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No...unsub or Bio COULD fix this crap


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2 guy...all 216+ gear. my comp heal is 32. We could NOT kill the first boss in SF. Come on Bio..WTH did you do? Ok, the comps were broken...but you triple broken them Please, make is a little in the middle.. i don't what do unsub with you....


Are you saying 2 players in 216 gear couldn't finish the first boss? I'm sorry, but that's your play not the difficulty of the game.

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2 guy...all 216+ gear. my comp heal is 32. We could NOT kill the first boss in SF. Come on Bio..WTH did you do? Ok, the comps were broken...but you triple broken them Please, make is a little in the middle.. i don't what do unsub with you....



Okay, now i think they nerfed companions as much as anyone, but if you and another real person with two companions can't do Heroic Star Fortress then that is definitely on you guys.


They can be tough but you guys are not really trying here.

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Are you saying 2 players in 216 gear couldn't finish the first boss? I'm sorry, but that's your play not the difficulty of the game.


I know, I hate to be the "L2P" jerk, but seriously, two players in that kind of gear should not have that much trouble.


This is like the people I would see begging in gen-chat for people to group with them to help with their class bosses.

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Your experience certainly is not typical of the average player. I soloed it in 216/220 with a level 20 companion, no buffs. Unless you are suggesting I'm equivalent to two players, you are missing something mechanically that is causing you to fail.


Very much depends on the companion's class and yours now, though. If you have to rely on a healing companion, you're pretty much screwed - DPS and Tank, not so much.

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Here are some things to try .. pay attention to the fight, move around, use defensive cool downs and don't expect the companions to do all the work. Oh, I almost forgot ... use INTERRUPTS. If any of those things garner a "what's that?" response ... there's your problem.
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Very much depends on the companion's class and yours now, though. If you have to rely on a healing companion, you're pretty much screwed - DPS and Tank, not so much.


Failing in 216 gear with 2 players and 2 companions has nothing to do with class or companion role. That is entirely on players not playing properly. And I definitely used a healing companion when I ran it.

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2 guy...all 216+ gear. my comp heal is 32. We could NOT kill the first boss in SF. Come on Bio..WTH did you do? Ok, the comps were broken...but you triple broken them Please, make is a little in the middle.. i don't what do unsub with you....


I would seriously like to see video of this, because in 216 gear you are massively over geared for Heroic SF and have to be doing something wrong. A video would allow players to help coach you.

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I tried soloing these heroics with my mara yesterday.. (mods mostly 208 - don't have crystals for 216- , and 29 influence with lana) ...failed and hurt my ego lol. Still hurts. I excuse it by telling myself it's all the SF's lag fault lol. Or maybe it's a glitch? Lana's healing was horrible. I know there was a nerf, but it was hardly noticeable until SF so...glitch yeah? Yeah of course, let's go with that!


... Seriously though,a lot of people seem to say these heroics are meant to be easy to solo -still - so I'm confused too tbh. :/


Really, really hope it's a glitch lmao. *laughs and cries*

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... Seriously though,a lot of people seem to say these heroics are meant to be easy to solo -still - so I'm confused too tbh. :/


I haven't seen anyone, including Bioware, claiming that the heroic Star Fortresses are, or are intended to be easy - particularly to solo. Quite the reverse, they seem to be intended to be truly challenging.


What part did you hit a wall with?

Edited by ryoutou
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2 guy...all 216+ gear. my comp heal is 32. We could NOT kill the first boss in SF. Come on Bio..WTH did you do? Ok, the comps were broken...but you triple broken them Please, make is a little in the middle.. i don't what do unsub with you....
people are soloing this content


the issue isnt the content. it's you.

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When the damage/red numbers coming at you are 5000+ a pop, and the heals are 100, 200, 300 - it is NOT a player problem.

Ok Now I have seen this, It has happen to me also but I would advise not to use them as healers till they fix the heals just use them as Tanks or DPS..

Edited by Legolose
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I haven't seen anyone, including Bioware, claiming that the heroic Star Fortresses are, or are intended to be easy - particularly to solo. Quite the reverse, they seem to be intended to be truly challenging.


What part did you hit a wall with?


