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Lana and skipping the prelude to SOR


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Hi hope someone here can help.


I would like to take my agent L50 through SOR and KOTFE. However I went rogue at the end of the story and story matters to me. My agent would not have worked for Marr on Makeb or come running when Arkous called in the prelude so Lana and I would be meeting for the first time on Rishi. If you start SOR without the prelude does it assume you did play it or is it possible to see it as the first time you get involved with Lana and Theron.


I have played through it twice but both times with Sith via the prelude, never without.



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I actually just started Shadow of Revan on a character that I hadn't done the prelude on and when you run into the two characters that keep things together, characters you would have run into if you had done the prelude, they introduce themselves and talk about what they did during the prelude. Things that you weren't involved with if you skipped it.


So, skipping the prelude means that you didn't do it.

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I actually just started Shadow of Revan on a character that I hadn't done the prelude on and when you run into the two characters that keep things together, characters you would have run into if you had done the prelude, they introduce themselves and talk about what they did during the prelude. Things that you weren't involved with if you skipped it.


So, skipping the prelude means that you didn't do it.


Great. This gives myagent a believeable way into the story. He wouls never .com makeb for marr .org work for arkous but being tricked into .org by a pretty woman- even a sith, is believable.

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Apologies. I made that post from a tablet and the auto correct did some strange things. Was in a hurry so did not check it when posted.


The main point was that my agent can pick up the story happily on Rishi, getting tricked into it by Lana is acceptable. That gets him into the Emperor storyline and back on working terms with at least Lana and Marr if not the Sith as a whole. Ziost is about him helping Lana. We never see the message Marr sends him to get him to join in KOTFE but I can head cannon it being on terms he can accept, from a Sith he respects and about a genuine threat.


The message he would never have responded to was Marr's Makeb summons - he went rogue at the end of the main story and would have told Marr where to shove his demands. Likewise working for Arkous. Lana can trick him back in and pique his interest, then the threat of the Emperor becomes motivation.

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