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Looking for Specific Help with fps


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To start, I would like to mention that I am only posting myself after months and months of searching countless forums from just as many websites. Now, with little progress made I am coming here to look for some specific support tailored to my hardware and what I can specifically do to possibly get some results.


Additionally, I am not looking for "the game engine sucks gg go home," I am aware of the engine limitations as well as the fact that we are not getting a new one. This game can be run successfully and I am here to learn how I can achieve a more enjoyable player experience.


With those two ideas in mind, here is my hardware before I outline my situation and my goals.


Cpu: Amd fx4300 @ 4.0 ghz (quad core) -this is under a very minor and stable overclock. These processors can be taken to roughly 4.5 ghz, however I would prefer to switch over to water cooling before attempting a heavier OC. That being said, is 4.0 enough? Is it really necessary to OC further? Ideas welcomed :p

GPU: EVGA Nvidia gtx 750ti ftw 2gb (under a moderately strong OC, I am aware that this is by all means a lower end card, however I have yet to have any issues with it, and don't believe it to be harming my fps. It currently has a base clock of 1100 something and a boost clock of 1300 or 1400, however the card never 'boosts' itself because it never needs to. Temps are very low, (30-low 40s) .That being said I could be completely wrong and maybe that is the cause to my problems, opinions are welcome.

Ram: 8gb (at 1666 or whatever the mid range speed is, forget the exact number but shouldn't be important.)

SSD: pny 360gb ssd, off the top of my head I don't remember the model number etc, if it is that important I can dig it up. I only run windows 10 64 bit and swtor off my SSD.)

OS: Windows 10 64 bit home edition

in game ping 42 ms


I think that is all that should be relevant, if you need further information I will be happy to find and provide it.


So where am I at now and what am I looking at? To start, my in game settings are as follows (close to med, lowering them further yields no fps increase)

Full screen Windowed

1366x768 resolution (max supported by my monitor)

Refresh rate 60

Bloom enabled

Texture quality high

Convo Depth of field On

shaders high

AA off

character lvl of detail low

texture anisotropy low

Character atlasing low

visible limit low

shadows off

shadow cascades (greyed out)

Tree and Grass quality set to zero.



My game play is completely enjoyable and aesthetically acceptable for everything excluding warzones and operations, composing of roughly 80% of my game experience. Running around fleet I will get 60+ fps, even in crowded areas with everyone spamming abilities I will average in the 40s at lowest. Flagships, SH, etc 85+ fps, login screen 103 fps. As you can see, no issues there. However, In pvp I will frequent 9-11 fps. This is an extreme difference and I would really like to stay above 25 fps! Operations are not any better, with roughly 15 fps in boss fights.


Going to wrap it up there, in all honesty not sure what else to say. Does anyone have any suggestions? I get such great fps everywhere except for where I need it. Do I need to invest in a water cooler and OC my cpu to 4.6? Is my gpu which usually is not being used holding me back? I am desperate for help as I have invested time, money, and love into this game and want nothing more than to play it how it is supposed to be played.


Thank you for your time, consideration and suggestions. If there is anything else I forgot to include (looking back it is quite possible that I left something out) please let me know, I am happy to work with you to figure something out.



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I do agree with Laoi as I see you have good GPU and a SSD, but to be sure you can do this: when you are playing, do it in window mode, minimize your task manager in the task bar so it will show in real time %CPU usage, % memory usage, and % disc writing/reading, and you will get an idea of what is happening, because many times is a question of balance, and every pc/laptop is different.


So, if u see %any of that variables >75% or peaking to 75-100% try to focus on that variable first. Beware that many times lowering one raises the others so dont do big changes, apply them 1 by 1 in order to notice the effects and pros&cons of each change.


For example, %CPU usage is the toppest, so try giving the 2 swtor.exe games high process priority or even real time priority (i dont do it) or much better, lowering secondary process that you may not need playing. If u see a real improving (smoother playing, bigger FPS rates) go on: as u have 4 cores, assign 2 processors to each swtor.exe, or 3:1 , or 2:1 leaving one free for the rest of tasks.


Even AMD supports overclocking, i dont recommend it, think like if it was a car and the CPU is the engine, before polishing cylinders or upgrading the turbo, take the seats out, the compressor for the air conditioning system... The same with your computer, improve ram management first, take out useless processes, defrag the game,,,


Hope that it helped you out,



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OK, thank you for the responses. Tonight when I have more time I'll review the task manager percentages in a warzone and I'll get that information out there. As you both are inclined to think it is more cpu related (as am I), how high would you think I would need to OC the cpu to achieve that 25 or so fps? I am an experienced computer user and know how to safely OC, however I'll need to purchase a water cooler if OCing further is what I need to do. Ill definitely re-double check that any and all unnecessary programs are closed. Thanks again, I'll come back tonight with more information regarding which programs are running and the % usages.


Edit: I have tried running the game in "high" priority and by designating 1 .exe to two of my cores and the other .exe to the other two. I did not notice much of a difference and still fell to that 10fps. I'll try only setting swtor to 3 .exe and leaving the 4th for system tonight.

Edited by xxXANTOSExx
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