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operative healer and tank companions - ah, screw it... /rant


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operative healer in 216-220 non-set bonus gear

pierce and senya influence rank 50 as tanks


all data crons, classes, companion stories, and using the cantina food buffs and medic droid presence buff


everything was easy until the boss. constantly at 72-78% and only got him below 50% with heroic moment active. lowest i got him was 35% twice in 3 hours.


not fun at all. gave up and will attempt when tanks get "gear" stats to defense, absorb, and shield. i spend way too much time and energy healing them. pierce did a better job at DPS but couldn't hold agro. senya could hold agro but couldnt dps.


the game is a waste of time. deployed so ping doesnt help me in the WZ. HMFP is out of the loop due to crap companions (even before the nerf, tanks still suck) speaking of the nerf, its a joke but noone is laughing. should have just nerfed operatives and gotten it over with. its what we all want anyways. :rolleyes:


after being with swtor since beta and dedicated sub since even while deployed 6-8 months out of the year mostlly without a computer to play. then add in the recent warnings and infractions and banns on both my forum accounts. im nearly done. guild left years ago. only pop on as F2P to see what changed. its never changed for the better so they stay away. was hoping 4.0 would bring back classic MMO gameplay and it has not. its for a more casual simple minded player.


there is no challenge in the game other than huge swings of power from one class to another. companions and kotfe story killed it for me. kotfe isnt even star wars. its wow with glowsticks. play thorugh it once and you wont put up with it again.


nothing for pvp, no new operations. just the removal of nim on the 2 classics. removal of abilities, merging of abilites, changing abilities from active to passive. what is going on BW? youve mirrored SOE SWG CU and NGE then wrapped it up over a year with small changes. when looked at as a whole it is worse than CU and NGE.


sorry this rant went from SFHM to F this game and its devs, but with 4.0 and 4.0.2 changes alone has people up in arms. im still pissed about hidden strike, acid blade, knockdown, and roll. concealment just wasnt fun. it felt clunky and at least heals on the op was a challenge at times. sorc is just laughable, pt is boring. jugg is juggy. :rolleyes:


ill go find something else to do and walk away. anyone want 2 CE accounts? screw selling items and giving away credits. just take the accounts off my hands

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