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I solo'd SF hm. My take on companion nerf


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Let me cover the solo, then I will get in to my opinion at the end.


I am a merc dps spec'd aresenal, geared in 224/220. I can offheal (wich was essential for this), know my rotation and openers well, and am a experianced raider. Prior to 4.0 I had 192 aug'd geared comp's so I know what they were capabale of doing before and after 4.0 . My Lana is currently lvl 33.


full clear of the alderan sf. no big problem with trash, but I did see that my health was dropping here and there. Lana was set as healer. First Paladin was eay enough, took out the trash, and lana kept me up long enough to drop it, although we were both below 25% by the end. Praet, first attempt, Lana as heals, Lana decides to spend here time DPS'ing instead of healing me. wipe on first attempt. Second attempt, Lana as tank, she stays up long enough tanking the non important adds, and not even bothering with praet, but I dps thru it. Second paladin, same thing. Lana as heals first attempt, she tries dps'ing instead, and we both die. 2nd attempt with her as tank, and I make it thru by dpsing like mad, although she is dead at the end. Last boss, I make it thru 3 rooms with lana as heals. 4th room, we eat it, with all the mechanices. I now slot unity and heroics, to see if thats what it takes, Lana tanks this time, and I pop unity. We get past the 4th room on the 3rd attempt. Final platform. Lana heals again, sentry gun up, she spends all her time trying to dps, and we die again. 2nd attempt Lana as tank, pop heroics, stil die. 3rd attempt. Lana as dps, turret up, pop unity, lana drops, then boss. close fight 5k health left.


Nerfing healing did not help fix companions. I found Lana trying to dps and stop healing me while she was in healer spec. Lag wasn't as bad in sf as compared to last week, but also helped destroy what little healing I was getting. In my opinion healing might have been overpowered after 4.0 release, but offset the problems with lag and spec issues companions are contending with. Now that healing has been drastically reduced the other issues companions have are going to be more difficult to deal with. So now instead of trying to tweak healing they are going to have to deal with the real issues companions have, wich is they don't do what they're suppose to be doing. It is just humorous to watch Lana, watch me 10-15 seconds in to a fight and do nothing, then take off to dps something when she is suppose to be healing me. When i was below 50% is was like she didn't even bother trying to heal me after that point. Are SF hm still soloable? Yes if you have end game gear and are a "expert" at a class that can off heal and dps (god help the rest of you). But the level of difficulty is far more than what I encounter in some hm op mechanices, and the risk is defintly not worth the reward.

Edited by digimass
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I found the same thing happened once in a while under the 4.0 system. Every so often they just.... didn't feel like healing. Eventually I found that if you got close enough to them they'd start, but not always.


Now... I don't know what they're doing. Taks don't hold aggro, healers take a break and let you die... I've never used so many medpacs in my life.


It's like.... playing with inexperienced pugs. Hmmm.....

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I found that Senya did the same thing - spent more time dpsing than healing. I check to make sure nothing was on cooldown for her (when we were both close to dying) and everything was fine - maybe she ran out of focus? I have no idea lol


I don't think comps have those kinds of pools like we do.


I'm noticing a trend here. pretty much everyone who is saying they made it through is overgeared which tells me someone who would want to do them for the gear wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting through it even with a rnk 50 comp.

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Sometimes the companion healers just stop healing altogether. Often they just stand there.


It partly happens because they seem to have some requirement that if they are melee they MUST get in range of the boss. But I don't care about their melee damage! I want them to heal!


Thank you for posting this I had been noticing this and was wondering if other people are experiencing the same thing.

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I don't think I could complete it with gear item 200 but my skill level isn't as great as a lot of people around here. I found it easy right up until the second reactor where it got tough, the third reactor was crazy. Senya and I were at 5% hp toward the end of the fight and I had to burn down 1 and 1/4 knights with that much hp - funny thing is, Senya didn't even cry for help like she normally does at that low hp and she was just dpsing away while all her heals were off cd.
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Sometimes the companion healers just stop healing altogether. Often they just stand there.


