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Companion Tank Stance Shield/Absorb is broken


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I am playing primarily on an infiltration shadow, as stealth makes the heroic 2s and star fortresses quicker to solo. As such, because I want to frequently be located behind my enemies to use Shadow Strike, I utilise a companion in tank stance.


I have noticed that although my companions in tank stance have values in all their defensive stats, their shield chance and shield absorption percentages are both zero.


For example, using Lana (Influence rank 20), she has:

  • 1160 Shield Rating
  • 720 Absorb Rating
  • 720 Defense rating


Looking at the Companion Window, this translates into defensive stats of:

  • Health: 95570
  • Armor Rating: 6720
  • Damage Reduction: 29.10%
  • Defense Chance: 13.63%
  • Shield Chance: 0%
  • Shield Absorption: 0%


I would assume that the reason for this is that as since 4.0 the companions no longer have an equipable offhand, they therefore lack a shield generator, hence the Shield Chance is zero, and as the Shield chance is zero, the absorb is also zero.


If that is the cause, it seems like something pretty basic that I would have thought would get picked-up in testing. Was disappointed to see that companion changes have been made in 4.0.2a, but this bug hasn't been addressed.

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This is really annoying. Why this has not been addressed yet is somewhat mindboggling.


EDIT: Nevermind what I just said. I'm currently doing a Star Fortress run, and I saw some "Absorb" flytext on the screen while my Lana was tanking an enemy. Though the question is still what values tanking companions currently get.

Edited by BenKatarn
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On Lana, Reinforcing Taunt places a shield on Lana, so that's the Absorb floating text you are seeing.


On my Pierce, I'm not seeing any Shield or Absorb values listed at all. Like, the companion panel lists Defense Chance then nothing underneath. Whereas my Lana lists Shield Chance and Shield Absorption both at 0% underneath.

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On Lana, Reinforcing Taunt places a shield on Lana, so that's the Absorb floating text you are seeing.


On my Pierce, I'm not seeing any Shield or Absorb values listed at all. Like, the companion panel lists Defense Chance then nothing underneath. Whereas my Lana lists Shield Chance and Shield Absorption both at 0% underneath.


This is a bug they know about already and are planning on fixing. It likely has somethign to do with the fact that companions no longer wear gear, as the only thing in the game that actually gives you shield chance is to be wearing a shield. You could have all +shield mods, but unless you're actually WEARING that shield, you won't ever block anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is a bug they know about already and are planning on fixing. It likely has somethign to do with the fact that companions no longer wear gear, as the only thing in the game that actually gives you shield chance is to be wearing a shield. You could have all +shield mods, but unless you're actually WEARING that shield, you won't ever block anything.


Yeah, but its kind of an obvious bug, I mean if you are changing companions, so they don't use gear any more, surely one of the tests is a quick check to ensure they have correct values for dmg, bonus dmg, alacrity and defensives etc for all stances? Seems a pretty basic oversight to me, both from a coding and a testing point of view.


Also surprised that this is still broken despite being an issue since 4.0, when they have made several changes to companions already but not fixed this.

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Would be a nice fix.


Especially given that their armor is really low, they really need that high shield/absorb to be even half-decent tanks. High health pool isn't sufficient.


Also, would be nice if different comps tanked a little differently (as in the past) and did not just have alternate animations of what is ultimately the same ability.

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