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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please let me romance Arcann.


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Hello all! I've been following this thread for a while now, and I thought I'd follow up with an update from twitter :D


Charles Boyd recently tweeted:

"Out in LA for #SWTOR VO recording, always such a pleasure to watch the actors do their thing in person :)"

--> [Link]

His replies to this tweet hint at voice-over work being done for what happens after Umbara.


And Erik Dellums (Arcann's voice actor) tweeted the next day:

"To the team @SWTOR, it's "such" a pleasure working with you! Just saw I typed "suck." Jeez. Fast typing. #ShareLove #Arcann"

--> [Link]


While replies from both Boyd [Link], and Sam Wallschlaeger (Writer at Bioware on SWTOR) confirmed his presence on these VO sessions: "It was so awesome getting to work with our excellent Arcann today!"

--> [Link]


It's worth noting that Mr. Dellums, based on previous tweets, has been very keen on doing more VO work regarding Arcann, and his responses to anything Arcann/twins related are always positive, even saying -and I quote- that Arcann is a "Sexy Beast" (which I agree with wholeheartedly :D:p). And while this doesn't confirm that they are spearheading an Arcann romance, it's a good sign that we will see more content with him involved. Fingers crossed.


I apologize if my formatting is a little off, this is my first forum post/reply. Feedback is most appreciated :)

Let's keep the Arcann Romance flames burning!


OMG exciting! Thank you for sharing this with us :eek:

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Hello all! I've been following this thread for a while now, and I thought I'd follow up with an update from twitter :D


Charles Boyd recently tweeted:

"Out in LA for #SWTOR VO recording, always such a pleasure to watch the actors do their thing in person :)"

--> [Link]

His replies to this tweet hint at voice-over work being done for what happens after Umbara.


And Erik Dellums (Arcann's voice actor) tweeted the next day:

"To the team @SWTOR, it's "such" a pleasure working with you! Just saw I typed "suck." Jeez. Fast typing. #ShareLove #Arcann"

--> [Link]


While replies from both Boyd [Link], and Sam Wallschlaeger (Writer at Bioware on SWTOR) confirmed his presence on these VO sessions: "It was so awesome getting to work with our excellent Arcann today!"

--> [Link]


It's worth noting that Mr. Dellums, based on previous tweets, has been very keen on doing more VO work regarding Arcann, and his responses to anything Arcann/twins related are always positive, even saying -and I quote- that Arcann is a "Sexy Beast" (which I agree with wholeheartedly :D:p). And while this doesn't confirm that they are spearheading an Arcann romance, it's a good sign that we will see more content with him involved. Fingers crossed.


I apologize if my formatting is a little off, this is my first forum post/reply. Feedback is most appreciated :)

Let's keep the Arcann Romance flames burning!


Oh wow, how did I not see this?!??!? I'm going crazy!!!!

It really feels good when speaking up about what you want bares fruit.:rak_03: #GoArcannmancers!!


jdhfbfxehdb!! I love you Biowriters for thinking about Arcann!!!😘

Edited by Eshvara
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A little birdie told me Arcann customisation options 1 and 2 have been added in a future patch(5.5). This can only mean two things and both make me happy:rak_03:



*joins in with the internal screaming* Omg that is just too awesome for words.

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  • 2 weeks later...


ok..so basically..tomorrow ALL my characters are going to be without a LI...so..BW....this is your chance! ...Arcann for romance option! ..DO IT ! ...or i will be super mega sad/lonely/gonnaadopt100catskindasithgirl and you dont want me to do that... :mad::(


*pets cats* Soon my lovelys! we shall take over the world *evul laugh*


Edited by Milishor
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Sadly, 5.4 will drop the day AFTER tomorrow. Huge bugs, glitches etc have pushed it back. The Devs said it this morning:-/


:eek::( gosh I'm dying here, I need to vent Arcann feels lol. Let's hope all goes well with the devs *fingers crossed* *sends positive Force vibes*

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Arcann's email.....squeee:D:D:D



They're so setting him up for romance, I wont believe otherwise!!:rak_03::rak_06:


I hope so !! ... But i would so much like actual conversations with him then just emails..c'mon Bioware! ..


I'm so sad right now :( *sniff*

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They sure better be preparing Arcann romance because they owe it to the playerbase after the latest stunt with a certain male romanceable character...


Ohh who am I kidding they're probably too busy writing new stuff for Lana waifu

Edited by Pietrastor
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I hope so !! ... But i would so much like actual conversations with him then just emails..c'mon Bioware! ..


I'm so sad right now :( *sniff*

Maybe in 5.5! Who knows.:rak_03::p But yeah, the emails are still pretty platonic, but it seems to be getting there! (I think)

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Ohh who am I kidding they're probably too busy writing new stuff for Lana waifu


Dont say that ! ...im currently replaying DA Inquisition with my Lavellan and i cant take anymore sadness/heartache lol

I dont have anything against Lana but....no :mad: ...gimme atleast a angry Arcann taking my side

in the Theron business

and consoling me and bringing me cookies and then some hugs ( cause everyone needs a hug after a breakup )..and....well, one thing leads to another thing :rolleyes:

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