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Heroic missions are meant to be completed by group of players.

Still they are pretty soloable and rank 9 is just not enough.

Cleared H2 star fortress as jugg in pvp gear with 30 lvl HK. Didn't waste a single DCD on final boss.


Try again


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.



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I don't think anyone thought about low levels and their lack of skills to utilize.

No proper crowd control abilitys or stuns or even heals if you are the ones healing.

You are effectively locked out of content for your level because you are too low levelled! How Ironic!

I feel your pain though and I wish I could help you complete these Heroics :)


what people do not realize is a lot of these heroic are there for low levels to do not just 65s and with that people cant no run them now as they were meant to be ran with a comp and solo at even low levels

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SWTOR was never challenging, just tedious. It's more tedious than ever now.


I re-subbed on the promise of a more casual leveling experience. Now I've been given the opposite -- crap companions, no chance to gear them up or outlevel content.


The slog is slower than ever before. Unsubbing and not giving BW one more dime until this is fixed.

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By "she," I think he means Korrin Norrus from Republic's Last Gasp. Well, for starters, she's a level 21 mob, but she was one of the harder heroics 2 bosses, even before 4.0.


But a level 20 Op has more than enough tools at his disposal to kill her.


Kill the Jedi and the other trooper first. They're significantly easier and can be pacified with basic interrupts and stunning. Save your heroic moment.


Set Kali to heals.


Sleepy from stealth and kill the add. Before pulling, make sure Kali is standing on the ramp. You might have to pull with Snipe. But you want her out of the way. Keep both HOT stacks up at all times. Pop heroic moment. Heroic moment HOT, your HOT stacks, Kali's healing, and an emergency medpack should be more than enough to get you through the fight.


The trick is to interrupt her Grav round at all costs. Stagger with interrupt, hard stun, interrupt, Flashy for optimum CD time. And remember, Flashy also gives you 8 seconds of free healing. You used to be able to LOS interrupt by running around the crates behind her, but I haven't had the need to do that in a really long time, so IDK if it still works effectively.


The other trick is to get her to "waste" the aoe fire thing on the empty area down and to the right. This can be a bit harder than it sounds because you have to anticipate when she's going to use it. But she almost always casts it immediately after the first grav round. So, after pulling, get just in interrupt range and then immediately strafe to right a bit. If done right, you should then be able to stand between her and Kali and slice and dice. Leth might be a better choice than Con for the extra range, but I don't think it matters much.


If she does get the aoe going in melee range, you'll just have to hit her with snipe and grenades until it burns out.


She's tough, but I beat her once a long time ago with a 22ish mara and old Vette. (Because I forgot I had Quinn by then. :o ) It took several tries, but I did it.

Edited by Alphasgimaone
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Firstly you really shouldn't call people an idiot. Now are you referring to..."Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know."


If you are, he doesn't say they are designed to be soloed with your companion, rather that they CAN be completed that way...which they can. I think he was a bit clumsy with his wording, but there has been no real design change in what heroic 2's actually mean. They have always been significantly more difficult than the gameplay designed to be played solo, and they still are.


The game is also designed to be accessible to players who want to play in a group and so some content has to cater for them. The starforge missions are either challenging single player instances or fairly easy instances for 2 players. I don't think there is anything wrong with such content.


My only concern overall is whether all the planetary heroic 2's should have been the main recursive/grindy method for obtaining supply crates. I think there should have been an easy method for the casual player.

Nope it is "Meant TO be Solo with Comp counting as 2" because That is what is meant and the fact that the Comp was meant to like a player of the same level and gear.

Part of the reason is that the SF H2's are Story Arc so must be done and they know a lot don't like grouping

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Firstly you really shouldn't call people an idiot. Now are you referring to..."Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know."


If you are, he doesn't say they are designed to be soloed with your companion, rather that they CAN be completed that way...which they can. I think he was a bit clumsy with his wording, but there has been no real design change in what heroic 2's actually mean. They have always been significantly more difficult than the gameplay designed to be played solo, and they still are.


The game is also designed to be accessible to players who want to play in a group and so some content has to cater for them. The starforge missions are either challenging single player instances or fairly easy instances for 2 players. I don't think there is anything wrong with such content.


My only concern overall is whether all the planetary heroic 2's should have been the main recursive/grindy method for obtaining supply crates. I think there should have been an easy method for the casual player.


I had to give up on doing the Balmorra H2's with my lvl 20 cause Kaliyo just could keep up with the damage to me and her. "I think he was a bit clumsy with his wording" , you almost sound like obama's press ppl, Last fri morning he said on GMA "ISIS is contained, we have contained them", then Paris happened and his press ppl were asked about his comment about ISIS being contained and they said "Well he meant to say they are contained geographically" but that's not what he said. I use that example cause this sounds alot like that when EricM said what he said and pro nerf ppl are now saying "yea he said that BUT he rly meant it another way".

Edited by CombatLord
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Nope it is "Meant TO be Solo with Comp counting as 2" because That is what is meant and the fact that the Comp was meant to like a player of the same level and gear.

Part of the reason is that the SF H2's are Story Arc so must be done and they know a lot don't like grouping


He doesn't use the word meant, he uses the word can. If they are designed purely as solo content why even call them heroics? OP's are part of story arcs. Being part of a story arc has nothing to do with how many players the content is designed for.

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