at a glance who's already won something and hopefully makes less-ethical people think twice since others are actually paying attention.

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I recently saw it happen where someone rolled need on a set piece, set relic and another set piece three bosses in a row and won all three. I agree, not sure how people can be comfortable thinking that way.


Anyway something I noticed recently - and maybe it's been going on far longer than "recently, but I just noticed - was that group leaders were removing LT privileges of people once they won a token. I would never have thought of doing that, it's an awesome idea.


It shows everyone at a glance who's already won something and hopefully makes less-ethical people think twice since others are actually paying attention.


Personally the practice of revoking ops lieutenant drives me insane, I just keep track of who won pieces for every run in in. Its annoying that I end up having to lose the ability to ready check or Mark things as needed, forcing me to try to use the tank/damage/heal markets a lot to try to here people.. But that's me. Frankly it doesn't stop people from needing whenever they want, just makes it easier for the group if people aren't paying attention.


And there really is no safe guard. Either a group leaves things up for grabs and open for people to need after they have won a piece, or you join a group with master looter and hope the leader doesn't just keep everything in the end.


I've had both happen to me and guildies recently in out groups. I would like it if people were just reasonable about loot, but a few jerks are going to screw with groups regardless.

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Check loot rules before killing any bosses, aka if ops leader states one token win per person then people staying agree to abide by that. However if like a group I was in yesterday, if it's stated at beginning of op that 1 dark matter per person and everything else is need if need then you also agreed to that by staying in the group.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree. If you're in a group you should establish loot rules before the OP and stick with them. That being said, "1 piece per" is not like, some universal standard. I've been in free-roll groups and come out with 3 pieces; I've been in groups (many many) where I came out with nothing. If no one says anything I don't ever feel bad walking away with multiple pieces. It's kind a price you pay for pugging.
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I kinda feel that there should be some sort of system where the top performer gets extra gear. I routinely do around 27-32 percent of the raid damage on bosses (when I should be doing around 19-20 percent) in PVP gear that only bolsters to 104-105 percent accuracy. In other words, I'm putting more effort into the raid than many of the others...yet half the time I don't even get a piece of gear. Elitism, sure, but I kinda want my gear and don't have the time to grind SM ops all day (or all evening for that matter). I'd rather work harder in a shorter period of time.


Of course, this would be hard to quantify, and some classes/specs just suck in general. Wouldn't be worth the effort on BioWare's part.


Someone should carry me to a full 220 set. Sadly most of the people I used to PvE with no longer play this game (and for good reason).


Also, I'm sick of hearing that healers have to "work harder" in some situations. Bad terminology; what they should be saying is that "minimize the amount of damage you take so healers can contribute DPS and keep everyone topped off". You should be hitting all your GCDs regardless of your role, healers included. Apm in this game is only like 35-50; there is no excuse. If you're not healing or cleansing, you sure as hell better be DPSing when that GCD comes up.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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