I know what Bioware claimed but check around the forums and redit or what's it called; someone even said they had something under 20 influence and 190 gear and it proved no challenge. - I'm not sure if this one was before or after the nerf, but a lot of people still say this content is easy.


And I didn't even get past the f*** robot... everything was fine until this point, then I suddenly couldn't even tell if I was actually being healed or not. It goes sorta fine for a while, but as soon as they add more forces or whatever I'm dead.

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This has got to be a troll thread. I mean.... It has to be. Please tell me it is a troll thread. People cannot possibly be this bad at the game. I mean.... How?


As stated in previous post, some folks never learned all their abilities. When 60 was level cap I met a 60 healer on Oricon that couldn't do the Bothrium Beast and was asking for help. Told that person they could solo it, it's a level 55 mission, they just needed to use their interrupt ability. That person said they were a healer and didn't have the ability. That person insisted they didn't and after a bit started to get snarky with me for trying to help. So with two folks before you go in and do it again, talk about interrupting the higher powered boss abilities, who goes first, and second that gives you double the punch of a solo attempt.


I realize for the casual player, and especially solo ones, there really is no run up to the heroic Star Fortress to learn all your abilities and rotation as you should. In a way the game is a bit to blame because of how easy it is, that to level to endgame (especially now with streamlined storyline and planetary level sync) that there are folks that probably never used heroic moment to get there. (And can you imagine a new player that subbed and started at 60, what content they have gone thru?)


So to those folks that can't do the very last mission, I know it's a grind. You have to realize that Star Fortress is the end part of of the present expansion. And the expansion is pretty new, don't know if there are guides/videos out yet on walkthrus of these missions, but you might want to look for them for help.

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I know what Bioware claimed but check around the forums and redit or what's it called; someone even said they had something under 20 influence and 190 gear and it proved no challenge. - I'm not sure if this one was before or after the nerf, but a lot of people still say this content is easy.


And I didn't even get past the f*** robot... everything was fine until this point, then I suddenly couldn't even tell if I was actually being healed or not. It goes sorta fine for a while, but as soon as they add more forces or whatever I'm dead.


If you are referring to the Praetorian in the middle of the Star Fortresses, then interrupt his ability that calls more adds. Eventually, he'll get the cast off since you won't have your interrupt anymore, just AoE them down quickly (they have almost no health) and then return to the droid. Stay out of his AoEs, where he drops the orange circle on the ground. Make sure to stay away from your companion so that the droid never gets close to them to knock them off the platform (I'd suggest a ranged companion if they are healing).


It's probably the easiest fight in the Star Fortress, since you can avoid almost all of his damage unlike the elite Knights that can do a large amount of direct damage. 190 gear is probably not going to be enough to solo these instances post nerf as BW stated they are meant for 2 players or a single player with good gear (204/208 minimum with some augments) and a high influence companion, possibly with some of the extra buffs.

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If you are referring to the Praetorian in the middle of the Star Fortresses, then interrupt his ability that calls more adds. Eventually, he'll get the cast off since you won't have your interrupt anymore, just AoE them down quickly (they have almost no health) and then return to the droid. Stay out of his AoEs, where he drops the orange circle on the ground. Make sure to stay away from your companion so that the droid never gets close to them to knock them off the platform (I'd suggest a ranged companion if they are healing).


It's probably the easiest fight in the Star Fortress, since you can avoid almost all of his damage unlike the elite Knights that can do a large amount of direct damage. 190 gear is probably not going to be enough to solo these instances post nerf as BW stated they are meant for 2 players or a single player with good gear (204/208 minimum with some augments) and a high influence companion, possibly with some of the extra buffs.


You can interrupt it to not call for reinforcements? I thought it was just for not throwing you back, and I didn't even always manage to interrupt that casting due to SF lag I'm experiencing. (Not actually excusing it on lag lmao. But this is true.)


And I already know the red circles are bad and that ****..ranged healer tho? That actually sounds like some great advice...ty. For that and the new info.


May try again later...well, not just 'may', I'm actually going to be sore until I pass this lol.

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I solo'd both Voss and Belsavis heroics last night. 208 Assassin tank, level 32 healer companion.


I didn't die once. Used my cooldowns appropriately, heroic moment appropriately, and the alliance buffs appropriately.


I cannot see how 2 people in better gear than me could not do the instance.

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