It partly happens because they seem to have some requirement that if they are melee they MUST get in range of the boss. But I don't care about their melee damage! I want them to heal!


Thank you for posting this I had been noticing this and was wondering if other people are experiencing the same thing.



I see that in Tank and DPS stance too. My main is a Merc (heals) and I primarily use HK as my comp. I have him to 31 Influence, plus my Legacy & presence which are pretty decent after 3 years. There are times where HK will literally just stand there while mobs beat on me, even with me triggering him to start the fight and (trying to) let him hold aggro. There were times during a few H2s the other day where mid fight, without being stunned or incapped he quite literally just stood there. All comps stand smack in the middle of AoE regardless of stance they're in. Meanwhile NPC mobs will AVOID AoE. Gee...how did they manage to make the NPC mobs smarter than your dang comp???


I keep reading these posts, dreading logging in to see how bad this all is.

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I'm noticing a trend here. pretty much everyone who is saying they made it through is overgeared which tells me someone who would want to do them for the gear wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting through it even with a rnk 50 comp.


Er, the post I made earlier I was in 208 gear and still gearing five slots...and in the successful solo run through I did I nabbed another 208 for my wrists. L16 companion. Its doable...at least for a tank. Might not be for dps with the same loadout, I can't speak to that.

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Er, the post I made earlier I was in 208 gear and still gearing five slots...and in the successful solo run through I did I nabbed another 208 for my wrists. L16 companion. Its doable...at least for a tank. Might not be for dps with the same loadout, I can't speak to that.


I remember and BTW I didn't take a shot at you I just mentioned that the class was designed to take a beating which might have attributed to you having a slightly easier time then say a gunslinger or a sorc wearing the same level of gear would of had

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I remember and BTW I didn't take a shot at you I just mentioned that the class was designed to take a beating which might have attributed to you having a slightly easier time then say a gunslinger or a sorc wearing the same level of gear would of had


Nods, and I sympathize with dps classes who get caught in a bind with this.


There is a part of me that sort of agrees with how things were once upon a time with tanks and healers being able to do a little more as it encourages their play - but not strong on that position and can see how it would drive a person crazy who is attached to a dps class.


Couple perks for incoming healing bonuses or something better/more creative for those classes might fix that right up.

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Er, the post I made earlier I was in 208 gear and still gearing five slots...and in the successful solo run through I did I nabbed another 208 for my wrists. L16 companion. Its doable...at least for a tank. Might not be for dps with the same loadout, I can't speak to that.


DPS who don't have better than 208 gear get screwed. Heal and dps comps are so bad that it's a challenge to kill even a single zakuul knight. Doing the trash with full specialist buffs is more tedious than pre nerf with no buffs. Nobody will be getting one for all ever again.


I could probably clear the instance, but at the rate of an hour+ for 4 common crystals, I'll pass. Yet another clear lack of foresight from BW/EA.

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Nods, and I sympathize with dps classes who get caught in a bind with this.


There is a part of me that sort of agrees with how things were once upon a time with tanks and healers being able to do a little more as it encourages their play - but not strong on that position and can see how it would drive a person crazy who is attached to a dps class.


Couple perks for incoming healing bonuses or something better/more creative for those classes might fix that right up.


I play primarily a marksman sniper which has to remain in one spot to use most of his best skills and the though of doing H2 Sfs even in 216 gear is not something I'm looking forwards too. :(

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Let me cover the solo, then I will get in to my opinion at the end.


