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Please let me romance Arcann.


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I suppose so! I just remember them during kotfe. I take it when you get Quinn back there isn't anything either?

i didnt get nothing...nada....niente...not even "hey, i arrived at Odessen, nice place you got here...so where do i sleep?" sorta thing...hell..i dont even see him on odessen...which kinda sux...:confused:

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I suppose so! I just remember them during kotfe. I take it when you get Quinn back there isn't anything either?

I wouldn't know because I broke up with Quinn on Iokath. Now she's ready for Arcann :D

In kotfe there's only Lana, Theron and Koth to account for. Now there are also the returned LIs. I don't think they will bring back all the voice actors for this. Maybe Lana and Theron.

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I told Senya what I want to do with Arcann ... this is the look I got from her.

yup...that's about right...i think for all of us Arcannites :D:D:rolleyes:



but on a more hopefull note....you guys think Arcann will make a appearance on the roadmap somewhere on monday ? :rolleyes: maybe in a sentence with the words " romance" or "relationship" or "bumzi bumzy happy time " or something ?

Would be nice :rolleyes:

Edited by Milishor
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yup...that's about right...i think for all of us Arcannites :D:D:rolleyes:



but on a more hopefull note....@you guys think Arcann will make a appearance on the roadmap somewhere on monday ? :rolleyes: maybe in a sentence with the words " romance" or "relationship" or "bumzi bumzy happy time " or something ?

Would be nice :rolleyes:



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yup...that's about right...i think for all of us Arcannites :D:D:rolleyes:



but on a more hopefull note....you guys think Arcann will make a appearance on the roadmap somewhere on monday ? :rolleyes: maybe in a sentence with the words " romance" or "relationship" or "bumzi bumzy happy time " or something ?

Would be nice :rolleyes:


That or


Character Development: 'Senya - Mother in law subplot.'

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i had the most horrible Monday-ist Monday ever today...so...BW...Charles/Keith, be good lads and give us some good news regarding our favorite prince charming !


btw..its 8pm here....when is "afternoon" in the usa? lol

Edited by Milishor
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i had the most horrible Monday-ist Monday ever today...so...BW...Charles/Keith, be good lads and give us some good news regarding our favorite prince charming !


btw..its 8pm here....when is "afternoon" in the usa? lol

I'm in Europe too, just been waiting and hoping all evening. I suppose worse comes to worst, we have news to look forward to tomorrow morning!

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swtor HQ is in edmonton ? if it is....Keith, check your watch! it is afternoon already! Chop chop ppl! :cool:

rabid arcann squad needs answers here ! lol


Nah, it's in Austin, Texas. It's about 2:30pm there now, so they still have a couple of hours...

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