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Who is piloting your ship? (*No Spoilers)


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In the beginning of KOTFE, there is a scene where one of your companions pilots your ship to make an escape.


Which companion is it for each class? Is the companion set by the story? Is it your love interest? Is it just the companion who normally hangs around the cockpit area of your ship?

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For my Juggernaut it was Vette, his love interest. For my Guardian it was Kira, his love interest.


For my Sorcerer it was Andronikos, not a love interest and not quite highest on influence either.



I have yet to see the other classes.

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It is always Kira, Vette, Andronikos, Mako, Iresso, Corso, Kaliyo and Jorgen. There is no variation.


If you don't take the PC's gender into account, those choices are all the first possible LI of the class. That's likely the right theory on how they picked them.


Kira before Doc.


Vette before Quinn and Jaesa.


Revel before Ashara.


etc etc

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Whoever you want!


I'm hoping they one day make a ship I can decorate on. Since there isn't anymore conversations on the original ship, let me decorate it so my head canon can have Nico piloting xD


Such a lonely ship with supposedly tons of companions to pick from. They can't all be just chilling on Odessen

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Nico is a p*sshead. Listen to his lines some time. No way I'd let him anywhere near the pilot's console.


I don't care about his comments, I care about his piloting skills :rak_03:


As long as he doesn't steal my ship, clog my toilet, or hit on Lana he can talk all the **** he wants.

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It is always Kira, Vette, Andronikos, Mako, Iresso, Corso, Kaliyo and Jorgen. There is no variation.


Or what if its simply the first companion the character unlocks during the storyline, that can actually speak english? (Thats why Andy instead of Khem Val).

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Or what if its simply the first companion the character unlocks during the storyline, that can actually speak english? (Thats why Andy instead of Khem Val).


That does not apply to Lieutenant Iresso. The first companion who actually speaks human language is Tharan Cedrax to the Jedi Consular. (Or "Holiday" even though she is not strictly a companion, but you meet her/it before you meet Tharan.)

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That does not apply to Lieutenant Iresso. The first companion who actually speaks human language is Tharan Cedrax to the Jedi Consular. (Or "Holiday" even though she is not strictly a companion, but you meet her/it before you meet Tharan.)


Which is why it's likely the first companion that can become an LI.

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That does not apply to Lieutenant Iresso. The first companion who actually speaks human language is Tharan Cedrax to the Jedi Consular. (Or "Holiday" even though she is not strictly a companion, but you meet her/it before you meet Tharan.)


Before KotFE, my head canon had tharan / holiday flying my ship.

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Well at the moment....me, my ship is VERY empty at the moment with only Treek and HK-51 on board. I even miss the annoying ship droid, 2V-R8 :(


I have this same problem. The ship feels really empty. I only have HK. I wish Bioware would allow us to choose which 5 companions get to board our ships.

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