I am a merc dps spec'd aresenal, geared in 224/220. I can offheal (wich was essential for this), know my rotation and openers well, and am a experianced raider. Prior to 4.0 I had 192 aug'd geared comp's so I know what they were capabale of doing before and after 4.0 . My Lana is currently lvl 33.


full clear of the alderan sf. no big problem with trash, but I did see that my health was dropping here and there. Lana was set as healer. First Paladin was eay enough, took out the trash, and lana kept me up long enough to drop it, although we were both below 25% by the end. Praet, first attempt, Lana as heals, Lana decides to spend here time DPS'ing instead of healing me. wipe on first attempt. Second attempt, Lana as tank, she stays up long enough tanking the non important adds, and not even bothering with praet, but I dps thru it. Second paladin, same thing. Lana as heals first attempt, she tries dps'ing instead, and we both die. 2nd attempt with her as tank, and I make it thru by dpsing like mad, although she is dead at the end. Last boss, I make it thru 3 rooms with lana as heals. 4th room, we eat it, with all the mechanices. I now slot unity and heroics, to see if thats what it takes, Lana tanks this time, and I pop unity. We get past the 4th room on the 3rd attempt. Final platform. Lana heals again, sentry gun up, she spends all her time trying to dps, and we die again. 2nd attempt Lana as tank, pop heroics, stil die. 3rd attempt. Lana as dps, turret up, pop unity, lana drops, then boss. close fight 5k health left.


Nerfing healing did not help fix companions. I found Lana trying to dps and stop healing me while she was in healer spec. Lag wasn't as bad in sf as compared to last week, but also helped destroy what little healing I was getting. In my opinion healing might have been overpowered after 4.0 release, but offset the problems with lag and spec issues companions are contending with. Now that healing has been drastically reduced the other issues companions have are going to be more difficult to deal with. So now instead of trying to tweak healing they are going to have to deal with the real issues companions have, wich is they don't do what they're suppose to be doing. It is just humorous to watch Lana, watch me 10-15 seconds in to a fight and do nothing, then take off to dps something when she is suppose to be healing me. When i was below 50% is was like she didn't even bother trying to heal me after that point. Are SF hm still soloable? Yes if you have end game gear and are a "expert" at a class that can off heal and dps (god help the rest of you). But the level of difficulty is far more than what I encounter in some hm op mechanices, and the risk is defintly not worth the reward.


This, exactly this. I don't have endgame gear, a mix of 208/216/220 and I managed a H2+ SF solo but it was, uh, challenging isn't the word. If I didn't have experience as a hard-core endgame raider in other games (even though I specifically don't do that here) I doubt I would have been able to do it. For BW to say these should be soloable still is kind of BS - the average player won't be able to do it. And, to add insult to injury, even though I did do it the rewards are not commensurate with effort. So, I won't - I'll just stick to the H2 missions and be bored for the grind.


Yes, it can be done. No, it's not fun. No, I doubt I will do it again - I only did it post-patch to see if I could.


That being said, if you can't solo regular H2+ content (Not SF) then maybe you need to revisit how to best utilize your skills. I found these, regardless of planet, to be just as easy as they were before the patch. And again, I don't raid, ever - it's an addiction thing and I now avoid it like the plague.


BTW, I've been here for the long haul - Account Creation Date: 03.18.11 - I've been through it all. ;)

Edited by asinthe
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Part of the problem might be using Lana? She is a melee character after all, regardless of stance. If you had used as ranged, it might have healed more? Just wondering.


Nope I use a long ranged healing companion and have same issues along with some others, Like line of sight stops healing getting to u and if u lose agro the healing companion ignores you almost 80% of the time until you regain agro and then companions has healed himself back up to about 50%. granted my companion is lvl 39 and not 50 yet but this with the nerf makes healing companions feel worthless, along with tanking companions.

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Part of the problem might be using Lana? She is a melee character after all, regardless of stance. If you had used as ranged, it might have healed more? Just wondering.


so we should use specific companions for specific quests ? i thought the whole point of having each companion being able to fulfill the different roles, was so that we were not forced to use characters we did not like just to progress.


TLDR companions are broken.

Edited by Extinctionzone
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